2 thoughts on “Local Websites

  1. I was shocked to read this story online. How can a child be taken away from their foster parents due to their parents’ political beliefs? And if they can do it to foster parents, how long will it be before children of bloodline parents are taken away for the same reason? And it happened in Rotherham!


    This is a human rights issue that should be highlighted..


    • Saw this – didn’t pay much attention, i didn’t read all the post. Switched the TV on and what is the headline on BBC Breakfast? This – and it did happen in Rotherham…..

      Talk about shooting yourself in the foot……this is reloading and having a pot shot at the other…

      What absolute fools………what is the justification for this?

      Compare their actions on this to hiding the grooming scandal…….

      Gorgeous George will love this one, straight into his hands….

      Rothpol – I think this needs a heading all of its own 🙂


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