Help Wanted!

For some time now Rothpol has been documenting an accurate picture of Jahangir Akhtar in the posting, Jahangir Akhtar the unauthorised version.

Designed to get behind the political spin, it has relied on information from many different sources.

Rothpol has had many other pieces of information that have yet to feature, mostly because as yet, they cannot be proved, without further corroboration.

That is where Rothpol’s readers come in. You are the ones with this valuable information, please share it with us, email Rothpol!

The full truth must now come out. There are many victims of Akhtar’s outrageous behaviour out there! Now is the time to act!

It turns out that Jahangir Akhtar is not untouchable, as he often claimed to be!

17 thoughts on “Help Wanted!

  1. I think this borders on harassment! If you have any decency you will allow him to clear his name before letting the usual haters have their say on when he should be hung: drawn and quartered in public. Yes, I will receive the old story about being morally corrupt and all sorts of dribble however do try to keep to a standard where personal vendettas are not included. I am sure that one day many will owe him an apology!


  2. Let him clear his name ? You obviously assume the guy is innocent of any wrong doing and there lies the problem with this town. People who are so deeply entrenched inthe labour party they are unable to see the truth. Whether he covered up his involvement and family association or not what is indisputable is his position when these heinous crimes were being conducted. Shame on him and the rest of them who covered up child rape to save their own skins !


  3. Graham: how can this possibly be harassment when this odious person is involved in one of the biggest scandals this town has known! It’s the Labour councillors who owe the rest of the town an apology for choosing this convicted thug and bully as the deputy leader of the council. There’s a catalogue of misbehaviour from this person and his relatives (his drug addict brother was put on trial for the attempted robbery of a post office) and he is simply not fit to be a public representative. If this vile man is re-selected as the candidate for Rotherham West then all I can say is the other Labour members like him have no shame and the Labour voting people of this town deserve all they get from him! I know the groomer Ash Hussain and he like Asbo is a nasty piece of work. Jessica in the story says she was warned by her friends to keep away from him because he was a nutcase! In my opinion he is nothing less than a psychopath!


  4. Graham well said, surely the comments on here should be focused against the Forster parents who had the responsibility for the young girl, the police, the council and the social services, this is harassment against Akhtar who was then ONLY a taxi driver. This horrific incident occurred prior to him becoming a councillor, AKhtar has done what anyone would have done if they knew the family, ring the mother! this just shows that he reacted quickly to get the young girl back, rest has not been proven. I went on this to read about ash Hussain who is the main culprit or against the police or even the foster parents but instead people are wasting time harassing Akhtar, is this some sort of personal Attack not the welfare of the town, this isn’t about labour this is about the social services system. I personally don’t like Akhtar but I agree with graham this is harassment against him on here. He has resigned for the investigation to be done, he is not the one guilty of grooming


    • He’s temporarily resigned Emma no doubt on the advice of his cronies until it blows over ! I suggest you investigate the historical ineptitide of this individual before passing comment n if a true n impartial investigation is carried out you will hang your heads in shame ! I’ve had the unfortunate pleasure of witnessing the ineptitude . You know a mere fraction of the reported facts and one can only assume you’re guided by politically biast . I don’t imagine you’ve ever experienced fostering a troubled teen ? Unfortunately it’s not bed n lights out after emmerdale. Ultimately the foster parents are overseen by Rmbc. The buck starts at all levels but ends at the top of the chain.


  5. Where the hell has this odious specimen of a sorry human gone?
    He’s another one that was that far up asbos arse that everytime asbo opened his mouth ten bellies would pop out and say BOOOOOO!!!!! All of a sudden he’s gone to ground? Oh how the “I think I’m mighty” fall eh? He’s also one if the cretins that is a right hand man for the ghandu family, normally in the past this slimey snake, 10 faced, 6 tongues liar has been a middle man acting as a so called community mediater everytime the ghandus have gone and beat some poor family up, in would charge ten bellies dressed in his extra large cape saying “ill sort it”. Yet he’s nowhere to be seen this time……. Maybe it’s the fact that there’s that many people in the opposite side this time that he’s decided to switch sides like normal? Or maybe he’s like his normal slimey self and playing both sides against each other? But then he’s had a good teacher because from what I’ve been told old man Bostan used to be the same when he worked at London and Scandinavian years ago, he would cause arguments and fight between work colleagues by playing one against the other and then moving back to watch the show……. But then old man Bostan DID used to be best friends with old man ghandu. Oh how things start getting connected and building a TRUE picture…….. The TRUTH ALWAYS comes out, watch out you slime balls, you know who you are- asbo, Bostan dirty 7, dirty 3 dozen ghandus, Arif pc I’m a community leader but invisible gulam, azher choota Charlie……. They all p and then eat out the same plate.


    • Where the hell has this odious specimen of a sorry human gone?
      He’s another one that was that far up asbos arse that everytime asbo opened his mouth ten bellies would pop out and say BOOOOOO!!!!! All of a sudden he’s gone to ground? Oh how the “I think I’m mighty” fall eh? He’s also one if the cretins that is a right hand man for the ghandu family, normally in the past this slimey snake, 10 faced, 6 tongues liar has been a middle man acting as a so called community mediater everytime the ghandus have gone and beat some poor family up, in would charge ten bellies dressed in his extra large cape saying “ill sort it”. Yet he’s nowhere to be seen this time……. Maybe it’s the fact that there’s that many people in the opposite side this time that he’s decided to switch sides like normal? Or maybe he’s like his normal slimey self and playing both sides against each other? But then he’s had a good teacher because from what I’ve been told old man Bostan used to be the same when he worked at London and Scandinavian years ago, he would cause arguments and fight between work colleagues by playing one against the other and then moving back to watch the show……. But then old man Bostan DID used to be best friends with old man ghandu. Oh how things start getting connected and building a TRUE picture…….. The TRUTH ALWAYS comes out, watch out you slime balls, you know who you are- asbo, Bostan dirty 7, dirty 3 dozen ghandus, Arif pc I’m a community leader but invisible gulam, azher choota Charlie……. They all p and then eat out the same plate.


      • You see he’s worried cos now asbo is wiping and trying to save his own arse and can no longer promise Bostan or his dad any councillor seat, the ghandu family can’t ask him to act mediater no more because people of wellgate don’t want to know so really the only people Saj Bostan has to rely on is his own brothers and even the they don’t want to know because one if them has problems of his own 🙂


  6. As someone who has always refused to join any political party (yes all know I’m a dedicated lefty but I refer to campaign on issues) can I refute the allegation posted on RothPol, that on my part at least, the campaign to get to the truth regarding Mr Akhtar and others in ‘The Grooming Scandal’ is politically motivated. Can I also state I do not have an ‘axe to grind’ and insist that I am not ‘harassing’ Mr Akhtar by expressing an opinion, asking questions or presenting evidence from time to time on the issue of Child Grooming.

    You see all I want is the truth and from a personal perspective far too many questions remain unanswered. For instance, it may be Mr Akhtar is guilty? It may be he innocent? It may be that he knows all? It may be he was so ‘out of touch’ that he knew nothing of what went on? It maybe that Mr Akhtar was leading a campaign to ‘cover up‘ or ‘cover up the cover up’; or it may be that he was ‘kept out of the pool by ‘others‘.’ The problem is that there are so many ‘may be’s’’ – so many questions unanswered – and that is what worries me; boy does it worry me.

    Still being open to all sides of the arguemnt I have a little suggestion that will ’may be ’ help clarify matters. It’s not rocket science (how could it be – I struggle with basic science) but I feel it not only will (maybe) put my mind at rest but also help to clarify the debate.

    What I would like to suggest is there are ways to stop the accusations of criminality within RMBC in any shape of from continuing; or for that matter confirm guilt.

    For Instance:

    Mr Akhtar could publicly state that he welcomes a transparent, independent, impartial and publicly accountable inquiry and that he will give open evidence and answer all questions at this.

    Mr Akhtar could state that all public and private records and accounts (including those of elected and non elected officials at RMBC) will be provided to an independent inquiry or ‘third party’ police force without interfearnce.

    Mr Akhtar could promise, on oath, that all witnesses will be fully supported and be protected from any form of harassment and bullying by receiving counsel and support from a confidential ‘third party’ totally independent of RMBC.

    Mr Akhtar could demand that RMBC release the full findings and transcripts of their response to the Parliamentary Inquiry in to how RMBC handled the ‘Child Grooming Scandal‘.

    Mr Akhtar could demand that all his fellow elected and non elected ‘colleagues’ involved in the issue to do the same.

    Mr Akhtar (and the others named later) could contact ‘The Home Affairs Select Committee’ and promise to all of the above.

    Of course if Mt Akhtar is unable to do this, feeling he may incriminate himself, or he that hasn‘t the power to do so, then someone else, may be able to do so; may I suggest Mr Stone, Mr Lakin, Mr Wright, Mr Kimber, Ms Thacker or the South Yorkshire Police perhaps; or is asking for total transparency from this little list (for now) too much to ask? Maybe?

    SKT xxxx


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