A fundraising Mug?

Image kindly supplied anonymously from a labour member:

Labour Mug

Can anyone tell labour from the Tories? I can’t!

Our contributor offers a link this time:

Instead of labour flogging their racist red immigration coffee mugs that pander to ukip and bigotry  they should circulate this…..

Cassetteboy – Emperor’s New Clothes rap: https://youtu.be/vbLGG5UGEKw

14 thoughts on “A fundraising Mug?

  1. This is an insult to Labour and all decent people. Its time to ditch the racism to curry favour to those with prejudice and get back to fighting tories and kippers on principles, integrity and decent politics


    • No, it isn’t racism and neither is it prejudice, it’s common sense. The real insult to Labour principles, integrity and decency was RMBC.


    • I rather think that Rotherham, and other towns & cities blighted by Pakistani grooming gangs, facilitated by the Labour party are ample proof that that party has neither principles nor integrity.


  2. We condemn the Labour Party for releasing the “Controls on Immigration” mug. By doing it, they have undermined campaigns that are currently taken place around the UK in the run up to the General Election. They run the risk of deflating activists who are working so hard to return the Labour Party to government. And, most importantly, they stigmatise thousands of people who have come to the UK over the generations and now call it their home.It is true that our public services are over-stretched and jobs are at a premium, but that’s the result of successive governments failing in their duty to provide for the country’s population; not the fault of migrants. So, instead of taking the easy route and playing the blame game, we need commitments from the Labour Party to fund public services, and create employment opportunities, that will meet the needs of our country’s wonderfully diverse and growing population, now and for future generations.If the leadership can’t say anything positive about the benefits of migration and can’t dispel the lies that other political parties and the media perpetuate, then they should say nothing at all. You can’t out-UKIP UKIP, and hyping up the anti-immigration rhetoric plays straight into Nigel Farage’s hands. We urge all those within the labour movement to disassociate themselves from the message this mug sends out. As Diane Abbott MP said “This shameful mug is an embarrassment. But real problem is that immigration controls are one of our 5 pledges at all “


  3. Some simple facts:

    My family Doctor, a GP has her roots in India.

    The surgeons she asked for my case to be looked at had their family roots in Pakistan and here in Yorkshire.

    The team that made sure I made a good recovery came from their family roots in Barnsley, Pakistan and India.

    Who is the Mug?


    • Anon
      That is a great post and so true

      The NHS and transport would be nothing if it weren’t for the commitment of its workforce where many are migrants from Ireland and the former commonwealth nations who have made Britain their home and where many are now 3rd and 4th generation.


  4. Not going to get into racist baiting by UKIP and their ilk
    As it says….
    stigmatising thousands of people who have come to the UK over the generations and now call it their home.It is true that our public services are over-stretched and jobs are at a premium, but that’s the result of successive governments failing in their duty to provide for the country’s population; not the fault of migrants. Its taking the easy route and playing the blame game


    • But hasn’t what the Pakistani rapist’s in Rotherham has done, remember they weren’t just young adults abusing these little white girls. Some of them were men with families. So in effect they have stigmatise their community by there actions and this same community failure to see what was going on and stoping it.


  5. No one is questioning the immigrants that have come to this country during past years at the time the figures were low and jobs were a plenty. But the problem is the HERE and NOW!! NO houses, CAN’T get a doctor/hospital appointment, a PREFERRED place at a school for your child a decent FULL TIME job with a decent wage it goes on and on

    People talk about the NHS COLLAPSING with out immigration there are thousands of our own home grown doctors and nurses leaving our country for abroad because they can’t get jobs here
    We pay out millions a year to African countries to help train their Doctors and nurses as they are in short supply there then what do we do CREAM them off so they can come and work here

    This country is not getting it right on immigration and the sooner we get a party in that is not scared to sort it the better. But yet again anyone who dares to attempt it is labelled a RACIST the POLITICAL CORRECT brigade strikes again ! I thought we would have learned our lesson in Rotherham as it was POLITICAL CORRECTNESS gone crazy that have got us in to the mess we’re in now


  6. @ dave and anonymous.
    “We urge all those within the labour movement to disassociate themselves from the message this mug sends out.”
    “Who is the Mug?”
    Both of you IMHO have completely misinterpreted the message.
    I would like both of you to tell me why the points systems for immigration in force in Australia and Canada is wrong and ‘racist’.
    None of the political parties-Tories, Labour, Lib-Dems, UKIP, Greens and SNP has said they are in favour of or advocated a total ban on immigration. If immigrants want to live and work in Britain why is it wrong to expect them to have a job waiting for them, that they are financially self sufficient and have somewhere to live?
    Or are both of you suggesting we should not have any border controls at all and just let every Tomaz, Riccardo and Hamza walk in without any checks or restrictions? That every immigrant can and should immediately claim welfare benefits and social housing on arrival?
    “It is true that our public services are over-stretched and jobs are at a premium, but that’s the result of successive governments failing in their duty to provide for the country’s population; not the fault of migrants” What does ‘failing in their duty to provide for the country’s population’ mean in your world?.
    We are not discussing 2nd or 3rd generation families of immigrants, we need to restrict the numbers of immigrants-of whatever ethnicity- who want to enter Britian who have nothing to offer in skills or expertise to help our country grow and prosper.


  7. @ Dave.
    “…our country’s wonderfully diverse…population…”Innate human nature being what it is our recently diverse society has led to segregation and in order to try and overcome said human nature successive governments have used the law. I fail to see how a population that is more divided and has to be ruled by coercion more than before can possibly be described in any way as wonderful.


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