Breaking News – Rotherham targeted!


The following presentation featuring Brian Gerrish, a retired Naval Officer from the UK Column, is an absolute must watch for all viewers of Rotherham Politics.
I urge that you watch it yourself and then post it as a matter of urgency. I agree entirely with Brain Gerrish’s deeply profound and deeply disturbing analysis.

Tony Farrell
Former Principal Intelligence Analyst of South Yorkshire Police

49 thoughts on “Breaking News – Rotherham targeted!

  1. I wanted to send this to rothpol lasw week . I wish I had. This isnt scare mongering. Its the only thin g that makes sense of the chaos being created at the moment. I urge everyone to start researching this one world agenda its truley shocking. The terrorists are the ones in suits. While we look at where theyr pointing theyr taking away our life as we know it. Its time for people to stand up for truth justice democracy and peace.


      • Oh, well I really don’t understand this clever economic stuff – I just listen to that humpty-dumty Northern Irish chap, er, what’s his name , erm ……. Mike Rubishson to educate me. I mean, someone like me couldn’t possibly understand economics and the financial sector. I’m just a simpe chap.


  2. Well that’s 28 minutes of my life I wont get back.

    There are some truths amongst some of the individual issues that are raised but there is a lot of linking facts with guess work to fit a particular agenda. Its very much akin to David Icke’s ‘New Age conspiracism’ (but without the lizards and son of God).

    I’m sorry, I just don’t get this thing that the Nazi’s are taking over the world and that there is an underground, coordinated conspiracy to undermine society to replace it with a Marxist/Nazi regime.

    Lets get it right, throughout history society has always evolved and changed and it continues to do so today. To me, that’s all we are seeing in these supposed planned occurrences that are being purported to be undermining everything we stand for. (Although I’m not saying that some of the things that are happening are not damaging to us all, they are).

    As individuals and as a society we have become more outspoken, more willing to express ourselves in a way that we never have done before. We have more freedoms and access to information now than we ever have before but with those freedoms come dangers which our political classes and security forces have to adapt to whilst working with both hands tied behind their backs both morally and legally.

    Then there’s the Rotherham issue. There is an accusation that there is an emphasis by the media to promote a ‘Divide and Antagonise’ approach by over playing the abuse of children by Muslims but not even mentioning the role of white men. What? In Rotherham, over 1400 children were abused by men who came mainly from the Asian community. To not mention that is to ignore the facts, its got nothing to do with antagonising anyone.

    The BBC were even accused of over mentioning the Asian aspect in order to generate an antagonistic approach to Muslims. My recollection is that the BBC seemed to go to great lengths NOT to mention the role of Asians in CSE! It seems to me that the BBC, like all of our public establishments on any issue you care to raise, are dammed if they do and dammed if they don’t.

    I saw it as a twisting of the facts and issues to suit a conspiracy agenda and not in a very credible way in my eyes. I’m off to do a little more research on the UK Column and see what else they have to say.

    Don’t worry, I’ll be wearing my tinfoil hat to protect me from the aliens and cosmic mind rays!

    The Badger.


    • TB
      Even Ickes thinks Gerrish is an utter-nutter. (…but I hope you’re not going to ask me for a source for that assertion, I just don’t want to ever go back there).
      Any truths that you find in any of Gerrish’s writing are purely accidental.


      • Well, well, well – what do we have here? A collection of people attempting to rubbish, with absolutely NO FACTS whatsoever, the UK Column, the BCG and the many other people who have connected the dots . And for your information, I’ve known David Icke personally for twenty-five years and he has a lot of respect for Brian Gerrish.


  3. Don’t waste your time researching the UK Column.
    It really isn’t worth the effort, but it’s really good for a laugh to see Gerrish and his collection of real-life garden gnomes.
    I call them the Gerrish Collection.


    • Thanks for the warning Paul but too late! I had to look but my goodness the moon howlers abound on that website.

      I gave up after the first paragraph of article “Trans-humanism: The Consumption of Man”

      The B.


      • There is really only one alternative media site worth looking at if you haven’t looked at : Exaro , They have always been a serious outlet and have done some good investigative journalism. Their work on Dolphin Square and Elm Guest House have been the source of all the main stream media articles.


      • What “facts” do you want ? You want me to cut open Gerrish’s head and examine his brain ? He’s a conspiracy theory idiot who distirts and misuses information and extrapolates the specific into the general – that’s a common method by these looneys.


  4. But what troubles e is that Rothpol may actually see this as “Breaking News” rather than “Broken Views”, or maybe he is just publishing any nonsense that he is sent. .Is this the current Rothpol Editorial Policy?


    • Editorial policy remains the same as it’s always been, as wide of choice of information as possible. How else can we judge for ourselves, Rothpols readers are not stupid! On your final point, publication does not imply endorsement and never has.


    • Love the way RR keeps asking Rothpol about “Editorial Policy”
      This is a blog for heaven’s sake, not a governmental department that needs a policy document every time Rothpol makes a new post !


    • If you worked for the Bank for International Settlements, let’s have your REAL name, your position at the BIS and the dates you worked there so that we can do some checking as to whether or not you are telling the truth!


  5. We are supposed to believe that two diametrically opposed systems, Marxism and fascism are coming together to rule the world; I don’t know what substance they have been abusing but it must be pretty powerful stuff.
    Dave Smith


    • And how much do you know about how the world’s money supply is controlled? And how money is created? What do you know about the Bank for International Settlements? The Bradbury Pound? The Bilderberg Group? The Trilateral Commission? The Council on Foreign Relations? The Committee of 300? Thought so! What a sad IGNORANT fellow you are! Time to come out of the nursery!


  6. Government is Antoinesque.
    Politics is broken.
    Democracy is dead.
    Parliament is not fit for purpose.
    Government has become the enemy of the People.

    This government is corrupt.
    The corruption is absolute, lead from the top down, and out of control.
    Being rotten to the core and from the core, everything it touches it taints.
    Having neither the will nor ability to change, outside intervention is indicated.

    Any persons who fail to act appropriately when faced with corruption,
    or condone in any way the actions of those determined as corrupt,
    become, by definition, corrupt themselves.

    There comes a time when, for the sake of humanity, society and civilisation,
    it is not only the choice of a person to throw out corrupt governance,
    but a duty.

    The banksters are but one part of ‘the establishment ‘ that depends upon corruption to exist.
    The inextricable entanglement is both endemic and systemic.

    It is those in power who are the terrorists, having destroyed our society from within.


  7. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Your all quick to judge anyone as stupid for not thinking the way you do. You all know what happened here stinks. Why no aid ? Why no help? Why still does noone want to know, unless their gaining kudos? Theresa may aswell be jimmy savile. The home office let this go on. I dont expect anyone to believe anything theyr told. I did think people would be up in arms over “childgate” and part deux “babygate” (the 100+ stolen babies). You can believe this though. When they come for a child in your family and you start looking into legislation and follow the money your going to realise the state having more right over the labour of your loins than you , that the decision makers who tell you the laws are there to keep you safe. Or are they to keep them safe and you in fear? Thats the question that you should be answering. Labelling people crazy is again just an opinion. Happily I was able to voice my opinion at our town hall last year. Now they can arrest me for being an extremist.


    • Of course there are problems – this is self-evident.
      The solution to those problems is to identify the cause and remove it.
      People like Gerrish and his ilk are a nuisance because they are a distraction from identifying the true cause of the problems.
      Sitting in his little pretend-studio and reading extracts from newspapers and internet websites doesn’t make the least difference.
      Only Direct Action and mass protest , by which I mean non-violent civil disobedience , is the only way to make change. It is how the poll-tax was scrapped.
      It is no use relying on politicians, who are now a social class on their own, because we no longer have a true representative democracy.
      If people sit on their arse and are happy to watch Eastenders and Big Brother while people’s children are being taken away and their neighbours’ homes repossessed, then that is what they have allowed to happen.
      I don’t see how Gerrish has made the slightest differece, except to report what others have done.


      • If it wasn’t for Brian Gerrish we wouldn’t know about Common Purpose.and how the ‘Enemy within’ operates. You are either very thick and programmed or you are in the pay of those who don’t want the truth to come out. It’s one or t’other!


      • In a nutshell hes saying the same as you isnt he ? Mass peaceful protest. Lawful rebellion. For a civilised moral stance against corruption.


      • Muad’Dib, the film-maker of the 7/7 Ripple Effect II did 157 days in prison. What was his crime? Telling the truth to the nation about a state sponored false flag attack in London that blamed it on the Muslims. South Yorkshire Police played out their wicked part in the subsequent cover-up. They were just the government’s footsoldiers.
        Watch 7/7 Ripple Effect II and wake up to the reaL threat within our midst!


  8. What I find most worrying about this video is the two men speaking to the camera.
    Are they real human beings or robots programmed and controlled by the Illuminati to control us ?
    They certainly didn’t spend too much time learning effective communication techniques.

    martin brighton, your post seems to be rather “scripted” too. You sure you’ve not been brain -washed yourself ?


    • I have a theory. Here it is.
      99% of what Gerrish says is ACTUALLY true. So he’s been put in place by these people who are part of the conspiracy to put it all “in your face”.
      Now, here’s the clever counter-intelligence bit ……..
      Just when everyone starts to believe Gerrish, he starts to say things that are so ridiculous that no one believes him anymore. that means of course, that no one will believe the 99% that is actually true, and everyone dismisses it out of hand.

      For exaple, just when you become convinced that the Police are all paedophiles at the top, the politicians are all corrupt , and a marxist Police State is the objective, Ge3rrish says ….. ” Well i have proof that they are all shape-shifting reptiles” ……
      Everything discredited, even the truth.
      That’s my conspiracy theory.
      I think I may satrt a YouTube Channel.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I’ve known Brian Gerrish for nearly ten years. He is a thoroughly decent and honourable man who cannot abide injustice in any shape or form. He has helped numerous victims of the paedophile network that is unlawfully taking children from their parents. You are just SO wrong……but you know that, don’t you?


  9. If Gerrish is right this is what will happen: Commissioners will hold off Rotherham elections in 2016, there will then be a spate of Jay reports in all towns where cse stems predominantly from Asian communities. Commissioners will be inserted into all those communities and local elections will likewise be stopped. Can’t see any of those things happening without huge repercussions. You don’t need to be a genius to predict that there will be antagonism between communities over cse but I think there is enough goodwill in Rotherham to get over this. Most antagonism is stirred up by groups from outside the town.


  10. Guys, seriously, this is not a conspiracy it’s a fact and the evidence is staring yo in the face. Look at what the Police are doing and have done. The Court system is corrupt and the MP’s have been getting away with Pedophilia. The Govt have created terrorism by waging illegal wars – are some people really that blind


    • Wow a Gerrish muppet in the making ….. . Repeat after me ……. ” it’s very dangerous” …… ” it’s worrying ” …. ” it’s in your face ” …… you can be a Gerrish minion yet. Keep trying. You CAN do it.


    • Look. yes. I know all that. It’s obvious. It has ALWAYS been so. It’s not some NEW conspiracy – it’s because of the “Old Boys network ” , nepotism , and Freemasonry plays a part also. Some people are just downright thick , put in place and promoted because they said the right things at interviews, knew the right people and kissed the right arses and they are too thick to pose a therat to their superiors.
      That’s not some global conspiracy – it’s just how it’s always been.
      Just look at Stone, Wright, and that complete idiot Thacker – the problem is with them.

      The idea that the government is stoking up community tensions to take over councils is so absurd it’s just laughable.

      The answer is to tackle those issues , not to get sidetracked into thinking it’s some super powerful cobal of clever minds out to have their wicked way with the population. The clever minds are already sitting comfortably, and they don’t give a monkey’s fart about the “common people” . They control the money supply and they have all the power they need already.

      Gerrish is a misguided fool, barking up the wrong tree and amuzing himself with silly theories.. It’s just THAT simple.


      • “they control the money supply”, you say and yet in one of your rantings above you say “I really don’t understand this clever economic stuff”. And then you say “that’s not some global conspiracy”. Mmmmm! The control of money supply is quite definitely global (look up The Bank for International Settlements), And there is a definite conspiracy when it comes to the international banking cartel being allowed to create money completely out of thin air as debt. Methinks that you are either a very confused and sad individual or you have a definite agenda against The UK Column. Your inconsistencies just don’t add up!


  11. I’ve just wasted 30 minutes of my life thanks to Rothpol’s “editorial policy”.
    Listening to that garbage was worse than Top Gear…………come to think of it, is Jeremy Clarkson involved with UK Column?


    • Obviously jeremy isnt or he might have dared give a shit about rotherhams children . Turn a blind eye jezza. Hes a bigger twat than I thought even he could possibly be.


    • Jeremy Clarkson is a Common Purpose plant in the BBC. He has used Neuro Linguistic Programming techniques in all Top Gear programs and he turns communities against each other by using racial slurs.
      But don’t worry. Brain , sorry, Brian, Gerrish is on his case.


    • My salary at GCHQ is fine thanks – and a really good pension – and I get to hassle all sorts of loonies. I love my job.


      • Sshhh Paul, you know the Official Secrets Act prevents you from talking about such things.

        (You have signed it haven’t you, I know I have)

        The B.


  12. Well I take a few weeks out to look after my Mom and come on back on Rothpol to this pathetic twaddle. Is it spoof? If so its lost on me. Never mind ‘The Hunt for Red October’ it’s more ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo Nest’ without the satire. Seems it’s ‘Medication Time’ for the authors. Get out the Baco foil hats lads.

    I’m afraid. Afraid I can’t stop laughing that is. Please tell me its Rothpol’s belated April Fool. It’s up there with ‘World War Bomber Found on Moon’ and ‘Greenfly Hate my Lover” as far as ‘breaking news’ is concerned.Complete balderdash. Have they been sectioned yet?

    Were do they get these people from? A Tea Party Convention? Fascist / Marxist conspiracy? More like a conspiracy theorists on something illegal I reckon.

    SKT xxxx

    PS: just in case some may miss my point. – it’s cuckkkkkkkkkkkkkoooooooooooooooooooooo.


    • Sally, this piece of fantasy has provided endless amusement for readers. Conspiracy theorists can be more than a bit ‘off the wall’ but Rothpols readers like to examine all aspects of the web! Maintaining a healthy skepticism is always advised, no matter the source.
      Glad to see you back Sally, your down to earth good sense has been missed and hope your Mum is OK.


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