Trident vote

How did my MP vote on renewing Trident? Search by name or constituency after heated nuclear debate

MPs have voted to renew Britain’s Trident nuclear deterrent by a thumping majority – with Labour split three ways.

Trident vote

The Commons backed replacing the Vanguard submarines that carry Britain’s 225 warheads with four Successors costing £31bn by 472 to 117, with a Government majority of 355.

So what side was your MP on – and what does it mean?

Search by name or constituency in our widget below to find out.

Tomorrow MPs are deciding whether to renew a redundant, dangerous and expensive nuclear weapons system: Trident. I will be voting to rid our country of weapons of mass destruction, and I need your help to get other MPs to join me.

Please share this image, on social media and by forwarding this email, to build the pressure on other MPs before the vote tomorrow.

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Trident is not only a threat to our collective global security, it is a colossal waste of public funds. Even the cautious estimates of the House of Commons’ Library puts the cost at a towering £110bn.

If we ditch Trident, the government could invest in what the armed forces themselves believe they need to do their job – like the best possible safety equipment. We could give our NHS the resources needed to cut waiting times, and build new hospitals.  

If we are to scrap Trident, we must guarantee the jobs of those working at in the nuclear industry. There is no just transition away from nukes if we don’t protect people’s livelihoods.

Ditching Trident, and joining the vast majority of countries without nuclear weapons, would be the common sense decision for Parliament to take – and it would be the right thing to do. So please do all you can to pressure your MP to vote for scrapping Trident.

Best wishes,

Caroline Lucas MP

12 thoughts on “Trident vote

  1. And then what do we do to defend ourselves throw rocks at the Russians or north Koreans having a nuclear deterrent is the safest way of maintaining peace


  2. “If we are to scrap Trident, we must guarantee the jobs of those working at in the nuclear industry.”
    Another totally stupid comment from a tree hugging, lefty sandalista.
    She ‘forgot’ to qualify her silly comment by failing to mention what jobs she proposes for the 7000 employees who would be redundant.
    Making bicycles for the masses or sandals from old tyres and rope perhaps?

    Her version of a nuclear free Britain would see a mass exodus of highly skilled and specialist engineers emigrating to other countries.

    Russia. France.China.Pakistan.India. Israel as well as the USA and Britain have nuclear weapons.
    Has Lucas written to Putin and Xi Jinping condemning them as well?
    I doubt it.
    Stupid Female Bovine.


    • I’m not sure we need to resort to such insults Colin.

      All those who are justifying Trident replacement (including some trade union leaders) on the premise that it will safeguard jobs seem to ignore the fact that whilst we remain within the EU we are subject to the EU procurement laws. I will be amazed (and I hope I am) if a British firm wins the contract to build the submarines.


  3. I hope by the time contracts are ready to be signed we will have discarded EU procurement laws, they discriminate against British companies.

    As for ‘insults’ Lucas and her loony party have absolutely nothing to offer in the way of alternative jobs for the 1000’s of people involved in nuclear engineering and weapons research.
    There is no point whatsoever saying “I’m agin it” if you cannot offer a viable alternative.
    I’ll start to believe Lucas and her ilk when she and they protest in person in Moscow or Bejing.

    If she believes only Britain should abandon nuclear weapons she’s a bigger fool than she looks.


  4. Robin as a union man you really are not much in the know
    How many major British warships have not been built in the UK
    How many British jobs will this bring
    And you and Corbyn and Sarah Champion want to put our defence at a even lower capability as it is at present
    But I forgot Your Labour mates sent our troops to a war without adiquat protected and many lives were lost so no change their then


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