Another Ged Dempsey letter, in the Morning Star

The scan below is self explanatory, I would have published this earlier but it was not available until now, I am sure readers will find it interesting,

Silence then, from every other member of the Labour Party in Rotherham!

This would appear to be ‘cover up’ strategy for the moment?

They can run away, like the cowards that they are, but they will not stop us from getting to the truth, despite their attempts to stop us doing so.


12 thoughts on “Another Ged Dempsey letter, in the Morning Star

  1. Where is the cover-up, by all accounts the below is from Jay, and Casey endorsed the same views, only the infamous missing minutes were pointing towards cover-up, which have now been found. The following 6 reports have the same undertones as the narrative supplied by whistleblowers, surely Jay said indifferently to our assumptions.

    Let’s have a look:

    May 2012
    The Serious Case Review on Child S was published. The Times newspaper alleged a cover-up on account of the redactions.

    Whilst we agreed that some of the redactions in the Child S review were unnecessary or could have been differently presented, we did not believe that a charge of ‘cover up’ by the
    Safeguarding Board was justified.

    September 2012
    The Times reported an alleged cover-up from 1997 to 2010.


    “Within the Council, we found no evidence of children’s social care staff being influenced by concerns about the ethnic origins of suspected perpetrators when dealing with individual child protection cases, including CSE”

    “The Deputy Children’s Commissioner’s report reached a similar conclusion to the Muslim Women’s Network research, stating ‘one of these myths was that only white girls are victims of sexual exploitation by Asian or Muslim males, as if these men only abuse outside of their own community”

    What exactly were the whistleblowers upto, that their failures will surface and they themselves will be held to account!

    Just going round in circles now.


    • ‘Which cllrs are still on the council who have still not stood down?’

      You forget that Leader Paul Lakin and RMBC cabinet members resigned en masse after the publication of Louise Casey’s report. Lakin then disappeared into the sunset.
      Perhaps other councillors should have resigned at the same time but what none of them did was to resign their seats and stand for re-election immediately afterwards.


      • Time is a great help for peoplevto forget.

        Whilst they continue their empty platitudes of.

        Theres plenty other councils thats got same
        We have Learnt the lessons
        Moving on
        Progressing well
        We getting most of our powers back

        Turning a negative into a positive but never admitting their own failings


  2. Rotherham can’t move on until every member of staff and every councillor who was employed pre-Jay has been removed and replaced and even then, new employees must be checked to ensure they aren’t related to, or close friends with, former employees.
    It’s the only way to break the cycle.


    • We need new young socialists representing pur communities in the council instead of these has beens who have dragged the town through the mud


  3. Pingback: The Week That Was – Last Weeks Top Ten 16th September 2017 | Rotherham Politics

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