Electoral system in ‘dire need’ of overhaul to prevent foul play, say MPs

A group of 45 politicians said the Electoral Commission needed overhauling and beefing up.

Britain’s electoral system is in “dire need” of reform following allegations of foul play during the EU referendum, MPs have warned.

A group of 45 politicians said the Electoral Commission (EC), the UK’s democracy watchdog, needed overhauling and beefing up in order to guarantee elections in the digital age were free and fair.

One MP said the penalties the EC was currently able to hand out were “laughable” and viewed “simply as the cost of doing business”.

The group suggested police should be given powers to investigate breaches of electoral law that should be punishable with unlimited fines.

Read on… https://www.shropshirestar.com/news/uk-news/2018/07/21/electoral-system-in-dire-need-of-overhaul-to-prevent-foul-play-say-mps/

5 thoughts on “Electoral system in ‘dire need’ of overhaul to prevent foul play, say MPs

  1. Pamela Gordon + Electoral Commission
    Pamela Gordon, ex CEO of SCC , + massive SCC corruption
    ( replaced, illegally say some, by parachuted-in kerslake )
    All supported by blunkett – corruption continued
    Foul play + electoral commission ?
    Electoral Commission ignored democratic foul play with SCC
    Change agent or gatekeeper ?


  2. “police should be given powers to investigate breaches of electoral law that should be punishable with unlimited fines.”
    I wouldn’t bother. Anybody’s experience of the police dealing with electoral law is that they could not be less interested, unless of course it was a CSE case.
    Can you imagine asking South Yorks police (remember Hillsborough, Orgreave, Cliff Richard and CSE) to investigate a South Yorks Labour politician’s election tactics??
    Ah ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, – oops, mi socks have just flown off!


    • Trambuster makes a good point. When electoral shenanigans were reported to the police about SCC, they ignored it and redirected to the city solicitor, who was the gatekeeper for covering up the offences !


    • Maybe you just missed the point of the piece.
      … and why would I want to remember Cliff Richard of all people?
      Hardly my favourite singer of his generation. The Shadows were OK tho’.
      … and Yes, as the article states the fine issued via the Electoral Commission was far to low.
      “Earlier this week, Vote Leave was fined £61,000 and was accused of failing to declare money it spent with controversial data firm Aggregate IQ”,
      – particularly given the disastrous result, partially as a result of this illegal action by Vote Leave.
      Remember Lutfur Rahman:
      “An Election Commissioner concluded Tower Hamlets mayor Lutfur Rahman breached election rules and must vacate his post immediately”. He paid £250,000 in costs! – and the election was re-run.
      So why are we not rerunning the Referendum? … with some properly spelt out implications of alternative results, Rather than the lies that were told:
      https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/08/20/leaving-the-eu-could-cost-us-even-more-than-staying-in/ (not often I agree with Booker – but I do on this.)
      https://news.sky.com/story/boris-johnson-yes-we-will-have-350m-per-week-to-spend-on-nhs-after-brexit-11037713 and yes we will also have our curly bananas!


  3. I would like to see online voting allowed, if it is safe enough to bank online, then why shouldn’t I be able to vote online. The only way to overhaul the electoral system is to make each vote count through a decent proportional system and direct democracy to stop politicians ever doing something we can’t stop again. The EU project would have never gotten off the ground.


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