Over 200 join solidarity protest outside court as trial of Rotherham 12 begins

rotherham-wellgate-trialMore than 200 people protested on the first day of the trial of the Rotherham 12 in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, today, Thursday.

“Self defence is no offence” was the chant outside Sheffield Crown Court in support of 12 Asian men. They are charged with violent disorder following a march by Nazis Britain First in Rotherham two weeks after the murder of a Muslim pensioner.

Trade unionists and anti-racist activists from across the region demanded charges be dropped. Campaigners came from the Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign, Rotherham Unite Against Fascism, Stand Up To Racism and others.

Jade Perkins, a mental health nurse from Rotherham, said, “I’m here to show solidarity to a community victimised by Islamophobia that’s been encouraged by this government.

“Self defence is no offence.”

Read on… https://socialistworker.co.uk/art/43491/Over+200+join+solidarity+protest+outside+court+as+trial+of+Rotherham+12+begins

See also: https://rotherhampolitics.wordpress.com/the-rotherham-trial-reports/wellgate-riot-trial/

17 thoughts on “Over 200 join solidarity protest outside court as trial of Rotherham 12 begins

  1. Were these morons there protesting at the trial of the CSE perpetrators ? No, of course not.
    It’s a wonder Jezza Corbyn isn’t there – it’s certainly his sort of demo .
    The Socialist Workers’ Party – Unite against Freedom – all the same ‘ rent a pillock ‘ brigade of idiots.
    These people make me want to spew up – preferably over them.


  2. ” Jade Perkins, a mental health nurse from Rotherham, said, “I’m here to show solidarity to a community victimised by Islamophobia that’s been encouraged by this government.”

    Well , if she’s a mental health nurse, she’s with the right people, and judging by her brainwashed lefty Newspeak , she’s a little short of the full shilling herself.


  3. Can’t wait for it to be over and CCTV from the pub gets released. All these planks will have to find a large rock to crawl under.


  4. Actually, the sickest thing about this article is the picture, which shows Maxine Bowler (former TUSC candidate in Sheffield Brightside) who was at the heart of the rape cover up in the Socialist Workers Party.

    In that appalling episode, women who had been raped by a senior SWP office-holder were persuaded not to go to the police but, instead, allow the matter to be taken further by an internal SWP inquiry.

    I don’t know how she has the nerve to show her face in public anywhere, let alone Rotherham in the middle of child sexual abuse trials,


    • Yes, Bowler, that fat obnoxious lump, was part of the SWP “Disputes Committee”.
      If anyone is interested in the ‘Comrade Delta’ rape story , it’s well documented on the internet.
      If you don’t know what filth inhabits the upper eschelons of the Socialist Workers Party and their front , United Against Fascism ( aka United Against Freedom ) , just look it up.
      The poor young lefty idiots who follow this bunch of vile individuals really don’t know the scum that they are associating with.
      Fortunately, most people interested in politics know this excrement for what they are.


  5. Pingback: The Week That Was – Last Weeks Top Ten 8th October | Rotherham Politics

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