Minister under fire for allowing HS2 pay to soar

Minister under fire for allowing HS2 pay to soar

Quarter of workers on more than £100k

The transport secretary faces growing questions over why he ignored warnings and allowed Britain’s new high-speed railway to award a quarter of its staff six-figure pay packets. The Times revealed today that Liz Truss, chief secretary to the Treasury, wrote to Chris Grayling in the spring warning…

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Christian Wolmar on HS2: Profligacy from conception

Every time the spotlight is focused on HS2, the project’s basic viability seems to be increasingly questioned.

It has had a reputation for profligacy ever since its conception nearly a decade ago. A 4,000-page examination of its £56 billion budget by the railway quantity surveyor Michael Byng suggested that the final bill would be around £100 billion by the time of its scheduled completion in 2033.

Last year, HS2 was heavily criticised by the Commons Public Accounts Committee for paying £1.76 million in redundancy settlements to staff who did not want to move to new offices in Birmingham.

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HS2 ‘gravy train’ slammed as 1 in 4 staff paid more than £100,000 of taxpayer’s cash

The firm building the high speed railway has been branded “ridiculously profligate”

The firm building Britain’s new high speed railway was branded “ridiculously profligate” as new figures showed one in four staff are paid more than £100,000 a year of taxpayer’s cash.

The gravy train on the HS2 project was exposed by a Freedom of Information request showing that 318 members of staff – out of 1,346 – are paid a six figure salary.

Four years ago, fewer than one in twenty staff were paid more than £100,000, and two years ago it was less than 17%

The data reveals that 112 staff are on pay cheques of more than £150,000, meanwhile, 15 earn more than a £251,000.

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1 thought on “Minister under fire for allowing HS2 pay to soar

  1. These people are, and always were going to be, ‘salary surfers’.
    These people comprise a culture that simply surf from one gravy train to the next, with only one intention and that is to feather their own nest. Not one of them is in the slightest bit interested in HS2 and not one of them will be around when the thing either comes to some sort of fruition, or is cancelled, because they will have departed and will be all-aboard the next public funded failure.


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