Naveen Judah will fight Sitwell ward for the National Health Action Party

News in the Rotherham Star of a candidate for a new to Rotherham political party, the National Health Action Party.

This is the Stars take on it, to read the full article please click on the link:

Rotherham Council candidate in bid to protect health service

A candidate from a new political party crusading against the privatisation of the NHS is set to stand in Rotherham’s local authority elections.

Community stalwart Naveen Judah will fight for the Rotherham Council Sitwell ward as a representative of the National Health Action Party.

The party chose to fund the campaign for Mr Judah, Rotherham Disability Network chairman, due to his experience in public, private and voluntary sectors. Read on…

14 thoughts on “Naveen Judah will fight Sitwell ward for the National Health Action Party

  1. The NHS was a great idea when it started in 1945, however it has become a abused by a large number of the people who use it and a large number of people employed by it who produce little benefit. I believe that people who look after their health, shouldn’t be paying out for people who choose to abuse theirs, it needs to have some penalty clauses as per car/house insurance. 25% of the population are obese, a further 25% are over weight. Smoking maybe down, but alcohol abuse is up. We also need politicians to get off the fence and have a cut off date for introducing private health care, lets say anybody born after a certain date in the future. Health should be a matter of concern for the individual, the government doesn’t run restaurants and food supermarkets, that would be a laughing matter. I would be a little concerned about voting for a candidate who wasn’t going to improve my community across the board and was only concerned with one issue.


    • Dave I thought you said UKIP would privatise the NHS. I am only using UKIP to get a vote on the EU, because I believe in having an elected monarchy and they don’t. It appears that you don’t believe in true democracy, just another socialist who wants to be part of a super state. I will pass the info onto my dad so he doesn’t vote for you.


  2. The NHS has already been partly privatised via the Private Finance Initiative(PFI), mostly under the last Labour government who liked this form of privatisation so much they extended it to education – UKIP opposed PFI.
    The greatest threat to the NHS lies with the European Union. It is currently in trade talks with the USA which includes the opening up of Europe to American healthcare companies. If this goes ahead then all Brussels will have to do is issue a regulation or directive and that will be the end of the NHS – UKIP opposes the UK’s membership of the EU.
    It is a great irony for those on the left that between them the Labour party and the EU could bring about the full privatisation of the NHS.
    Rob Sanderson,
    UK Independence Party candidate,
    Swinton ward.


    • Rob
      I am equally concerned about the EU – US trade talks (TTIP) , and not just about any further opening up our NHS to US Healthcare companies – it is already wide-open to them via their UK subsidiaries.
      What is the current UKIP policy on all UK trade with the US? As a small country acting alone what negotiation strength would we have if we cast off from mainland Europe, and particularly the power-house of Germany. Our seemingly one-sided “special relationship” with the US doesn’t seem to have done us much good for more years than I can remember.
      You say “If this goes ahead then all Brussels will have to do is issue a regulation or directive and that will be the end of the NHS ” . So, can you tell me what’s the difference between an EU Regulation and an EU Directive, – I seem to remember that there is quite a significant difference ?


      • RR,
        A Regulation has to be immediately enforced by the member states. A Directive tells the member states what is required of them but does not dictate exactly how they are to get there. In this way they differ but the end result is the same, Brussels decides the outcome. The privatisations of both British Rail and Royal Mail came after EU Directives.
        UKIP believes that Britain should be outward looking(despite the popular smears to the contrary) and be able to trade freely with whoever we wish around the globe. Our membership of the EU hinders this as we no longer represent ourselves at any trade talks. This is done via an EU representative who also represents the interests of the other 27 member states, so in reality we actually have little negotiating strength. If we were able to represent ourselves then we would be in a more powerful position to get the right deal for Britain, especially as our economy is the 7th largest in the world and so would gives us some genuine clout. If Iceland can conclude a beneficial trade deal with China(which we as an EU member don’t have) then I am sure the UK could.


  3. Following the massive shoot yourself in the foot speech by Ed Miliband over a vote re Europe, voters must be thinking that Labour have finally lost the plot.
    New Labour (Tory Light) set about the privatisation of the NHS in a way that would make the Tory party smile!
    No wonder UKIP are looking like a credible alternative to Labour.
    Tin hat time for Labour across the Borough this coming May.


  4. On Rotherham labour leaflets doing the rounds the full page is adopted to quoting old past UKIP police some going back 7 years (Scraping the barrel comes to mind) but they never tell us what they are doing for Rotherham but of course we don’t need telling we can all see and are suffering their past policy.
    But what is now really interesting is they are now adopting our policy’s which are so wrong but they are still so confused about what to do should we stay in Europe or should we come out.
    At least UKIP tells you straight we would come OUT.


  5. Whilst local authorities work ‘in partnership’ with the NHS they have no say over how it is run, organised or re-organised, nor do they have any control of its budget. Given those limitations it is difficult to see how even if elected a candidate for this party could achieve anything.


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    • Sally,
      you need to look at the date of the postings to understand.
      This is an old thread that an anonymouse, not knowing any better, rose from the dead.


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