Just Go!

During the last few days Rotherham citizens and voters have seen two sessions of questioning of Joyce Thacker and Martin Kimber by Parliamentary Committees. Shaun Wrights questioning by the HASC, yesterdays Council Meeting and today’s Police and Crime panel, that ended with the passing of a no confidence motion in Shaun Wright.

I have listened to it all very carefully and have given this matter some intense analysis.

My conclusions are these:

No one comes out of this with any credit, those who have been involved since the 2005 seminar in particular, have much to answer for.

Their total lack of even curiosity, not one made any inquiries as to progress. They share the blame, for what has happened since, their silence continued the cover-up!

Labour are still not paying sufficient attention to Rotherham and it’s own role in this awful saga, that resulted in the most horrendous abuse and exploitation of many and the death of a vulnerable young person. The death would not have occurred, if the Council and the individual Councillors had not simply turned a blind eye to the activities of the self-imposed Pakistani community leaders and acted, they have had numerous opportunities yet failed the people of our Town

There has now been a catastrophic loss of confidence in the Labour Party itself. A predicament of their own making, that can only be changed if they show the victims that the Labour Party is now on their side instead of acting in the interests of the criminals. It will take a lot more than they have demonstrated so far in their response to rebuild any  trust.

Mahroof and various family members and Azzizum Akhtar, have got in front of the television cameras recently, to trot out the Hussain spin, that they knew nothing. It just makes me sick to my stomach, that they should only come out with lies! Part of the abuse and being an integral part of the cover-up would cover it I would say. Why have the Labour Party not acted? Could it have anything to do with the fact that Mahroof is litigious and has form for suing the Party, perhaps?

There are now more investigations proposed to get more lessons from this sorry mess than you can shake a stick at!

I have been mortified by these revelations. No one can be anything other than deeply moved, as the truth is finally coming to light.

I have refrained from adding my personal thoughts until I could make them dispassionately. I have come to the inescapable conclusion that the current Labour Group is not fit for purpose and they should resign forthwith to seek a fresh mandate!

Oliver Cromwell words, cannot be bettered:

You have sat too long for any good you have been doing lately… Depart, I say; and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!

Oliver Cromwell’s address to the Rump Parliament (20 April 1653)


23 thoughts on “Just Go!

      • Yes, he was endorsed by Labour, but we now have a scramble among party members to call for his head, so, what names are on his nomination papers and are these the same people who now want to hang him out to dry?
        If anyone has names, let’s be having them.


  1. Azzizum Akhtar is a decent, level headed young man who like everyone else is appalled with what has happened, he works for the BME voluntary sector and does an excellent job.


    • Isn’t REMA the organisation all these names that have been bettered around are part of at some point.
      I have been told that these councillors and community leader since the whole incidents were having meeting together, so did someone know anything and what did they do?
      I read in a newspaper article that one of these community leaders that is associated with REMA said that the mosques and Imams knew about this so did this person.
      What did they all do if they knew about it?
      Independent public enquiry with and about everyone and everything will shed a lot of light.


    • REMA Member,
      I’m not sure what this has to do with the topic of this particular thread.
      But now you are here:
      There was some discussion in RMBC Council meeting yesterday regarding a fairly large grant that REMA had recently got from some non-RMBC body. Can you say what the amount was and the name of the grant-giving bod, and was it “restricted funds” ?


  2. Rik,
    From the same Cromwell speech “…ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government.” and “Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation; you were deputed here by the people to get grievances redressed, are yourselves become the greatest grievance.” apt or not?


  3. Wright’s demeanour and comments at both the Select Committee and the meeting today demonstrate quite clearly he is not in the least contrite.
    On ‘Calendar’ and ‘Look North’ he said ‘everyone involved in the CSE saga has shared responsibility’ (aka “Not me Guv”)
    Stone and Kimber have resigned because they share responsibility so why is’nt Wright resigning?
    He is the best advert and best reason for voters to dump Labour Cllrs.and candidates next May.


  4. Collective responsibility ?. There are Cllrs who are flying under the radar and should be exposed for what they are. In particular two Cllrs who serve on Anston Parish Council, Cllr St John and Cllr Burton (who is also an RMBC Cllr).
    Today I happened to pass Cllr Burton at the post office, I said to her, ” I see you did not say what your role was in the CSE”, she stopped and said, “what, your walking away from me” I stopped and I repeated what I had said again. At this she said “neither did Cavan”, I replied, Yes he did, he did it in front of everyone on film” (meaning the video pod cast) at this she shook her head and again said “no he didn’t”. I then walked into the Post Office.
    Why do I mention this, well, Cllr Burton sat on the Scrutiny Panel during the relevant period, yet states adamantly that she knew nothing. Rather than act contrite and admit some responsibility, her only response was to try to push and deflect the blame elsewhere (to Cllr Vines) shameful , its time to go, Cllr Burton.
    On the subject of Cllr St John, (who boasts regularly of his RMBC membership and of the time he was Mayor) this Cllr was a RMBC Cllr throughout the late 90s and up to 2011. He was on a Children`s Scrutiny sub Committee in 2004, and attended the 2005 seminar. I would find his pleas of “not me Guv” extremely hard to believe. This Cllr now sits on Anston Parish Council, so its time he stood up and stated quite clearly what he knew, and if he does not, then the message to him is the same as Cllr Burton, Time to go.


    • Agree, the same applies to Amy Rushforth, Kevin Barron’s daughter. She is flying well under the radar just like others on the same scrutiny panel. Let’s not forget the failure of this panel to hold the officers to account and oversee things properly was slated in the Jay report!


    • Dave
      Was it in his capacity as a Councillor or as a Manager at RMAARI (which is simply a department within the small charity Rotherham Diversity Forum – as far as I can see). ?
      I find it incredible in every way.


  5. fully agree with you in parti cular your ref to clr burton.
    has anyone else also noticed that the last five minutes of webcast in which clr burton was speaking on cse have for some strange reason been deleted
    All the webcast including clr burtons unconvincing effort was shown in the live webcast

    so much for the council leaders promises regarding open honest and always available information


  6. Rik I agree with your thread whole heartedly. However, I would add I have no confidence in ANY of the councillors of whatever hue who served during the period until they ALL explain what they knew or didn’t know. It’s a sad day when I have to come to that conclusion; but I am afraid I did so well before the Jay report.



  7. Reblogged this on maltbyblogger and commented:
    Have we yet had any statement/comment from Amy Rushforth, Christine Beaumont or any of the other inadequate “representatives” about the whole situation in the Jay Report ? Before we know it, the same old cronies will be back on the “new” cabinet and carrying on in the same way. Some may have changed party, but that just shows utter contempt of the public. Hope they can somehow realise that the public in general holds them in even more contempt. #DISGRACE #RMBC #SHAMEONTHEM


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