Press Round-Up 31 Oct 2014

Regular Readers selection of today’s press and news:

Sarah Champion: MP calls on force to hand over evidence on how it deals with of young victims

Fiona Woolf: Abuse victims call for inquiry head to quit

with link to new evidence provided to Home Office Select Committee.

Vow to make Rotherham stronger and more united
 -with comment by “Ukip” ?

PCC Election results will appear here this afternoon.

Blast from the Past

35 thoughts on “Press Round-Up 31 Oct 2014

  1. must be a racist. rotherham labour party terminology for a racist is anybody who believes lawbreakers should be prosecuted whatever race or creed on said:

    the people of south Yorkshire to vote in another labour politician after the scandal of Rotherham labour,beggars belief and will only encourage the labour politician once again to believe they can do what they want,knowing that s, Yorkshire voters do not know any difference (carry on labour as before nobody will bother you)


  2. The big mistake with this idiot PCC posts ( hopefully soon to be abolished ) is to allow anyone associated with any political party to be in such a position. To be associated with any party should be a DISQUALIFICATION.
    PCC’s , if we are to have them , should be totally independent, and never have been a member of any political party.
    I would have thought that it was obvious, but then again, I’m not one of the snout-in-trough brigade – just a normal person


  3. must be a racist. rotherham labour party terminology for a racist is anybody who believes lawbreakers should be prosecuted whatever race or creed on said:

    Dr allan billings acceptance speech I will put the victims first,is that labour terminology for if I secure compensation for the victims those who perpetrated the crimes and those that allowed it to go on will be forgotten about.


  4. Absolute shameful of the South Yorkshire electorate to condone the way that the Rotherham Labour party covered up the abuse of 1400 girls. I didn’t vote because I agree with the PCC, I voted against Rotherham Labour. I see Regular reader as nothing more than a “common purpose” CHAMPION, no need for his mask to slip tonight when he is out trick and treating, it has been obvious from his very first post.


  5. Absolute shameful of the South Yorkshire electorate to condone the way that the Rotherham Labour party covered up the abuse of 1400 girls. I didn’t vote because I agree with the PCC, I voted against Rotherham Labour. I see Regular reader as nothing more than a “common purpose” CHAMPION, no need for his mask to slip tonight when he is out trick and treating, it has been obvious from his very first post.


    • 😉 🙂 :~)
      ” I see Regular reader as nothing more than a “common purpose” CHAMPION”
      – and your blog says you also “believe” that:
      “Global warming by man is a scam”
      and that
      “9/11 was an inside job” .
      I don’t have any time for any of that nonsense!

      Maybe you’ve come across the guy who comments on pieces in the Star and calls himself “UKIP” – you and he would seem have a whole lot in common.
      Fact – for other readers of Rothpol
      I had never even heard of Common Purpose until long after my retirement – it was when I first started reading this blog. This is because I have seldom worked in UK, and even when in UK never worked for any public sector body, (and World-wide I’ve only worked for one – but I don’t think Common Purpose’s influence has ever stretched to the government ministries of famine-time Ethiopia, nor to the World Bank who funded my work there. ).
      I do admire Sarah Champion – for the hard work she is doing – and not just on CSE – but she is the only Rotherham area MP I have any time for. … and I have no time for the Rotherham Labour Council.


      • RR it has taken sarah champion long enough to do something there are two other mp’s in this area and the silence is deafening the poster in question was truthful and no end of apologies can help the victims we need ACTION now irrelevant of which political party anyone belongs to this should have been done sooner


  6. The Pedo’s Republic of South Yorkshire?

    This is a pretty big incentive I think for folk in the North and East Ridings of Yorkshire to resist the creation of regional assemblies with their last breath. I doubt that folk in Driffield, Malton and Northallerton would be very happy if they woke up one day to find that their child protection services were being run by the South Yorkshire Labour Party.


  7. The standard of all the candidates was pretty poor but what a momentous mistake by UKIP to choose a retired SYP, when will they learn; and the poster idea was a huge mistake. As a political party I think UKIP still have a lot to learn, so we now have to wait and see what lose canon will do; very little I suspect.
    Dave Smith


  8. Dear Mr Carlisle – Mr Billings was the best candidate by a mile – he won. Not many do on the first count in the PCC’s; That says a lot about the quality of Mr Clarkson. The second best candidate was Mr Walker, the Tory – and for me to say that highlights the incompetence of the other two. Now go back to Carlisle and prepare for supper. You add nothing to the debate with your seemingly twisted voyeurism.

    UKIP expected to win it easily in Rotherham and win it overall in South Yorkshire simply because they shout loudly; they didn’t – even on a low turnout – which was their best chance.

    Mr Clarkson had too much baggage – lots of it including Hillsborough, Orgreave and and the CSE – which he refuses to come clean about and address. (Do you know that Micheal? – I think not) He was also a very poor candidate – and some of his statements ‘Bring in the FBI’ were strange to say the least.

    Another reason UKIP have stalled – and they have considering the low turnout – is Ms Collins; UKIP’s equivalent of Mr Stone. She is simply an opportunist and has absolutely nothing to offer Rotherham or the victims save odious and ill thought out (usually retweeted from far right blogs) soundbites; her behaviour is a disgrace and her talent less than obvious to all but the faithful.



    • Hi skt on hearing alan billings acceptance speech i was somewhat dismayed considering he should already know most of the facts he was unsure and never said what he would be doing firstly a cc who did not know how many prosecutions there had been should go and all senior officers investigated that at least would be a start


  9. @Forensic X
    ‘so people who disagree with you are sheep are they?’
    Who mentioned anything about disagreeing with me? If you read this blog regularly-and others-you will understand I’m not the only person who is puzzled and dismayed by the election of a Labour politician (Despite of his denials to the contrary) to the post of PCC.
    The post above from “Anonymous” says it all: ‘PCC’s , if we are to have them,should be totally independent, and never have been a member of any political party.’ A sentiment with which I agree wholeheartedly.
    Do not make the mistake of assuming you understand my political beliefs and views and for the record I have nothing in common with the Tory party. Your diatribe accused me of not believing in democracy but it is you who believes dissenters should not have a voice.
    argumentum ad hominem


    • au contraire, its not me who calls people ‘sheep’ for voting the way they do. Neither did I say you are a Tory, not that it is anything to be ashamed of if you are. Finally I asked you if you believe in people’s right to express their wishes via democracy, rather than accused you of not believing in it – hence the question mark. I note you have not reconsidered your view of fellow citizens as sheep, which surely is an arrogant dismissal of those that don’t share your point of view.


    • “Candidates should be totally independent” and, presumably, devoid of all thought?

      Has the similarity between the words ‘politics’ and ‘policy’ never occurred to you? So, when you say they ‘shouldn’t be political’, you are actually saying ‘they should be devoid of policies’.

      Now, that doesn’t seem to be very clever to me. I actually want someone who is willing to spell out their values and their policies, as well as their personal attributes and skills. That is how I will judge between them. (Although, until we have a better gender balance, I will always give a few extra points to women election candidates, just as I do in recruitment.)

      Political parties seem to me a way of people of similar values and policies joining together. I’m not a member of any political party in Rotherham. I don’t have a problem with them.

      However, it seems that all political parties in Rotherham have a real difficulty with selecting good candidates – I haven’t noticed the (so-called) Independents being any better.

      Shaun Wright was a classic example of someone who was promoted well beyond his abilities – I meet them all the time in business – and I certainly didn’t vote for him. Whereas Dr Billings was clearly a very good and able candidate, and I make no apology for saying that I did vote for him.


  10. Hi Janet could you explain your comment re Independent’s above, please? I think I was a pretty good candidate in 2012 and was certainly not a “so called” indie. Who are you on about?


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