Trades Unions foist Ed Miliband on Party! Huge Mistake! Constitutional crisis looms!

Worth another read?

Rotherham Politics

Trades Union leaders are already planning to take full advantage from their chosen standard bearer in Labour’s leadership contest and are as I write, in the bars, plotting to turn Ed Miliband into their prisoner. Beer and sandwiches anyone?

The Public Wanted David, Labour Party members wanted David, Members of Parliament wanted David, Messers Simpson, Woodley, Prentis, Kenny and Co from the unions wanted Ed. So who wins? Ed!

This is the first occasion that all the parts of the Labour Electoral College have not all gone the same way. Previous Leaders from Neil Kinnock to Blair had an overwhelming majority amongst Members, Parliamentarians and Trades Unions so this issue has not arisen before.

David Cameron and Nick Clegg must be rubbing their hands with glee at the numerous own goals this charade has ended up providing them with! Ed Miliband could end up a lame duck…

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9 thoughts on “Trades Unions foist Ed Miliband on Party! Huge Mistake! Constitutional crisis looms!

  1. I have been off-line for a while but on returning to this blog vainly checking if progress is being made for the violent abuse of Rotherham’s children; as one can expect the pit gets deeper for them while party politics takes preference. Hell will freeze over before politics can help these kids. Dead birds can’t leave the nest and the RMBC are dead birds.
    My hope for the kids affected by this horror is that someone with a big heart and faith in the human spirit can infuse the will and determination to restore those who are broken. It can be done and is being done by the faithful few who gave themselves to restoring the dignity back into vulnerable lives being affected by child prostitution and slavery.
    However it’s no good looking to politicians; self preservation and tunnel vision prevents them from doing any good. Remember they wouldn’t help in the beginning and they can’t help now.
    These violated children are able to raise themselves back to dignity and a full life and they can do it with the help of those who can restore hope…..A public meeting of all the children and families affected and a speaker who is familiar with restoring broken lives in other countries would be the best start. Revsimcop may have some suggestions. Do not underestimate the fact that children can help themselves when hope is restored. Finally don’t look to any agency or parties that have already been impotent. RMBC wouldn’t know where to look, as I say, dead birds can’t leave the nest .


  2. Effective government needs an effective opposition to hold the government to account. Miliband is not a charismatic leader .He is also a multi-millionaire with several millionaires in his Shadow Cabinet; Harman, Balls, Yvette Cooper, Hilary Benn and Chuka Umunna amongst others so why would the electorate swap one privileged group for another privileged lot? To date Miliband has been ineffective at PMQ’s and his PR stunts have been unmitigated disasters. Where are the politicians with passion and fire in their bellies and the ability to connect with the electorate?
    The next GE will be fight between Dumb and Dumber.


  3. Linda I started to read your post nodding along all the way because you were talking so much sense. I really believe our political system is broken because it has set up and reinforces processes and institutionalised legally bound agency-led responses that actually don’t achieve much. In fact it ultimately stifles human endeavour. As you say we need victims to help themselves but they also need help from others who have compassion. People not processes are what bring transformation, something I blogged about ad nauseam when I stood as and Independent in the 2012 Rotherham by election. I remember history lessons at school where we learned about individuals not laws or institutions. I was then very surprised to see my name pop up! But it has made me think. The church as a community of the ordinary concerned, along with other faith groups and community groups and anyone of good will, is in a very good strategic position to foster such a response. To date, publicly, this has been limited to prayer and providing space for people to reflect, but I assure you that other conversations are starting to happen, albeit, somewhat hidden away but these are promising to lead to something more public. We need to deliver on those promises. However there is also the issue of trust. An obvious difficulty for victims is the way institutions have let them down on all fronts and there are sad instances where parts of the church have failed as an institution in that regard. Building trust takes time and hard work but I assure victims that folk in congregations care deeply and sometimes feel as powerless. Your post has made me think that now is the time to move things up a notch. I have a few ways I can pursue this. I would love to talk kore with you but Zi believe you are in New Zealand!? Maybe we could
    swap emails. i am happy for Rik to give mine.


  4. Pingback: The seeds of Labour’s defeat? | Rotherham Politics

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