14 thoughts on “The Times is damning today

  1. The appointment of a 21 year old with neither the qualifications or experience to hold a cabinet position for business sums up RMBC. A lack of professional standards from the top to the bottom, perfectly exhibited by the appointment of Mr Beck to this post. Louise Casey sums it up nicely “inexperienced and not fit for post”.


  2. The question here is how come the local MP ‘S, the NEC, Labour Party allow Rotherham Council to desend into such a mess. What about the investigation into those four suspended members, taking a long time?


    • Don’t forget he is the MP for Doncaster, so should have known what was going on. South Yorkshire Police need to be investigated too. How many Chief Constables have been in place for the whole of the time it is stated in the report this abuse has been ongoing? Who will call the high ranking officers to task?


  3. For two of the fallen their political aspirations of becoming an MP are in tatters this morning.
    If only they had the guts to speak out and protect the abused who knows what have might have been.


  4. You couldn’t swing a cat without hitting a Labour MP or shadow minister during Sarah Champion’s victorious by-election campaign. labour, if you remember (including Champion) accused me of a number of things including political exploitation of CSE, racism, islamaphobia et al when I made grooming the Number One issue as Respect Party candidate. It is now becoming clear why some council officers blocked and thwarted any requests made by my election team for the simplest of tools like maps, voters lists etc; why South Yorkshire Police launched an unhelpful & spurious investigation into a hoax election leaflet designed to undermine my campaign & why, to this day, some Respect members are still being intimidated and harassed by those in Labour with an axe to grind. If you want to target the guilty I would suggest they look in the mirror.
    In the meantime let’s not forget without the tireless efforts of Rotherham Politics and the very excellent investigative skills of Times journalist Andrew Norfolk, none of this would have come to light.


  5. If the PR arm of the Labour party (aka Hacked Off) had its way this story would probably have been buried. Witness the shameful way Lakin dipped into our money to hire a QC in his attempt to try and suppress Andrew Norfolk’s initial story and the pitiful cries of foul by brainless councillors who tried to claim the whole thing was all a ‘Murdoch stitch up’.
    A free press is one of the freedoms so many men and women fought and died for. We should be grateful to them for that at least.

    Jean’s question about Miliband’s continuing silence is valid. If he ‘forgot’ an important part of his speech to the party faithful in Manchester last year and coupled with his ineffectual performances at PMQ’s we should not be surprised he has nothing to say. He does not know whether to condemn Rotherham Labour councillors-and by extension the Labour party-or to remain silent and hope these nasty people go away before the GE.
    As far as I’m concerned the local Labour party has just been condemned to death.
    Not before time perhaps.


    • But doesn’t what happen in Rotherham feed into the narrative that Labour are incompetent and not to be trusted. If they can’t run a Council, how the hell are they going to run a Goverment . It was amazing how Pickles was able to keep a straight face when making his statement, what an election gift.


    • Do you truly believe that Pickles or any of these People really gives a damn about what’s going on in Rotherham, remember this problem was first exposed in 2012, by Northfolk. He could’ve and should’ve acted early and if he’s so concern about the state of local governance, why hasn’t he inspected other town councils where CSE is a major problem, wouldn’t find the same incompetence there too.


  6. Straight face,election gift, words that fail me, children in Rotherham were raped and abused and we have individuals using such crass words in their comments beggars belief.


  7. Pingback: The man who would be Mayor: But is he a fit and proper person? | Rotherham Politics

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