The Star – Fresh investigations likely

Fresh investigations likely into 75 suspected Rotherham child abusers

Investigations against around 75 suspected Rotherham child abusers that were not followed up by South Yorkshire Police are likely to be reopened by the National Crime Agency.

Around 80 suspected perpetrators were identified as part of South Yorkshire Police’s Operation Central, which ended in 2010.

But only five men were eventually convicted, with one police officer telling the recent Casey inquiry into the grooming scandal he was told to ‘cut off’ the investigation.

12 thoughts on “The Star – Fresh investigations likely

  1. I welcome any new investigations – as I would official and national investigations in to the ‘officers’ who did not ‘investigate thoroughly’ the original investigations in the first place.

    SKT xxxx


  2. Which member of the taxi community said, we have fixed the police?

    How many of the 75 are related to RMBC Labour politicians

    How many of the 75 are landlords?

    How many of the 75 have a RMBC taxi drivers license?

    If they do hold a taxi license it must be suspended until the investigations are completed, knowing Rotherham no doubt they will be allowed to continue to drive their clapped out Toyota taxi.


    • how many are landlords / taxi drivers , loads friday afternoon taxi drivers can be seen collecting rent around eastwood , taxi driver knocks on a door tenants usually slovak hand over the cash (around £ 300-400 which goes in the taxi drivers pocket , on to the next house , nice little earner .


    • How many of the 75 were courted and fawned over by the sycophant Tom Cray ? Beloved of corrupt councillors and feared by officers who didn’t tow his bent line


    • Maybe we should be asking since they have refused to investigate this very serious crime for years:

      how many high ranking police officers were in the know, or possibly involved?


  3. The article says that all these suspects have come out of Operation Central, whose success was limited to put it mildly

    But what about Operation Czar which was a complete fiasco and whose failure was never reviewed?

    “Operation Czar
    As Operation Central was drawing towards a close, Operation Czar was starting up.
    A review of social care strategy meetings on CSE reveal that throughout 2008 and
    2009, multiple meetings were being held discussing 18 girls linked to one Asian male
    perpetrator and up to three other males. Intelligence on perpetrators came from
    information derived from Risky Business and a Safer Neighbourhood Team. In
    December 2009 the police confirmed that they had created Operation Czar.

    The sexual and physical violence being perpetrated on the girls involved was
    extremely shocking. At one stage a girl had a gun put to her head.
    File notes state: “the identified males are assessed as predatory violent and
    demonstrating that they are prepared to bribe and intimidate victims/witnesses.’ ”

    P50-52 Casey Report

    There’s plenty more. In one of Andrew Norfolk’s reports he wrote that a mother had given her daughter’s mobile phone to the police which had the numbers of 177 “Asian” men; including a police officer.

    This is a massive task.

    One thing I find that almost beyond belief is that Compton and others remain in post

    “Committee chairman Keith Vaz asked Mr Etheridge how many successful prosecutions there had been this year for child sex exploitation.

    “None,” was the answer, and just one in 2010 and eight in 2008.

    Mr Vaz said: “I am very disappointed and I am very surprised nobody has been prosecuted this year … you need to get a grip on the situation in South Yorkshire.”

    He added: “I want you to write to us in a month’s time setting out what has been done.

    “The committee is very concerned and the public are very concerned.””

    That was over 2 years ago

    Still never mind, Compton has written a letter to Vaz explaining that the Cliff Richard investigation is still very much ongoing, Vaz must have been very impressed


  4. In Sheffield we have problems reporting abuse because, in our area at least, police officers who open such a case are told by their superior to drop it, and if Police HQ is told, the information is intercepted and forwarded to the same officer, who squishes all reports of criminal behaviour involving abuse and the local council. Lessons learned ? Not a bit of it !


  5. If the latest strories are true, they are to be welcome. However haven’t we heard this all before. When Northfolk started his investigations into CSE in Rotherham and reveal the link between Aktar and the return of the child, wasn’t he asked by SYP to desist, as it was in ongoing investigation. Feels more like another PR stunt to con the public they are actually doing something.

    Despite the fact that the NCA are carrying these investigations , does anyone think they will do a better job than the previous incompetent lot at SYP.


    • Incompetence isn’t the right word for it. The fact that they let it go after charging 5 out of 80 suspects says it all. This has all the hallmarks of high level politically influenced corruption ie let’s not rock the “community cohesion” boat and do the absolute bare minimum as a sop.


  6. Following the deliberate killing of my father, Mr Ralph Winstanley, on 23 April 2004, over in Doncaster, we have only met wall-to-all corruption from SYP, starting with the two officers who were present at the time of death, two more in uniform and three others, who arrived to threaten us – then wall to wall lies, extending up to Chief Constable level over the last nearly 11 years. Justice and SYP – seemingly – are not closely related?

    So what chance did these youngsters have, against such people?


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