Churches, Westminster Figures In Abuse Inquiry

Churches, Westminster Figures In Abuse Inquiry

The Anglican and Catholic churches and “certain people of public prominence associated with Westminster” will be investigated by the independent abuse inquiry, it has been announced.

Justice Lowell Goddard, who is leading the investigation, also said councils in Lambeth, Nottinghamshire and Rochdale will be examined.

She set out 12 different areas which will come under scrutiny.

Justice Goddard said: “The investigation will focus on high-profile allegations of child sexual abuse involving current or former members of parliament, senior civil servants, government advisers and members of intelligence and security agencies.

8 thoughts on “Churches, Westminster Figures In Abuse Inquiry

  1. Yes well, I wonder how it is that South Yorkshire Police, West Midlands Police, Bradford and Birmingham Councils etc etc have escaped the spotlight

    “Goddard said: “The investigation will focus on high-profile allegations of child sexual abuse involving current or former members of parliament, senior civil servants, government advisers and members of intelligence and security agencies.”

    As we know gangs of politicians and clergymen are even at this moment stalking the land – indulging their evil proclivities in epidemic grooming, mass rape, sexual torture, trafficking, pimping, prostitution, threatening victims and families, perverting the justice and corrupting local plods and politicians.

    Good to see she’s got her priorities right then.


    • The 12 investigations are:
      1. Children in the care of Lambeth council
      2. Children in the care of Nottinghamshire councils
      3. Cambridge House, Knowl View and Rochdale council
      4. Child sexual abuse in the Anglican church
      5. Child sexual abuse in the Roman Catholic church
      6. The sexual abuse of children in custodial institutions
      7. Child sexual abuse in residential schools
      8. The internet and child sexual abuse
      9. Child exploitation by organised networks
      10. The protection of children outside the United Kingdom
      11. Accountability and reparations for victims and survivors
      12. Allegations of child sexual abuse linked to Westminster

      The investigations fall into two categories; institution-specific and thematic. Taken together they will cut across the five workstreams of the Inquiry:
      Allegations of abuse by people of prominence in public life – led by the Chair, Hon. Lowell Goddard DNZM
      Education and religion – led by Panel member, Prof. Malcolm Evans OBE
      Criminal Justice and law enforcement – led by Panel member, Drusilla Sharpling CBE
      Local authorities and voluntary organisations – led by Panel member, Prof. Alexis Jay OBE
      National and private service organisations – led by Panel member, Ivor Frank

      It’s a start


      • Yes it is, and we have to start somewhere, right?

        That Prof Jay will be leading the inquiry into local authorities is most welcome – when you consider that her report into RMBC was limited in it’s terms of reference by RMBC, then it’s fair to say she did a fantastic job. If Police investigations were limited in the same way our prisons would be very empty. Thankfully, despite RMBCs efforts to steer the inquiry in a direction that suited them, Prof Jay was more interested in uncovering the facts. There is no reason to suspect she will be any less vigorous with this inquiry. Hopefully the other panel members will take a leaf from her book when conducting their investigations.


      • So true,
        and whilst the parsonages of this world may be wondering “how it is that South Yorkshire Police, West Midlands Police, Bradford and Birmingham Councils etc etc have escaped the spotlight”, they seem not to have noticed the number of enquiries already on going into SYPolice.( and yes it is within the enquiries ToR)
        Try a look round – it really is a pleasing and positive start.
        I just wish that Rothpol hadn’t got into the habit of getting it’s news from Sky – whilst not as bad as the Sun or the Daily Fail, it is still a rubbish site for news.


        • RR. I find the approach of taking many sources of news to be by far the best by far. Try and be a little more open minded, it might even prevent some of the recent comments concerning yourself.


  2. Sorry to rain on the parade here but how long will it be before the report of this investigation is actually published? Five years has been indicated but if Chilcott is any indication it might be longer. Plenty of money for lawyers though!


    • That’s very true, the scope of Goddard is absolutely immense and of course some of the investigations are going to go back decades. This is a receipe for getting bogged down, for obfuscation and for interminable delay – I think this kind of approach is called “kicking it into the long grass”.

      And whereas Rotherham grooming victims were doused in petrol to keep them silent we can expect many buckets of community cohesion whitewash to be sloshed on here. Rotherham model CSE is the most evil and pernicious and wide-scale CSE we have ever seen in this country – that there are now 7000 lines of enquiry being investigated by Operation Stovewood is further proof of that, and there are many Rotherham’s out there.

      And yet this is not at all reflected in the specific institutions to be investigated by Goddard

      “1. Children in the care of Lambeth council
      2. Children in the care of Nottinghamshire councils
      3. Cambridge House, Knowl View and Rochdale council
      4. Child sexual abuse in the Anglican church
      5. Child sexual abuse in the Roman Catholic church”

      Rotherham model abuse was known to be occurring in the West Midlands for many years- but Birmingham Council and WMP operated an omerta policy(the council for at least 20 years). Abuse in children’s homes has been rife, principally by Pakistani groomers

      So why doesn’t this merit a specific investigation? These are political choices and the driver is as ever community cohesion. As we know the Labour Party has turned a blind eye to epidemic CSE for votes then surely that is a large stone that should be lifted to expose the nasties crawling around underneath?

      When we come to “9. Child exploitation by organised networks” those setting the terms of reference cannot even bring themselves to admit who it is that is principally committing the abuse.

      “The systematic grooming and sexual abuse of children by groups of offenders in cities and towns of England and Wales is widespread. Building upon the body of work on child sexual exploitation following specific instances in places such as Devon and Cornwall, Oxford, Rochdale, Rotherham, and Telford, this investigation will assess the extent to which a wide range of relevant authorities have learned lessons, implemented recommendations, and put in place effective strategies to prevent child sexual exploitation in future.”

      Thus they start off with Devon and Cornwall, nothing that has occurred in the SW or anywhere else in the country has been remotely comparable to Rotherham; Oxford, Rochdale and Telford are of course – and they are the tip of the iceberg. “Specific instances” – no pattern here then?

      The Oxford Serious Case Review spelled it out

      “The association, not of all CSE but group-based CSE, with mainly Pakistan heritage is undeniable…..”

      It was recommended that

      “With a significant proportion of those found guilty nationally of group CSE being from a
      Pakistani and/or Muslim heritage, relevant government departments should research
      why this is the case, in order to guide prevention strategies.”

      If the Goddard Enquiry cannot bring themselves to face reality square in the face then I don’t think we are going to get any answers from that quarter when its deliberations are finally concluded, in say 2025.


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