VIDEO: Nigel Farage launches UKIP election campaigns in Sheffield

Nigel Farage launches UKIP election campaigns in Sheffield

UKIP leader Nigel Farage was in Sheffield today helping his party’s candidates in next month’s national, local and police and crime commissioner elections launch their campaigns.

Mr Farage spent the morning (Monday, April 18) speaking to people in Hillsborough ahead of the elections on May 5. He also had an eye on the EU referendum.

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12 thoughts on “VIDEO: Nigel Farage launches UKIP election campaigns in Sheffield

    • Shouldn’t you be providing evidence for that comment….?
      If I were a traditional Labour supporter I would want to keep my mouth shut and hide in my cave…..


  1. I met Steve at the weekend and gave Brightside and Hillsborough UKIP a hand. If anybody wants to help me with the Vote Leave campaign around S25, please give me a shout.


    • When we leave the EU on the 23rd of June, its an whole new ball game. UKIP got the vote. Everything is up in the air after that, politics will change completely as the Tory and Labour party fracture. UKIP will need a name change and carry on with a new agenda. How anybody can ever vote Labour is beyond me, I certainly wouldn’t advertise the fact.


    • Are we to take it that you are a Labour supporter ? ….the wheels on their wagon are only held on with corruption and lies … Ask 1400 white girls… I could never support this unfit for purpose mob……. the only way UKIPS “protest party” wheels will fall off is when there is nothing to complain about .. and whilst ever Labour are in control there WILL ALWAYS be something of a protest….. That said I would not be surprised if Labour won every election in Rotherham for the foreseeable future due to the amount of sheeple .. you know the kind .. dad always voted Labour etc etc and… Maggy Thatcher this that and the other blah blah blah …..


    • @L Joseph.

      It’s because of UKIP that Call Him Dave is holding the referendum on Britain’s membership of the EU, it might be an unpalatable truth for you but UKIP has won the political argument on Britain in-or out-of the EU.


  2. UKIP are a busted flush. Terrible low calibre candidates, ineffective in the council chamber and let’s face it disorganised. If they couldn’t win in Rotherham where could they win? A disgraced PCC, Not fit for purpose council and a by-election caused by the local MP going to jail for fiddling expenses. It was a prime open goal but yet they failed to convince the electorate that they were worthy. IMO they have had their best chance and even in Rotherham will be on their way out. You can blame the electorate all you want but it’s the job of the candidate to sell themselves and their policies.


    • Beatrice…. You evidently don’t watch RMBC webcast to see all the councilors in action….If UKIP calibre of candidates is low then Labour councilors would be below ground by comparison. If you think Labour are good at selling themselves to the public of Rotherham then you remind me of your namesake who thought Russia under Stalin was a utopia…..


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