Unemployment rises across Rotherham

THE number of people out of work across Rotherham has increased, according to the latest government figures.

The number of people claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance and Universal Credit in Rotherham – which includes Maltby, Dinnington and Mexborough – rose by 30 or one per cent to 4,180 for May compared to a year ago.

There were 985 people aged 18-24 on Jobseeker’s Allowance and Universal Credit, a rise of 25 or three per cent on May last year.

Read on… http://www.rotherhamadvertiser.co.uk/news/view,unemployment-rises-across-rotherham_22888.htm

3 thoughts on “Unemployment rises across Rotherham

  1. Grim reading for Rotherham.
    …particularly when nationally employment levels are increasing … whilst wages are not keeping up with inflation.
    The best quote in the Advertiser article is this from David Gauke MP who became Secretary of State for Work and Pensions earlier this week:
    “This government wants to give everyone the opportunity to succeed, regardless of where they live or their background.
    “This is yet another strong set of record-breaking figures with employment up and unemployment down, fuelled by full-time opportunities.”

    In other news, the Minister for the Northen Poorhouse has stepped down.


  2. Hardly Heart stopping stuff. The population of the south of Rotherham, is roughly 10,000 in Anston about the same in Kiveton, and Aston. So just this small area amounts to about 30-40,000. Revise this up to cover the whole population of Rotherham, then the rising figure of 30 claiming Job seekers, and the figure of 25 for the younger ones hardly deserves the wording “Grim reading for Rotherham” . Yes its probably not good enough, and some of those quoted may well be in “transition” from one job to another.
    Who do we blame, the Government, with the overall national trend dropping quite dramatically in this so called “crisis in the economy” ( did not hear jezza shouting about falling unemployment) or our Labour friends at Town hall towers, who keep telling us they are bringing jobs to the area, and seem to be failing quite grandly.
    Maybe they should stop trying to take credit for the Government funded AMP, and concentrate on creating jobs in other areas, after all, they have been in power for 80 odd years.


  3. Pingback: The Week That Was – Last Weeks Top Ten 17th June 2017 | Rotherham Politics

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