Rotherham abuse victims ‘still not being listened to’

A reminder of past failure, pertinent today!

RMBC bought 1500 copies but didn’t distribute them.

Don’t forget to sign the petition Rotherham Truth Campaign – Petition

Child sex abuse victims in Rotherham claim they are still not being listened to and are treated as an ‘embarrassment’ to the town.

The damning verdict of the young survivors of abuse is made in a new report.

Interviews were carried out with more than 40 victims, family members, social workers and relatives of abusers for the report called ‘Voices of Despair, Voices of Hope’.

But council bosses have said while they accept the contents of the report, listening to victims and survivors is a ‘priority’ for the authority.

Read more at:



3 thoughts on “Rotherham abuse victims ‘still not being listened to’

  1. How many of the 1500 have already been distributed?
    Why didn’t RMBC allow the publication to be distributed from day 1?
    This report is from 1 February 2015.
    It is now 20 June 2017.
    There can only be one conclusion:
    RMBC are STILL in denial, are STILL colluding in a cover-up,
    have STILL not learned a single lesson.
    This stinks of Common Purpose.
    Are any of the Commissioners associated with Common Purpose?
    Not only is RMBC not fit for purpose, neither are the Commissioners!


  2. Pingback: The Week That Was – Last Weeks Top Ten 24th June 2017 | Rotherham Politics

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