Powerful want us to fail, says head of historical child abuse inquiry

The head of the inquiry into historical child abuse has criticised powerful “vested interests” who see its work as a threat and want it to fail.

Alexis Jay, who is the fourth person to chair the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, admitted that it came close to collapse when her predecessor quit last summer.

She rejected criticism that the inquiry’s remit was too broad to reach meaningful conclusions, saying it had observed similar patterns of abusive behaviour in different settings, where too often the reaction was to move the perpetrator and protect the institution.

“Strong vested interests would like to see this inquiry implode. There are institutions which would prefer to see us fail, because we are such a threat,” Professor Jay said. “There are some powerful institutions and individuals that don’t know what we know. Like it or not, they’re going to be called to account.”

Read on… https://www.thetimes.co.uk/edition/news/powerful-want-us-to-fail-says-head-of-historical-child-abuse-inquiry-t6kvqf2qc

Dark forces hoped the QC sex scandal would destroy my child abuse inquiry… and it almost did: Stunning admission by the fourth boss of the troubled historic paedophile probe

  • Head of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sex Abuse says it almost collapsed
  • Prof. Alexis Jay said vested interests could have forced its closure in an interview
  • Inquiry has 220 lawyers looking at cases from churches, schools and councils
  • It is set to end with a final report and recommendations in the early 2020s

Read on… http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4678490/QC-sex-scandal-ended-child-abuse-inquiry-Jay.html

6 thoughts on “Powerful want us to fail, says head of historical child abuse inquiry

  1. We need to know who was involved and why the cover up. Who are the powerful protecting. Certainly not the general public. Time for truth and the criminals to be dealt with once and for all.


  2. A bit like RMBC stopping the distribution of Voices of Despair, Voices of Hope, it will be interesting to see if our three local MPs support the actions of the Rotherham Truth Campaign.
    Who was the external expert and what did they say?
    Another establishment cover-up in the long running scandal of child abuse in Rotherham, who is being protected?


  3. It is the same this side of the double-decker! Immense resources are being spent on preventing exposure of ongoing child abuses. As with RMBC, it is suspected that SCC are working closely with SYP to ensure secrecy. Clearly, neither SYP nor SCC nor RMBC are fit for purpose. Rather than devolving power to a city region, what is really needed is that the city region ( and police ) is run directly from Whitehall for a period of not less than five years, or until this whole fiasco is fully exposed and those responsible held to account.


  4. Pingback: The Week That Was – Last Weeks Top Ten 15th July 2017 | Rotherham Politics

  5. Pingback: Home Office fined £366,900 for breaking pay cap for abuse inquiry chief | Rotherham Politics

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