In Defence of Sarah Champion.

I had been planning to contact Sarah both in her capacity as anti segregation spokesperson and her child protection role.

My intent was to ask for an investigation of the Asian only ward meetings that have taken place in Rotherham East ward and the mass infiltration of that and two other wards by rapists and their friends and relatives with the purpose of defending the interests of the rape industry.

That term is not hyperbolic. There is a nationwide rape industry which was founded in Rotherham by a senior ex councillor and now spans the UK. It is controlled by men of Mirpuri heritage operating through family ties. Across the UK the victim total runs to tens of thousands.

The first public figure to speak of this was prosecuted, the first MP vilified, the author of the first report into Rotherham’s problem was sent on diversity training, the first programme on the subject was postponed due to racial sensitivities the first anti grooming video shelved for years for the same reason. Now, at last, prosecutions are being brought but still honesty on this subject is at a premium. Notwithstanding ample evidence of racial and religious motivation none of these cases has yet been sentenced as a hate crime.

Nevertheless Sarah’s willingness to talk about this subject with frankness offered hope that she could lead a credible investigation into the pro rape faction in the Rotherham Labour Party. Her sacking/resignation has put paid to such optimism.

The Labour Party remains wedded to the same speak no evil policy that allowed this problem to burgeon and has led to Rotherham becoming a magnet for far right protestors and the site of a brutal racist murder. This policy has betrayed both vulnerable girls and law abiding Pakistanis and Muslims.

I have said it before and I shall say it again. If you find yourself having to deny the truth for fear of playing into the hands of the other side you should consider if you are on the right side. Corbyn’s fans are fond of saying he has been on the right side of history. On this issue that honour belongs to Sarah.

Giles Humphry

Full story:

74 thoughts on “In Defence of Sarah Champion.

  1. What Labour MP is going to speak up now? Once again PC culture has stifled a much needed debate! Thank you forspeakingup for the girls


    • The only Labour MP who ever spoke up and actually tried to do something was Anne Cryer.
      Unfortunately, the Labour Party of old of which Anne and Bob Cryer were members no longer exists.


  2. Two roads lay ahead for Sarah Champion.
    She can avoid personal risk and go grovelling back leaving victims in the lurch and at end be reviled.
    Or, she can embrace personal risk and be a leader and champion in fact as well as in name for the thousands of victims.
    That is, she can fight to defeat evil or succumb to it.
    Greatness or oblivion awaits!


  3. The truth is Giles that rape, sex assault, grooming, pornography, female exploitation, domestic violence and psychological abuse is largely carried out by men regardless of faith, skin colour or culture. The problem is not with all men but some, a large minority. By the time a woman dies – regardless of her skin colour, culture, faith whether living East or West – she may have been abused. The official figures are one in three women will go to their graves having being abused by a man.
    So you see Giles, the problem is far more widespread than you imagine but the common denominator in all of this is men, not all men but a large group. Now you can point the finger in various corners and start fires here and there but until you confront the real issue head on, victims (i.e. one in three women) will continue not to be heard.
    So instead of twitching net curtains, finger pointing etc. I suggest you look in the mirror and ask some relevant questions. If I were a man who genuinely cared I would want to know why so many turn in to predators, bullies, abusers etc. The victims need answers and someone who will give them a voice.
    Writing a cheap column in The Sun is not the answer and Sarah should have known that. Not only did she let herself down but she let down the victims of abuse who were trampled on in the stampede by Sun readers to target Asian men.
    There is a problem Giles, but the problem lies with a large number of men. You can remain in denial or you can face the reality but the chances are if a choir boy, a school girl or any child, really, is abused you can bet the perpetrator is a man.


    • Can you provide me with evidence of one other ethnic group. Which has or is currently abusing girls under 16, from another ethnic group, other than their own?


      • Child abuse is child abuse. Is it worse if the abuser selects his victims from a different ethnic /religious group to his own? I can’t see it. If you abuse children you are the lowest of the low. It is impossible to sink any lower IMO. Also IMO the factor that makes your crime so heinous is the age of your victim, not their ethnicity.


      • Child abuse is child abuse. Is it worse if the abuser selects his victims from a different ethnic /religious group to his own? I can’t see it. If you abuse children you are the lowest of the low. It is impossible to sink any lower IMO. Also IMO the factor that makes your crime so heinous is the age of your victim, not their ethnicity.


    • “The report said: “The association, not of all CSE but group-based CSE, with mainly Pakistan heritage is undeniable, and prevention will need both national understanding, communication and debate, and also work with faith groups at a local level.”

      So why is this the case then?

      “It is controlled by men of Mirpuri heritage operating through family ties. Across the UK the victim total runs to tens of thousands.”

      Individual depravity is always going to be with us, but this is an evil collective depravity on a grand scale


    • Ah ….. the muslim narrative of protectionism using smoke and mirrors.

      Let me put you right Mz Ridley.
      In this case, the organised group are men of a particular religion – Islam
      The targeted group are white non-muslims.
      You get it ? Targeted ? Organised ? This is not the paradigm that you are using to obfuscate the issue, which generalises the issue to “all men” , most acting individually.

      You see, Mz Ridley, I believe the nationality of the criminals to be a secondary issue – the common factor in all these criminal groups is their cultural background which is infuses the male with misogynistic Islamic belief from their formative years. Even worse , it produces in the male from these regions the misguided concept of their moral superiority, and that non “modestly dressed” females are unworthy of respect.

      As for “twitching net curtains” – yes, I am certain that there was, and still is, much twitching of curtains in the muslim enclaves of the Mirapur and Sylhet communities in Rotherham and Keighley.
      But of course, as Anne Cryer discovered, such twitching did not result in action by the Imams and community elders in Keighley – rather the opposite in fact.

      Basically, Mz Ridley, your comment is nonsense – a feeble attempt to justify the unjustifiable by attempting to conflate a specific into a general.. Or even more concerning, you may actually believe the drivel that you have written.


      • You need to read my comment again to see what its focus was – the clue is in the title. The rest of your comment is a tangled disarray of disconnected, grammatically incorrect drivel not worthy of a response.


        • Oh please DO correct my grammar – maybe there are some words that you don’t understand ? Is it the syntax or the semantics the is problem for you ?
          The other technique employed by those with no rational and logical response to an argument, which appears to be your case, is to abuse the messenger.
          Quite common, and quite transparently stupid.
          The the focus – the clue is in the title ? I think you have a disfunctional brain Mz Ridley.
          I am sorry that you find it impossible to refute anything that I have said with logic and fact.


      • Paul, I have read this comment carefully. When someone is reduced to correcting your grammar they have clearly lost the argument, no? There is nothing disconnected, ungrammatical or drivelling about it, in fact, it’s nuanced points, (nationality vs cultural background eg), logical flow and advanced vocabulary (narrative, paradigm, obfuscate, conflated, unjustifiable etc, i like it!), all this displays evidence of a highly articulate and educated mind. Keep up the good work. Your paragraph structure is a bit woeful though, you naughty, naughty man.


      • Very well put Paul. Ms Ridley is clearly on a mission to deflect the argument away from the main issue. Sickening Blairite…’The end justifies the means’


        • This thread has a subject title: In defence of Sarah Champion, and it is to that I addressed my discussion. Some in this forum clearly want to make CSE all about race and while you have all had your say not one of you, not one, has any thought for the real victims … the children.
          Perhaps you would do well to read this to get an understanding of why Sarah Champion distanced herself from the comments in The Sun, for that is what she did. She says they were not her words and said her own words had been twisted.


        • Yvonne, surely you are not saying that you are the only one on this thread who is concerned about the children!?

          If most comments here seem prompted by political ire, it is the sheer anger at the Labour Party’s attempt to play the race/islamophobia card, yet again deflecting away from constructive discussion that would start to address the real issues and facts. Such discussion would actually help further children joining the long line of victims. But we are not allowed to have it.
          So we care about the victims. We are appalled by those who put the sensibilities of others before the victims and seem to think these sensibilities are more important. Alongside the shocking sufferings of so many victims, these sensibilities appear utterly trivial and those who cherish them should grow up. It is not about them any more. It never was about them.
          Yes, most reasonable people don’t want to scapegoat a community, unjustly, but once that is said and recognized everything else that follows needs to be said and done on behalf of the victims. This continuous obsessive commentary about the bogeymen of race and islamaphobia has to stop.

          Let us be honest for a moment; If we are really concerned for the victims (and you are definitely not the only one concerned) we must admit the true nature of the problem so that it can be addressed and children protected. It is the inability to recognize and admit the cultural specifics that is actually preventing constructive debate. This is what the Local Authority, Police and Council have done all along and we know this contributed to the problem, as recognized by Casey – and the Labour Party are continuing that stupid game, now.

          In any case, most of the comments about cse on this thread are not about race at all but nationality, culture and occasionally about religious belief (but only in so far as that the religious beliefs and practice of a particular group of muslims, not Islam per se, are failing to restrain culturally driven behaviours).

          As for Sarah’s views, there is clear documentary evidence that she saw the original completed article and endorsed it warmly. Any subsequent attempts to distance herself from her original words can only be interpreted as damage limitation – to protect her own position in the Labour party. If she had any sense she would stand up to that party’s untenable position and part company with them. The issue is that important imho. Does she represent Labour or the people of Rotherham?


    • You just DO NOT UNDERSTAND THIS DISCUSSION Ms Ridley. Have you read the Jay & Casey reports or read the transcripts of any of the grooming gang court cases ?? Or heard the comments made by one convicted child rapists, as he was sentenced in the Newcastle CSE prosecution ?? “White women are trash etc etc !” Actually he was far more descriptive in his actual language of what white women and girls really mean to him. Look it up and discuss the actual matters that Sarah Champion finally said !!


      • But Sarah Champion did not ‘finally say’ because she has since distanced herself from The Sun report which she says was rewritten and should not have been published in her name. The one report you clearly have not read is the one concerning the offending article. Do keep up.


        • “This thread has a subject title: In defence of Sarah Champion, and it is to that I addressed my discussion. ”

          Your twaddle has nothing whatsoever to do with the title. Champion’s comments were about a specific ethnic group and that community , and your “comment” says nothing about it. As I pointed out, but you either you lack the logical ability to follow what I said, or cognitive dissonance is operating in your brain.
          To repeat , as I stated, you wish to use a smoke and mirrors tactic to deflect the argument away from the specific ethnic group and the community to which Champion referred.
          The fact that she refuted the comments that she obviously made has more to do with her own lack of self-respect and wish to be re-elected rather than de-selected than it has to do with anything else.


  4. I’m not a completely uncharitable person Giles but I do find it difficult defending someone who at best obfuscated, dithered, and ignored what happened in Rotherham, and at worst, facilitated, condoned, and allowed, albeit passively, what happened in Rotherham.
    I’m glad she finally found the courage to speak plainly and truthfully about what the problem is, it was something of a shock to read, but sadly less of a shock when she attempted to backtrack, and even less of a shock, in fact not even a surprise, to discover that what “mortified” her was the fact the Sun had used an older picture.

    What she said of course can never be unsaid, and now the public is slightly more aware that organised racist gang rapists and child traffickers typical of Rotherham Newcastle and countless other towns and cities have a heritage mostly Pakistani, It bothers me not a jot that she chose the Sun as her platform, yes an interview with Andrew Norfolk might have carried more weight, but if i’m honest after all the cover-ups, all the refusals to discuss and all carpets being lifted to make room for the broom and the subject matter she could have done the interview in the Daily Stormer for all I care, It needed saying, that was the priority, where it was said comes way down the list of priorities.

    So, the subject has been given some more daylight, and it desperately needed it, It shouldn’t fade from discussion until we can be sure every avenue has been explored to try to ensure this phenomenon is stopped, but in firstly trying to walk back what she said, and then secondly succumbing to bullying from her colleagues and resigning from the cabinet she has half closed the window again, lifted the corner of the carpet, I deeply wish that she had stuck to her guns, that she had brazened it out, [we know she can be brazen when the need really arises] Personally I might then have been more inclined to jump to her defence, basically she got all brave until she was told to shut up, and when she was told to shut up, she did.

    There is of course the matter of who told her to shut up, why they told her, and what that means for the party she’s a member of, but that’s not for this thread, and would probably be even more rambling, and much much more likely to be subject to moderation,even given the freedom we’re allowed on this site, for which I always have been, and always will be grateful.


    • The woman deserved nothing but contempt for not having the courage of her own convitions .
      She’s just a normal self-interested polician, like all the others, not worth the time of day.


    • Well written Dave Earp. At least, as you say, she has finally put the facts into the public domain and those facts cannot be “backtracked” ! Pity more of her lily livered colleagues daren’t put their heads over the parapet !


      • Exactly. Where are the other two Rotherham MPs on this issue? Their silence speaks volumes. We all know where Dennis MacShane the MP for most of the period this was happening in Rotherham was. He said as a Guardian reading leftie he didn’t want to look too closely at this issue and he was, of course, rather preoccupied with the EU.


        • After the piece was published she denied writing it, distanced herself from the article bearing her name and blamed her own advisers … that’s quite a backtrack Insider & malcontent


    • Ah Dave, I know what you mean. I have criticised Sarah for pussyfooting on this issue and associating with members of the pro-rape faction. She had a struggle with the truth. But now she has been sacked for speaking the truth it behoves us all to rally round as Sajid Javid and Maajid Nawaz have at personal risk because the truth is the truth and people should be rewarded not punished for speaking it.


        • Yvonne Ridley: It was reported that leaked emails show the Rotherham MP’s team had seen a finished version of the article and fully approved it, saying she was “absolutely thrilled with it.” She was, however, mortified that the Sun had used an old photograph of her.


  5. Of course you’re over-looking the fact she has now distanced herself from the article, said she did not write it as published and also said it should never have been published ..


  6. Poetmorgan has selective memory syndrome – I made grooming an issue in my election campaign & was accused by Champion & her campaign team of Islamophobia and racism. Although I suspect, hiding behind the coward’s veil of anonymity, this will have little impact on you. So, hardly picking the flesh off a corpse which is an interesting way to describe your MP’s current predicament.


  7. Not a labour supporter, nor any party. I vote for individuals and their promises.
    Clearly things might seem to be looking up for you electorally and I can see why you might dislike Labour and their MP locally.
    However your generalising tirade against those with Y chromosomes frankly said nothing of the remotest use to the abused.
    It read like change all men and the problem would go away which sounded silly.


  8. I never said you were a supporter of a political party; i said you had selective memory syndrome otherwise you would not have targeted me so unfairly. Changing the goalposts after being hoisted by your own petard is rather lame.


  9. Now you are getting sillier. Your initial contribution here was classic head in the sand stuff.
    You choose aggressive personal stuff calling me a coward and getting all wound up against me for daring to differ. I hope you choose to stand in the next election and I wish you no ill.
    However, if unfairness bothers you perhaps it would be better to take up sky diving!


  10. Yvonne, thank you for your lecture. I much admired your campaign for Respect on this issue. But you aren’t being honest. You more than anyone know the identity of the ex councillor who founded the rape industry, how he maintains the omerta policy of our local Mirpuri community and how he has used family ties to establish a nationwide business. That is to say you know the answer to Sarah’s question as to why, time and again, it is Pakistani men responsible for organised abuse. Yet rather than seeking to expose the racket of the man who targeted you you choose to pretend there isn’t an issue. Has he got to you at last?


  11. Giles, no one has got to me. I was responding to the title of this thread re-Sarah Champion. You place far too much importance on one insignificant man who has been exposed, has had a very public and humiliating fall from grace and it is quite clear his decline and fall is not yet complete.


    • I was trying to give you an out from your denial. I don’t claim everything is down to one man, though he has played a major role. I focused on him because the only other explanation of the evidence is cultural/religious and I knew you wouldn’t want to go there. But have it your way, denial is just a river in Egypt.


      • Actually there is another explanation. The Smith/Jones theory. If we said no man called Smith will be prosecuted for raping a woman called Jones, how many Smiths would rape a Jones. But that would require accepting Norfolk’s finding that there has been a blind eye policy towards the “Rotherham model” and I don’t know if you are there yet.


  12. Yvonne Ridley was given a very hard time by the local political establishment when campaigning for the Respect Party and for her stance on raising the hidden issue of CSE within the town

    If I recall correctly individuals even went to great lengths to ensure rooms booked for Respect meetings suddenly became unavailable, I couldn’t possibly comment on who was behind the arm twisting to make sure rooms were blocked.

    The fall is not complete, I do hope you are right


  13. Yvonne Ridley is correct to point out that sexual crimes are carried out by men of all faiths, cultures etc etc. And overwhelmingly by men. We need to keep this in view at all times. But this is only half the truth. In nearly ALL these other cases, for ALL other ethnic, faith and cultural groups, nobody, but nobody, is allowed to resist honest appraisal of underlying problems and causal factors nor the force of the law. These are addressed even if there is inevitably some denial in the first instance. That is the crucial difference when it comes to some Pakistani men engaging in group-reinforced industrial-scale cse. The thrust of Sarah’s article (which, by the way, she was happy to write and endorse initially) was to highlight the specific ethnic/cultural factor in this one particular area of cse, And let’s face it, this is a pretty widespread phenomena, dwarfing other aspects of sexual crime and warranting urgent and careful examination. It also has a nasty racist element sown in (white girls are easy meat, slags etc while muslim girls are treated well). This, by itself, warrants urgent attention and so it is unbelievable that the Labour party, of all parties, is turning deaf ears to this issue. We must also ask, where is the Labour party’s once honourable championing of women, let alone working class women? Corbyn’s position is beyond contempt. So Yvonne Ridley is sadly half way from the truth of this matter: her argument that “It is widespread so lay off this particular group” is no excuse and a route to inaction and actually to acquiescence. To stand in the dock and say “Everyone does it, your honour, let me off” is no position in law. Everyone else faces the full glare of societies’ examination, so why not some elements of the Pakistani male community? If cse was happening on an industrial scale and it transpired that the overwhelming majority of the perpetrators came from a particular region of Yorkshire or from a particular Christian denomination then you can bet your bottom dollar that that region or group would be put under scrutiny and helped and encouraged to get it’s house in order – and not let off the hook until it had done so. In fact it would be necessary, practical and right to take this approach. This has, in fact, already happened and is still happening with regard to the catholic priesthood and heirarchy. But, guess what? While it is true that sexual exploitation is carried out by men of all kinds (usually, by the way, a tiny minority of such men across all distinct groups) this particularly widespread cse phenomenon is carried out, overwhelmingly, by men of Pakistani origin, in larger numbers So it’s time for that group to grow up and be prepared to face some honest self examination. It’s no time for special privilege, hiding behind the cloak of “Islamophobia” or the race card. In fact it is very much in their own interests to take corrective action before more extreme voices scapegoat their whole community unjustly. Other groups do it so come on! I also ran in that by-election alongside Ms Ridley and was the only candidate to advocate specific proposals that the muslim community itself should take the lead in examining and addressing this issue (e.g. invite the Rhamadan foundation to lead a project and get Imams together to start to talk it through). I did so in the context of offering support to such communities on the basis that no one community should be scapegoated because sexual crime is widespread. These ideas fell on the deaf ears of the Rotherham electorate but I was happy to endorse Sarah Champion’s subsequent efforts to tackle cse and I think she has tried hard. But I think, in the interests of Rotherham and other places, she needs to go Independent and I am happy to back her in that. However, sadly, I have seen little effort from either senior leaders at RMBC or Muslim religious leaders to engage. The denial seems to continue. For instance, I attended a meeting with senior RMBC Children’s services staff along with Jayne Senior and some cse victims. The conversation focussed exclusively on the role of the victims (supply side) and when I steered it to discussing how to stem the attitudes and appetites of young Pakistanis (demand side) I was shouted down by cries of “this is a problem for all communities” – disappointing that senior and well-paid social technocrats were unwilling to look at the actual details of a serious problem. I also attended a faith leaders forum (convened by Sarah) to have an initial discussion about cse in Rotherham. It was a bit of a joke to call it such because, of the 16 or so faith leaders present, 14 were Christian. The only two muslim reps were from charities, not mosques, and one was a young guy who probably has little clout in his community. In that one afternoon was a microcosm of why Yvonne Ridley’s comments are woefully încomplete. Most groups are ready to own up and face the issues and help others do so. It is time for young men of Pakistani origin and their community leaders to join in.


    • Thank you for what is probably the most thoughtful of all comments in this forum. However the Roman Catholic church is still wrestling with a problem that was identified four decades ago and the fact some of the most senior officials in the Church continue to protect equally senior colleagues who are paedophiles is jaw-dropping.
      The same can be said of the Westminster/Whitehall/Establishment paedophile gangs that destroyed many young lives during the 50s/60s and beyond.
      To my mind the best way forward is to examine all of these organisations, including the mosques and start to ask serious questions about the absence of women. Where are the leading female figures in The Vatican? There are few, if any. Where are the women sitting on the mosque committees? There are few, if any. Until these male-dominated organisations, including councils and police forces, start to reflect female representation and promote a gender balance we are going to have groups of men who think they can do what they want and damn the consequences.
      The role of women in our society today is crucial and their absence should send alarm bells ringing regardless of faith, culture or skin colour.


      • “However the Roman Catholic church is still wrestling with a problem that was identified four decades ago and the fact some of the most senior officials in the Church continue to protect equally senior colleagues who are paedophiles is jaw-dropping.”

        No doubt – but you don’t get gangs of priests gang raping and then pimping the victims out, torturing them and carrying out acts of violence to stop them going to the police, threatening to burn down family homes etc. That is gangsterism, and on a large scale

        The RC issue is clearly closely bound up with celibacy

        “The same can be said of the Westminster/Whitehall/Establishment paedophile gangs that destroyed many young lives during the 50s/60s and beyond.”

        That’s an absurd piece of hyperbole

        As I pointed out before the Oxford Serious Case Review stated that

        “The report said: “The association, not of all CSE but group-based CSE, with mainly Pakistan heritage is undeniable, and prevention will need both national understanding, communication and debate, and also work with faith groups at a local level.”

        So there is a collective depravity operating here

        The RC Church issue is an institutional one, that of the Pakistani rape etc gangs has its roots deep within the culture of these communities


        • Thanks Yvonne – your point about female voices in these groups and institutions is a great one. But I think one essential difference is that the RC church was continually put under scrutiny by the media and the political establishment, once facts were known, until they were brought to the point, (and as you say are continuing) of admission and of addressing. We must recognize that the sheer scale of these scandals, and what is at stake for institutions and groups, makes it a long process fraught with fear, damage limitation and self-protection – but the process must be started and has started. With the Pakistani male community in the UK, no one is being allowed anywhere near the start line, thanks to the political establishment – in this particular case, the Labour Party.


  14. A noticeable difference between the abuse of children by members of the RC, C of E , scout groups and Pakistani Muslim paedophiles is the tsunami of voices vilifying the local MP for speaking the truth

    I cannot recall one media appearance by anyone defending paedophile priests, yet mention the blindingly obvious that paedophiles from the Pakistani community are involved in the abuse and rape of children then out they come.

    Naz Shah MP an individual with form for racially motivated language leads the charge to mitigate the spotlight falling on the Pakistani community and the result the towns MP has to resign from her shadow post.

    Shah attacked Israel, so it feeds her Bradford constituents mindset and resonates with the anti-Semitism rife within the Labour party, clearly this is acceptable, however stand up for children being raped you get dropped from a great height.

    Introduce the way RMBC are dealing with the Jayne Senior so called complaint and a worrying pattern emerges, the very foundations of our democracy and the right to free speech is at risk, its time to stand up to the politically correctness that erodes the freedom to speak the truth.

    This is not some backwater in Kashmir, women have rights and the right to speak the truth, noticed that the individuals on the TV/radio from the Pakistani community attacking Sarah Champion are all male?

    Sarah Champion should have stood her ground.


    • Written by Shaista Aziz, a Pakistani muslim from Kashmir writing for the left-wing rag called the Guardian. Credibility zero..
      And of course, the usual pathetic attempt to discredit an argument by ridiculous unfounded association is there at the beginning with the throw-away
      word “Nazi” .How pathetic.
      Her article is just like your comments – deflection from the conclusion that the facts produce and as Kavanagh says…… it’s a “muslim problem”.
      And muslims aren’t a race, and neither are Pakistanis.
      Read some Freud and learn about sexual repression and combine that with the racism and the misguided moral superiority complex that exists within the muslim Pakistani community towards white people and you have an explanation for our CSE problem.
      It really isn’t that difficult to analyse, but the resolution requires actions that are too hard to swallow by politicians who have no backbone
      Many of us who are not brainwashed multiculturalists and have an analytical mind know the root and nature of the problem. Unfortunately there are many like you of the left-liberal-Islamic cohort who find it impossible to face reality because the conflict with your own beliefs is just too unpleasant, requiring a complete re-think of your own perspective.. That is why those of your ilk attempt these ridiculous duck-and-weave stategies rather than face up to reality.


  15. Pingback: The Week That Was – Last Weeks Top Ten 19th August 2017 | Rotherham Politics

  16. There are five books listed on this site.
    They contain knowledge and real abuse experience
    They may carry more weight than Guardianista apologists in denial!
    The Sun, I never read since Hillsborough so I cannot comment on that rag except where quoted elsewhere How any MP could use it is also beyond me.


  17. The vast majority of child abuse including CSE is perpetrated by white men in this country. Fact. So, who is taking responsibility and what are we going to do about it then?


    • “The vast majority of child abuse including CSE is perpetrated by white men in this country. Fact.” Not so, you are conflating two entirely separate facets of sex crimes against children. That of all paedophilia, compared with the ‘Classical Model’ we and Professor Jay refer to as CSE.
      You appear to be yet another ‘classical’ denialist


  18. Well spotted Yvonne, my mistake.

    The article fails to address the real issue raised by Sarah Champion, the fact that groups of men from the Pakistani community are identifying, targeting, grooming and raping children on an industrial scale.

    Sadly political correctness has won the day, maybe Ms Champion should have gone to the Guardian, although I am not sure that their sensitivities would have allowed them to go to print.

    What has effectively happened here is that the subject of the sexual abuse of children by well organised gangs of Pakistani men is now off limits giving them the freedom to act without the fear of exposure.

    The authors and commentators to the Bradford/Rotherham politics blogs must be smirking like a Cheshire cat this morning on the way the media has been used to silence the debate and gag one key voice in the defence of children.

    A dark day for the liberty to speak your mind, and a dangerous time for children when you can no longer speak the truth.


  19. Political correctness has not won the day.
    In effect, it is an own goal.
    People simply see that Corbyn is an old-school marxist who they will never elect because they don’t want to live under a totalitarian regime run by apparatchiks.
    They also see that politicians, despite their moral signalling,, are just the same unchanging self-interested spineless sycophants that they despise.
    There will come a point in time when , like PM May said ” enough is enough” but in this case, the population will actually act with actions not words.


  20. Champion was niave for writing for a murdoch rag like the scum and its trackrecord of wapping, union bashing, orgreave, hillsbrough and hacking/milly dowler etc. Poor judgement and bad politics.

    However she was brave for her comments that were in context for cse grooming in places like rochdale, rotherham, west yorkshire, oxford and bristol who were predomintly from kashmiri community. The victims were also kashmiri who were raped and abused.

    Just as those that failed to alert the public and safeguard young people or turned a blind eye and covered up were white – Same as for paedaphilia for establishment, childrens homes, celebrity and religious were mostly white.


  21. Sarah Champion was, in my opinion:
    — right to write to write the article (although a different newspaper would have been better eg link with Andrew Norfolk and The Times would have been a stronger article)
    — right to the make the comments, along the same lines, in the Radio 4 interview the week before
    — wrong to try and ‘pull away’ from the article when challenged
    — wrong to resign her Shadow Cabinet role

    Is the Labour party burying their political ‘heads’ in the sand about what is happening in Labour constituencies to protect their votes? Just a thought…………


  22. Pingback: The Week That Was – Last Weeks Top Ten 26th August 2017 | Rotherham Politics

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