The “burning injustice” felt by those affected by public disasters must end

The “burning injustice” felt by those affected by public disasters must end, a report on the experiences of the Hillsborough families has found.

Bishop James Jones said “a change in attitude” was needed to ensure their “pain and suffering” was not repeated.

He called for a charter for bereaved families, the right to publicly-funded legal representation and a “duty of candour” for police officers.

The bishop also praised the families’ “exceptional” tenacity over 28 years.

And he said he was “confident” that anyone affected by the Grenfell Tower fire could read his findings and see “many, many resonances”.

The 117-page report was commissioned by Theresa May when she was home secretary after verdicts of unlawful killing were returned in the second Hillsborough inquests last year.

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Hillsborough disaster report calls for changes to help bereaved families

A report on the experiences of the Hillsborough disaster families has called for 25 changes to be made to help the bereaved in the future.

The review of the families’ experiences called for cultural change in public authorities to stop the ‘burning injustice’ in the way bereaved relatives are treated following a tragedy.

Carried out by Bishop James Jones and published by the Home Office today, the review was commissioned following inquests into the deaths of 96 Liverpool FC fans at Hillsborough football stadium, Sheffield, in 1989.

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