Labour hushes up second ‘suicide’ after sex claims

Labour hushes up second ‘suicide’ after sex claims

Death of HQ staffer sparks calls for inquiry

A second member of the Labour Party has died after apparently taking his own life amid allegations of sexual misconduct.

The man, understood to be in his early thirties, died suddenly last week after being suspended from the party and his job at Labour headquarters after claims involving pornography.

The revelation plunged Labour into a fresh crisis and resulted last night in calls for an independent inquiry into the party’s handling of recent complaints about sexual harassment and wrongdoing.

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Second Labour Party member dies suddenly after being suspended over sexual misconduct claims

A second Labour Party member has died suddenly following his suspension from the party over allegations of sexual misconduct.

It comes just two weeks after Welsh assembly cabinet member Carl Sargeant took his own life after being suspended over claims of sexual harassment.

The senior staff member, based at the Party’s headquarters in Victoria, passed away last week.

The man, in his 30s, had been suspended over allegations involving pornography, according to the Sunday Times.

General Secretary Iain McNichol broke the news to staff on Thursday.

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Labour staff member dies suddenly amid inquiry – reports

Man in his 30s had apparently been suspended from job and party over pornographic images on computer

A Labour party staff member in London has died suddenly amid an investigation into pornographic images found on a computer.

The staff member, who was in his 30s and worked in the party’s London headquarters in Victoria, had been suspended from his job and the party while an investigation was carried out, according to the Sunday Times.

Staff were informed of his death on Thursday by Labour’s general secretary, Iain McNicol, but had been told the matter had to be kept private. The inquiry into the staff member is understood to have been in its early stages and there had been no finding of guilt.

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1 thought on “Labour hushes up second ‘suicide’ after sex claims

  1. Cllr atkin may be getting hot under collar?

    The union buster who paid chief officers illegal payments for overtime to strike break has allegedly a passion for porn vids etc


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