Hillsborough disaster and Rotherham scandal compensation costs leave South Yorkshire Police facing ‘very serious situation’

Ongoing compensation claims against South Yorkshire Police over the Hillsborough disaster and the Rotherham abuse scandal mean the force is facing a “very serious” financial situation unless the Government steps in, police commissioner Alan Billings has warned.

In a New Year message, Dr Billings said the force was also having to deal with extra costs relating to Operation Stovewood – an investigation run by the National Crime Agency and paid for by South Yorkshire Police into historic child sexual exploitation offences in Rotherham that the force failed to properly investigate between 1997 and 2013.

It came after it was revealed in 2014 there had been at least 1,400 victims in the town over the 16-year period. Stovewood has become the largest ever investigation into child sexual exploitation offences, with almost 200 detectives and investigators assigned to it.

Read more at: https://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news/hillsborough-disaster-and-rotherham-scandal-compensation-costs-leave-south-yorkshire-police-facing-very-serious-situation-1-8936018

4 thoughts on “Hillsborough disaster and Rotherham scandal compensation costs leave South Yorkshire Police facing ‘very serious situation’

  1. They would not be facing this if they had done their duty in the first place!
    We know this force is skilled at obfuscation and deceit and of failings on an enormous scale. They fought a deceitful rearguard after their failings at Hillsborough. If they put the effort into doing the jobs they are paid to do that they put into their cover ups and deceit they would be a proper police force.
    They might be better run if they distanced themselves from the local inept political elites!
    In reality they are beyond reform. It might be best to close them down and establish a new force much as was done in northern Ireland. All officers then would have contracts terminated and given the opportunity to apply to join the new force if they are free of past failings that have caused harm to befall local citizens!


  2. “the force is facing a “very serious” financial situation”
    Good of the Commissioner to tell us that his force is now having to pay for its previous incompetence and that the public are in danger of receiving an even lousier service than before.
    This Commissioner is really on the ball, ain’t he!


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