Yorkshire devolution: Deal inches closer as Rotherham leader takes ‘pragmatic’ approach

The prospect of an agreement over Yorkshire devolution is closer to becoming reality after the leader of Rotherham council revealed he was willing to accept an unelected Sheffield City Region mayor serving a term of only two years.

Chris Read said in a letter to the Government, posted online, that he would support the proposal by his counterparts in Doncaster and Barnsley made in a bid to break the long-running stalemate on the issue.

Read more at: https://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news/yorkshire-devolution-deal-inches-closer-as-rotherham-leader-takes-pragmatic-approach-1-8953519

3 thoughts on “Yorkshire devolution: Deal inches closer as Rotherham leader takes ‘pragmatic’ approach

  1. Pragmatic my xxxx as Jim Royle would say!

    This is all about safeguarding the Read household income, improving his civic monthly pay packet and placing his partner in a prime position for a plum, highly paid role in any interim structure.

    Read has no shame and no credibility in his stewardship of RMBC and being prepared to squander £2 million on a sham process or go for a fudge shows that he should stand down, One Yorkshire is the way forward from day one.

    A public vote of no confidence in Read!

    (Now which under 50, male and pale member within his current Cabinet would that fetch a Cheshire Cat grin to?)


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