Yorkshire devolution: Calls for Government to act as council leaders reach agreement on interim mayor

The Government was coming under pressure today to agree to proposals for a two-year mayoral term in South Yorkshire, a major stepping stone on the path to a full region-wide devolution deal, after a significant concession on the issue by the leader of Sheffield City Council.

Julie Dore says she will back plans for an interim mayor for the Sheffield City Region for a shorter period than originally envisaged, meaning the proposal is now supported by all four local authorities in South Yorkshire.

Read more at: https://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news/yorkshire-devolution-calls-for-government-to-act-as-council-leaders-reach-agreement-on-interim-mayor-1-8964025

1 thought on “Yorkshire devolution: Calls for Government to act as council leaders reach agreement on interim mayor

  1. If the fool Dore and the bigger fool Reed had come on board immediately One Yorkshire would be much closer by now – two minnows terrified of losing personal “power” swimming in a much bigger pond !! Political pygmies !


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