Rotherham criticised in Parliament – Simply Unacceptable!

Without Liberal Member of Parliament for Stockton North, Alex Cunningham who spoke these words in a Westminster Hall Debate last week, we would not know of the simply outrageous situation here in Rotherham for those in great need:

“Mencap provided me with a graphic example of what the cuts mean for George and his daughter, who are from Rotherham. George’s daughter has profound and multiple learning disabilities. Due to her disability, she is doubly incontinent and requires the use of many disposable items of medical equipment. She lives with her dad, and as part of her care package, the council picks up all body and medical waste from the household. The waste includes faeces, urine, blood and vomit. Mencap says that Rotherham council has gone from collecting the hazardous waste once a week to once every 14 days, and has reduced the amount that it picks up by 50%. The council has also stopped providing specialist waste bags for the disposal of the waste, leaving the family to cover the additional cost themselves. That bodily waste now goes into black bin bags mixed with household waste, which are sent to landfill.”

Rotherham Council must remedy this seriously unacceptable situation, this ultimately endangers public health.

12 thoughts on “Rotherham criticised in Parliament – Simply Unacceptable!

  1. With the help of Mencap who are linked to “nationwidecarers” Rotherham MBC were heavily criticised in Westminster when RMBC without Consultation breached council guidelines gave under 3 weeks notice that disabled incontinent adults who many would cost £1500 to £3500 a week in full time care most are on income support their full time care cost would be free. For over 40 years carers have had weekly collection and yellow bags provided for the stench of their disabled adults incontinent bodily waste.

    RMBC since April 3rd 2011 now only collect this stench every 14 days and they barbarically have withdrawn the reinforced yellow bags that holds the stench they now have to put up to 8 bags of diarrhoea, faeces, urine, blood and vomit up to 80 deeply soiled adult nappies to be put direct, with no bags straight into a supplied unsealed household black bin to go to landfill mixed with their household waste. Some have still got large quantities of bodily waste collected every 14 days. The council want carers to go begging for weekly collection that they have had for 40 years if they don’t they get 14 day collection those carers have 168 hours of caring to do unpaid I photographed 8 yellow bags of the stench that was collected every 14 days sent it to the council Mencap and Mr Burstow the Care Minister. No wonder Westminster criticised Rotherham the caring council!

    Nationwidecarers tell all carers throughout the country not to put up with keeping this stench on your property for 14 days turning your property into a dump it site for sewage write to Rotherham chief executive at Doncastergate and say don’t beg you are not going to put up with this stench on your property return me to weekly collection and yellow bags supplied or I ask Rotherham council to provide me with full time care for my disabled adult. I checked with the environment agency and the health authority and they did not advise RMBC to withdraw the yellow bags or to make 14 day collection of the stench they did this themselves to save £80,000 a year one disabled adult in full time care will make the council thousands out of pocket.

    Refuse to put up with this use full time care there is no shortage of money. Rotherham council have just squandered 5 million pound to Rotherham United that is watched by only 1% of the 250,000 people in Rotherham who pick up the tab. They have just squandered 2.9 Million doing up the Town Hall that had no structural damage to it, so don’t feel guilty about using full time care Rotherham’s record for disabled! Shutting laundry and bathing services, shutting day centres and respite care homes drastically reduced home helps and services. 14 day collection of diarrhoea faeces urine blood and vomit that is often infected being left on your property is the last straw Mr Kimber the chief executive and director Mr Burton 2010 are aware of this situation and they are ignoring the critcism of Westminster. Floods of full time care could be the answer good for the carer bad for the council.

    Carers are only paid 6% to 10% of their total care costs in benefits saving the council up to £3000 a week £182,000 a year Their is no incentive to care at home full time care means no worry about bathing and nursing services day centres and respite care homes being shut no worries of turning your property into a dump it site for sewage the worry and the costs is that of the council. “nationwidecarers” is the most informative webside on the internet linked to mencap carers UK the Coalition of Charging and many more you can get advice on Carers Rights, Consultation that most councils fail to hold, Community Care Law on council charging.and your rights on council guidelines.


  2. George Valentine says

    Any carer of an incontinent person in Rotherham who since April 3rd 2011 who without consultation has had their weekly collection changed to 14 day collection this caring council have even withdrawn the reinforced yellow bags leaving you to store the stench of up to 8 bags of diarrhoea faeces urine blood and vomit on your property turning it into a dump it site for sewage. They ask you to put this stench into a supplied unsealed black bin sending tons of bodily waste to landfill. Rotherham have been heavily criticised in Westminster and asked to rectify this unacceptable situation they have not. Many carers are still compelled to have14 day collection.

    Rotherham council want you, after 168 hours of caring to apply for consideration of weekly collection some have applied and been rejected. Carers save this country 119 billion pounds a year. Many of your doubly incontinent disabled adults are on income support have mental ages of 6 months and 99% a phyisical disability many can only rock shout and breath unaided and would cost in care between £1500 and £3500 a week in care. Mencap are fighting to return everyone to weekly collection. We can do it with your help.

    Write to the chief executive refuse to put up with the stench of bodily waste using your property as a dump it site, ask for weekly collection with yellow bags supplied or find a suitable place in full time care for your disabled adult. This will be free to you up to £3500 a week for the council this is your right their is no compulsion for anyone to care. You can get advice on Consultation Carers Rights and Community Care Law by visiting


  3. George Valentine

    Under the dream ticket of Kimber and Stone with the support of the Labour council and 2010, Rotherham are the only council in Yorkshire, who with no consultation breached council guidelines compelled carers of profoundly disabled doubly incontinent adults to store for 14 days diarrhoea, faeces, urine, blood and vomit turning their property into a dump it site for sewage,this council even withdrawing the reinforced yellow bags to store the stench in. Bit by bit we are slowly restoring carers back to 7 day collection. If you are one of the hundred plus still faced with 14 day collection, give RMBC an ultimatum, weekly collection or find me full time care for my disabled adult, fight back and you will get your weekly collection. No council official would meet me with 8 bags of stench to discus this unacceptable situation. They may be worried they could get addicted to poo sniffing.

    When a council like Rotherham refuses to listen, after being heavily criticised in Westminster, for compelling carers of the most vulnerable in society storing stench for 14 days. They were told this was a health hazard. Don’t put up with it utilise your right to use full time care. Remember Mr Kimber and Mr Stone when you keep slashing services to the disabled as your record shows, Rotherham woud not survive without carers caring at home. Carers save this country 119 billion pounds a year.

    “” linked to Mencap Carers UK and many other top organisations, and supported by a top London expert on Community Care Law professor Luke Clements. Our site has had over 50,000 hits advising carers of their rights. Over the last 10 years what Rotherham have done for carers can be written on a postage stamp with enough room left to lick it. What they have taken away from carers and the disabled would fill a sheet of A4

    . There is no incentive for carers to care at home in Rotherham. They have withdrawn laundry and bathing services, day centres respite homes halfed home help services. Day centre meals at £4 – 20 for those disabled adults on income support are the dearest in the country you can get a two course meal in a pub with enough money left over to leave a tip. Rotherham may in future need the £8 million pound it squandered on Rotherham United and doing up the Town Hall to pay for building and providing full time care homes.You have been warned!


  4. George Valentine

    Following Rotherham being heavily criticised in Parliament for their unacceptable treatment of the disabled I look at Rotherham and the Governments record over the last decade proving there is no incentive to care 168 hours a week at home for your disabled adults and children on 6% to 10% of their full time care costs. Yet they keep giving honours to council members,they must give them away like Blue Peter badges. Full time care for disabled adults on income support is free.

    Their record! shut laundry and nurses bathing services. Shut day centres and respite homes. Provide the most expensive day centre meals in England at £4 – 20. for disabled adults on income support. Stopped the saturday club. Stopped paying them £2 a week at the day centre. Slashing services from home helps without holding Consultation. Charging them for transport. Then refusing to replace their clapped out buses when the money they have paid could replace 5 new ones.

    Has council money been spent wisely judge for yourself. 2.9 million on a Town Hall with no structural damage 5 million loan to Rotherham FC with no guarantees it will be paid back. First class travel up and down the country for councillors and officers. Councillors banquets no meals on wheels for us. Free Dolly Parton books, free premises for multi millionaire Jamie Oliver. How many services could have been saved. How many council employees jobs could have been saved and I have only scratched the surface and as you can read on my website all 400 councils in England and Wales are breaching Community Care Law on 3 counts.


  5. George Valentine

    When a council like Rotherham fails to act when they have being heavily criticised in Westminster.
    What do their councillors and officers have in common with a soiled adult nappy? They both need changing regularly and for the same reason.


  6. George Valentine

    This unacceptable situation by RMBC to subject carers of disabled incontinent adults by compelling them to 14 day collection of diarrhoea faeces urine blood and vomit turning their property into a dumpit site for sewage even withdrawing the reinforced yellow bags to store the stench is barbaric

    My campaign against this uncaring council and other councils throughout the UK shown on my website “” is linked to Mencap, Carers UK, supported by MP’s and Westminster. We have slowly stopped the zero tolerance. I and few others have been returned to weekly collection everybody else should as well. I don’t bark just for myself I bark for all the other 6 million carers. So if you want weekly collection simply—-

    Write to the Streetpride director Mr Burton with a copy to chief executive Mr Kimber stating you are not prepared to turn your property into a dumpit site for sewage give them an ultimatum return me to weekly collection with reinforced yellow bags supplied or provide my disabled adult with full time care that will be financed by the council. This could cost over £100,000 a year each.Then the stench and the worry will be RMBC problem not yours I advice on my website every carer in the country to do the same. Carers have a bargaining power there is no compulsion to care. Carers save this country 119 billion pounds a year. If RMBC want you to care they must earn it.


  7. George Valentine “”

    On my website I have informed all carers that RMBC and many of the 400 councils in England and Wales who fail to hold Consultation when altering changing or withdrawing a service that has been assessed, breaches Council guidelines and Community Care Law. RMBC held no consultation on compelling carers of 14 day collection of bodily waste. This is being investigated at the highest level. Until it is resolved I will advise all carers to use full time care.


  8. I’m sure our Great Council Leader, Roger Stone, really took this situation into account when he committed the Borough Council to spending large sums of rate-payers money on his obsession with Dolly Big Boobs and her bright idea for providing a duplicate reading service for t’ kiddies.

    Yes, we do have libraries, Sure-Start, schools etc!!! besides Dolly and Roger’s ‘arrangement’.

    Let me take this opportunity to personally thank Roger Dodger for his contribution to care in the Rotherham area.


  9. Wasn’t John ‘Oily’ Doyle, a Swinton councillor and a cabinet member, involved in most of these decisions? When he shut the laundry, wasn’t he the one that hadn’t a clue that the users included Rotherham Hospice! Officers dream this character, no chance of asking any awkward questions when presented with proposals by officers, there’s little chance he will understand them anyway! This guy always does what he is told by HL&M Roger Stone! Even when it blows up in their faces, no discernible autonomy of thought! Perhaps?


  10. George Valentine “nationwidecarers”

    After Rotherham being heavily criticised in Westminster at their barbaric treatment of the disabled I would like to address Cllr Pat Russell Rotherham’s disability champion and Cllr Richard Russell her husband Rotherham’s carers champion. Lets look at their record along with Roger Stone OBE one cllr did care for the disabled Peter Thirlwall he was a champion he fought the closures. Since you have been councillors your record for the disabled is — shut laundry service,— shut the nurse’s bathing service— shut day centres— shut respite care homes— put up home help charges on average yearly by 6 times inflation.—- Cut services and withdraw services without consultation that breaches council guidelines.

    You have left carers of disabled doubly incontinent adults without reinforced yellow bags to hold the stench of diarrheoa, faeces, urine, blood and vomit cancelled 7 day delivery implementing 14 days collection without consultation turning their property into a dump it site for sewage. RMBC provide at the day centres for the disabled the most expensive meals in the country £4 – 30p you can eat out cheaper with enough money left for a tip. There is no incentive to care in Rotherham some of those disabled adults on income support would cost between £1500 and £3500 a week in care. Some care on benefits of only 6% of their full time care costs and you want to charge them for services out of this pittance. The way forward for them is to flood Rotherham with full time care just 10 disabled in care would cost a million pound a year.

    I would like you both to comment on your record as champions. You have even taken the meals of the day centre officers who work up to 8 hours with no breaks, cut their holiday entitlment and given them a reduction in wages. While you can squander 5 million pound loans to Rotherham United, squander 2.9 million on doing up the Town Hall that had no structural damage. Squander money on councillors first class travel, squander junkit trips abroad to a buxom ladies ranch. Provide multi millionaire Jamie Oliver with free premise who taught more people in Rotherham to swear than to cook. Squander money on councillors banquets. No meals on wheels for us no scrimping for us. Yes I think carers should throw the towel in and use full time care.


  11. George Valentine “http: //

    Rotherham council have ignored being heavily criticised in Westminster for creating a Health Hazard for carers of doubly incontinent adults by compelling them to turn their property into a dump it site for sewage by storing the stench and withdrawing the supply of reinforced yellow bags that would contain up to 8 bags containing up to 80 adult nappies filled with diarrhoea, faeces, urine, blood and vomit to be collected every 14 days. Westminster warned but RMBC ignored their advice

    Every carer should give Rotherham council an ultimatum stating you will not put up with this Health Hazard return me to weekly collection with reinforced yellow bags supplied or provide me with full time care for my profoundly disabled adult with complex needs that will cost the council up to £3000 a week.This is your right let the council decide. You will then have no problem with bodily waste it will be the councils problem This unacceptable situation will shortly go to the media that will let the public be the judge. A few carers have been returned to weekly collection now we want them all returned to weekly collection.


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