News just in – another sham consultation?

Last night while perusing the online pages of “The Star” I couldn’t help but become interested in this article –

It appears that Rotherham Council is bidding for Government funding for the multi-million pound route, which would link the new Waverley township to Woodhouse Mill.

RMBC has decided to hold the consultation exercise this month (yup, slap bang in the middle of the holiday season) but in mitigation the authority is sending out 10,000 leaflets and holding a public information event about the plans. (So at least everyone who is away on holiday will have some waste paper to throw in their blue sack upon their return).

It seems that Sheffield S13 residents and Sheffield Labour MP Mr Clive Betts are less than impressed with the efforts to inform them from our chums down at Town Hall Towers. A resident’s group spokesman and Mr Betts feel that RMBC haven’t allocated enough time for this consultation (something which Bramley and Wickersley residents are very familiar with) but of course the stock reply from the RMBC officer is that they have given plenty of time, so there you are then, that’s alright then.

It seems that RMBC’s reputation for sincere and meaningful engagement is once again at rock bottom and wearing paper-thin with local citizens and a Sheffield Labour MP. Ain’t it funny how a bad reputation continues to spread and smell like a large slurry slick.

I can’t help but wonder which RMBC Cabinet Member is in overall charge of this debacle? Could it be the clown who made “Advertiser” headlines with the admission of just a small mistake? East is West, and West is East, iffen ya know what I mean …

Another observation from Grald-Hunter

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