Specially for Independents thinking of standing next May!

Next week at Bramley Parish Hall, Independents from around the borough, will be meeting at 19:00 next Tuesday 27th September to begin the campaign leading up to next May’s Borough Council elections. Everyone welcome!

Rotherham Independents are part of the National Independent Network and are committed to the ‘Bell Principles’ as the foundation for their activities.

They are a ‘self help’ group for Independents, member led and committed to providing support not normally available to Independents at a local level. Fighting elections can be very expensive and a minefield of obstacles are placed in the way of Independent candidates, staying legal can be quite a challenge as recent experience has shown.

“Rotherham Independents cordially invite all members of the public considering standing as or wishing to support Independent candidates standing in the Borough Council elections next May, to join us at Bramley Parish Hall, Next Tuesday 27th September at 19:00.

We will be beginning our preparations and this meeting may well prove useful to all Independents, even those who do not want to be part of our group, may well find this evening very useful later on.”

Peter Thirlwall
Spokesperson Rotherham Independents

Update: I thought this information piece might at the very least excite some comment – little did I expect to shake the two Labour members out of hiding that it has.

Firstly  Community Champion, a Labour member who hails from Conisborough and a callow youth and secondly Stewart Platt, a Labour member From Maltby who is also a Maltby Town Councillor and who is definitely old enough to know better, have been misbehaving while the shop was left unattended! I hope these two miserable Labour specimens, might reflect on their evident foolishness, childishness or even worse and apologise, on behalf of their party for bringing Labour and Maltby Town Council in to disrepute and subject to ridicule!

The attitudes displayed are an affront to democracy especially when coming from members of  ‘a mainstream left-wing democratic political party’, they display all the arrogance of power, Labour dictatorships in both their home boroughs, a basic disdain of anyone who challenges them at the polls, or their opinions or indeed even asks questions!


64 thoughts on “Specially for Independents thinking of standing next May!

  1. It doesn’t really matter much what happens in Maltby one way or the other.

    Whether they continue to indulge in the parish pump internecine warfare they’ve become sadly renowned for, or whether they morph into a productive use of taxpayers’ money.

    Either way they are an addendum, an anachronism, an add-on, a useless adjunct in much the same way as the human appendix is there but serves no useful physiological or clinical purpose, but can ultimately threaten the body whole when it becomes inflamed and infected.

    Either way they still have to report to Da Politburo at Town Hall Towers and pay homage at the Court of Da Dodger in the Socialist Fiefdom of Rogerland, and seek permission from Da Bruvvaz n Sistaz before they are allowed to do owt.


  2. JHC, we’ve now got a double act on tonight … it’s better than Masbrough Empire …

    Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my delectation and sheer delight this evening to bring you this 2nd rate double act from the furthest and darkest reaches of Da Dodger’s Fiefdom, at no inconsiderable expense we’re able to bring you tonight’s star studded literary double act … The Fabulous StewBaby ably and eagerly assisted by Bren Gun … watch in utter amazement as they automatically pluck letters from out of the ether and “platt” them together to form incomprehensible words and phrases …

    If you can understand them, then sit back and relax, sip your red wine and whisky, order a takeaway, and laugh till your sides ache with spontaneous muscular contractions of mirth and amusement …


    • stewartplatt says:
      September 22, 2011 at 9:12 pm
      well said donny boy

      Donny Boy is Patrick J. Cawkwell, aka Community Champion, as he’s a Donny resident, taxpayer and voter, n’est pas, je pense.

      Me, I’m a Rovrum lad froo n froo 🙂


      • I’m so pleased you noticed where you lived Mr Buxton…with all your rantings on here anyone would think you lived under the boot of the KGB.

        The matter of where I lay my head does seem to worry you some what doesn’t it Mr Buxton…? The fact I have dedicated my entire working life to Rotherham and many extra hours as a volunteer to Rotherham has little or no bearing on the fact I spend a minuscule amount of time in Doncaster asleep in the evenings.


  3. Dear Stewartpratt,

    Who’s “Donald” FFS?

    I’m me, Grald-Hunter, Professor and Wordsmith Extraordinaire, Brave Hunter and Slayer of Corn Fed Hogs, Clowns and Muppets that roam the depths of the untamed forests of Twin Peaks Land, the Shiner of the Bright Searching Light of Truth and Rectitude.

    My partner is here with me on the sofa, she’s curled up around me, and plying me with red wine and grapes, while we both laugh our sides awf at “a certain somebody’s” hilarious puny literary profferings.

    Oh, BTW, I don’t speak for any other man or woman here or elsewhere, I much prefer them to speak and write for themselves cos that way it’s a lot easier for them to make a Rayt Richard of themselves and I get so so much more fun from trying to understand what they’ve written and what tongue they’re speaking in.

    Do you speak in tongue, stewartpratt? 🙂


    • sorry i meant ronald u no RONALD MC DONALD CLOWN ,sorry i went early last night don but there was a realy funny man on tv ,even funnier than u think you are.BRAVE HUNTER,dont think so thats why u hide behind a made up name ,warrior no just because u got a10 thunderbolt for your pic dunt make u a warrior.come clean let us no this BRAVE man,or are u really the brave SITTING BULL -SHIT,over to u ronald mc


      • Dear stewartpratt,

        The literary eloquence of your posting is truly testament to the inefficiencies of the Old Dame Schools System and to the shallow depth of your intellect, and far be it from me to prevent you continuing to make a Rayt Richard of yourself with your incomprehensible stringing together of the Queen’s English.

        I honestly wished you’d worked harder and succeeded more at school and managed to do the joined up handwriting, and succeeded more in spelling and comprehension. Surely there are free ESOL classes available anywhere in Matlby?

        Maybe you could have a word with t’Leeda o t’RMBC and see if he can slot you into some basic English classes so you can better communicate yourself with those who may be wishing to interact with you in your statutory capacity?

        Or failing that, I have heard that there is a sad mediocre Maltby blogger on here who does a bit of the written stuff who could or should be able to help you strings words together so that you can lift your literary game a tadge and inform readers here rather than entertain them.


  4. Hang on, Rik is Thirlwall’s agent…?

    I need a can after reading that one single comment, how the hell is Rik “Independent” – all he does is pulls Labour to piece’s.

    So, what we have here is quite plain for all to see, Thirlwall is a bully (that’s right isn’t it None Cllr Foulds?) and has put in charge his Big Buddy Van Hegan (who refers to people as “scum” as his agent…bullying…?) – all seems fairly straight forward to me. Don’t vote Ind!


    • Even more straight forward for Rotherham residents, council tax payers and voters is to punish Labour by tactical voting and destroying their conceited electoral dominance …

      that’s the best game in town … and then iffen they get elected, to constantly challenge, scrutinise and publically hold them to account through legitimate means for their obscene junketing, receiving of hospitality and gifts and obsession with pet projects like the Twin Peaks Library …

      That is every Rotherham citizens’ right and democratic duty …


      • i agree gerald it is everyones right and duty but who wants to take any notice of u hiding behind made up names,once again gerald show us the electorate of rotherham who were listening to. yours stewart


        • Dear stewartpratt,

          I don’t need to disclose my identity to you, Bren Gun, or anyone else on here. My details are safe with this site’s moderator and that’s it, period. Trambuster doesn’t even know who I am, she/he may guess, but they don’t know and thus are uncertain, just like you.

          Oh, and coincidentally even when I go into the confidentiality of the polling booth, I don’t have to disclose my identity on my voting slip. I read who’s offering themselves up for election and I may, or may not, make my legal democratic choice – IN SECRET – away from the prying eyes of those who may wish to subvert democracy by coercing to obtain votes for a particular candidate.

          As you are so interested in who’s who, and who does what, why don’t you pressure t’Leeda into putting Rovrum Labour Grooip minutes into the public domain, and broadcasting the proceedings at Town Hall Towers.

          I’m sure that would make informative reading, listening and viewing … but there’s more chance of me meeting Elvis …


    • I know who dat geeza is, but it’s not him, he’s a big big mate of one of two of da Labour Group Cabinet Members, but we can’t name em cos it would sour the well so to speak.

      stewartpratt had you down as him, cos he said you were Donnyboy. Well you are Donnyboy aren’t you, Patrick J. Cawkwell, aka CommunityChampion, friend of Rovrum Labour Group.

      Waddya think of Mr Clugg’s finale at t’Party Confo?


      • see old ronald mcdonald trying to shift the posts ,goalposts that is,why dont we all use are real names makes life so much easier,buxton the reminds me went there the other day ,someone recomended it to me ,WAT A SHITHOLE


    • I bet you and your party would conveniently forget your principles and warmly cuddle up to Clugg to seduce him away from the Nasty Party if it allowed you to form a government like the Nasty Party craftily did 🙂

      Or are you just content to sit and whither in the wilderness and dream of how things might have been so so different if the public hadn’t cottoned onto how Blair and Brown pulled the wool over everyone’s eyes. Remember WMD, Iraq and Afghanistan eh?


  5. communitychampion says:
    September 23, 2011 at 2:08 am
    Providing a decent Council is what we DO…

    Good Morning Patrick,

    As you are a non-Rotherham resident, voter or council tax payer, and therefore take no part in the process of electing Rotherham MBC parish or ward councillors or sustaining them through the tax receipts you are compelled to donate, I am most anxious to learn, maybe others on here are too, just what specific independently accredited evidence base you use to be able to make the rather grand and totally unsubstantiated statement that “providing a decent Council is what we do”.

    Or are you speaking about your own Doncaster MBC and its parish and ward councillors which as a Conisbrough resident you will help to sustain through your tax receipts, and be able to help elect if you are registered as a voter in your electoral district?

    I have great difficulty in understanding how you can possibly use “good” and “Rotherham MBC” together as they definitely don’t sit easily together for me.

    Or are you just relying on your Facebook friendships with Rotherham MBC elected members to once again cloud your vision with your high prescription complex lens rose tinted spectacles?

    I know Patrick, don’t just rely on the opinions and views and entries on here, you could always buy “The Advertiser” and read it to see just how low in regard your beloved RMBC is.

    Or failing that come and regularly attend the Palace of Fun, Mirth and Varieties, aka RMBC Council Meeting, and see and hear the Corn Fed Hogs, Muppets and the Cabinet Clown in action, and you may begin to think that watch you see and hear ain’t worth the price of your council tax entry ticket.

    As you are an out-of-towner and someone who no doubt has to work, like me, through the day, to earn a living, and may therefore find it sometimes awkward to get to every Council Meeting, you could always beg, plead, chirrup or discuss with sincere intent the possibility of t’Leeda and t’Grooip consenting to have their performances made available on the already installed CCTV system and distributed across the stratosphere for the entertainment and delight of other afficionados of civic comedy.


  6. Grald-Hunter says:
    September 22, 2011 at 8:55 pm
    It doesn’t really matter much what happens in Maltby one way or the other.

    Your pals Doug Melloy and Michael Upton et al, seem to think otherwise Grald !
    (see Advertiser 23 Sept 11 ) 🙂


    • Good Afternoon Brenda,

      I wondered where you’d gone last night, as your comms seemed to stop all of a sudden, did you have comms problems and couldn’t log on, tee hee 🙂

      FACT – You don’t know whether Doug Melloy or Michael Upton are pals of mine, or not, or anyone else for that matter as we have a DADT policy, just like the US Armed Forces do, and I wouldn’t share such sensitive gen with you on a public forum.

      OPINION – I do share you view though of what a cracking good read “The Advertiser” is, and always has been. You ought to try writing a good topical letter on a contentious local subject, say Maltby TC and its internecine clan warfare, and slot it in.

      Many of my friends do and sometimes they get published and it gives them a chance to air a contrary view of the Corn Fed Hogs, Muppets and Cabinet Clown who ride roughshod over them at every possible opportunity.


  7. Take the evening off and the internecine clan warfare convulsing Maltby Town Council breaks out all over the place, first of all here and when I finally opened my ‘Tiser a little while ago, there as well!
    MTC have hardly covered themselves in glory since they were formed. Factionalism and infighting are certainly high on the agenda of those contributing to the ‘Tiser’s letters pages this week. What’s Alice Rodgers done that would have caused such ripples that civil war breaks out?
    Why are Maltby folk so tribal, factional and down right nasty?


      • oh and rik please put this in the tizer,MALTBYpeople are the salt of the earth rik i think you,ll find that most trouble stems from some not born here but who are all after leaving a legacy for themselves no matter wat trouble they cause. your another one hiding behind daft names ,the sooner ALLsuch forums are regulated so the users use real identitys the better for everyone



    This website has been noted as using the word INTERNECINE more than is palatable as a presumed show of intellect/literacy.

    Readers please be aware that there is also a couple of bad cases of people not realising who they are or when they are posting

    eg. “Take the evening off and the internecine clan warfare convulsing Maltby Town Council breaks out all over the place”
    See also various postings by “Gerald-Hunter”

    In answer to Rik’s question – Why are Maltby folk so tribal, factional and down right nasty? …

    they aren’t. Just that the majority are fed up to the back teeth of people whose only purpose appears to be to have their name being left as a legacy of power, assumed or otherwise. A few have the interests of Maltby and it’s community at heart, though others are intent on destroying their attempts.

    Suggestion to readers – Check out the history and the current situation in Maltby Town Council FIRST HAND, before casting aspersions on those who speak out with the truth and their true beliefs.


  9. Grald-Hunter says:
    September 23, 2011 at 11:51 pm
    He’s the Caution Cabinet Clown, I think, unless you know different …

    That’s GERALD SMITH, you are referring to Grald-Hunter.
    Isn’t “Who is Grald-Hunter ?” the question you are trying to avoid answering ?


  10. Grald-Hunter says:
    September 24, 2011 at 10:14 am
    Dear stewartpratt,

    I don’t need to disclose my identity to you, Bren Gun, or anyone else on here. My details are safe with this site’s moderator and that’s it, period. Trambuster doesn’t even know who I am, she/he may guess, but they don’t know and thus are uncertain, just like you.

    HA HA HA HA HA HA HA !!!
    Best laugh since Mr C McMahon tried to ‘Chair’ the WVAA meeting at Wickersley, Don !


    • Dear Bren Gun,

      Thank you for you accolades and salutations they are gratefully received.

      I’m glad that my posting hit your fun-button and exercised your chucke muscles.

      I heard that when Da Dodger dropped in the Wickersley Parachute Champion to chair the WVAA meeting his canopy failed to correctly deploy – and he roman-candled straight into the deck.

      Nasty thing that in the airborne world, as I know only too well from personal experience.

      All of which was predictable cos Wickersley/Bramley folk will not be dictated to or ruled by anyone, you see they choose their leaders with care, and that’s why they’ve chosen Mr Foulds to be the spokeperson for the long campaign against the Corn Fed Hogs, Clowns and Muppets at Town Hall Towers.

      Who’s Maltby’s equivalent peoples’ leader – you, stewartpratt or Ms Rodgers – who regularly challenges, scrutinises and holds to account the elected members of the Maltby Town Council?


      • have i just read this right, regularly challenges scrutinises and holds members to account ,well i think more more people inMALTBYwill be watching and listening to this councill basher,or maybe even labour basher.another Axxxxxxx likes to tell us all wats shes done for our village,gets enough free press to spout her venom,i think more people realise wat she is up to.as for leaders we have 18 cllrs and a brilliant chair in place thanks


  11. And here’s Rik’s update –
    Update: I thought this information piece might at the very least excite some comment – little did I expect to shake the two Labour members out of hiding that it has.

    Firstly Community Champion, a Labour member who hails from Conisborough and a callow youth and secondly Stewart Platt, a Labour member From Maltby who is also a Maltby Town Councillor and who is definitely old enough to know better, have been misbehaving while the shop was left unattended! I hope these two miserable Labour specimens, might reflect on their evident foolishness, childishness or even worse and apologise, on behalf of their party for bringing Labour and Maltby Town Council in to disrepute and subject to ridicule!

    The attitudes displayed are an affront to democracy especially when coming from members of ‘a mainstream left-wing democratic political party’, they display all the arrogance of power, Labour dictatorships in both their home boroughs, a basic disdain of anyone who challenges them at the polls, or their opinions or indeed even asks questions!

    Yeah, those two Labour members mentioned in despatches may wish the world would assume the deep red rosy hue of one of them’s high prescripton complex lens tinted spectacles, but those of us who vote Labour, but don’t support them with our money through party membership, find the current antics of the Corn Fed Hogs and Muppets and the Cabinet Clown to be deeply repugnant in the extreme.

    And no amount of tantrums or loud shouting on their two parts, or any of their kling-on muckers, will dissuade us from our civic duty to scrutinise, challenge and hold to account those who we freely elect and pay handsomely (more than Sheffield City Council 😦 ) to govern our wonderful Rotherham Borough on our behalf with our consent.


  12. Post-meeting feedback from 27 September meeting.

    I decided to invite myself to this well-attended public meeting and enjoyed introducing myself to those present as a lifelong Labour voter and supporter, but non-Labour Party member, and very highly “critical friend” of the Corn Fed Hogs, Muppets and Clowns who currently dominate the atmosphere down at Town Hall Towers.

    Differing points of view were politely exchanged between those present, and above all there was an acceptance that things in t’Rovrum Labour Grooip surely couldn’t get any worse than they currently are under the current “Leeda” who is ably supported by his Cabinet Clown who displayed such an aptitude for damaging reputational publicity by getting his name in Swedish print … lol 🙂

    Everyone seemed to agree that the internet was the greatest force multiplier that the working man has yet had access to and from this access there is a duty to challenge, scrutinise and hold to account those who accept public office, and receive higher than Sheffield CC remuneration, in order to govern us on our behalf with our consent.

    Oh, and someone mentioned that it may be a good idea to keep local MPs, Ed Milliband, Rosie Winterton and Hillary Benn uptodate with events from The Players down at The Palace of Fun, Mirth and Varieties, aka Town Hall Towers.

    I’m just a tud curious as to whether Ed and Rosie actually know what a shower we have here in our wonderful Borough of Rotherham. Surely they can’t expect to win the next election while not doing owt abart the Laybah fools that play games with our taxpayer money?


  13. “Update: … … … … little did I expect to shake the two Labour members out of hiding that it has. ”

    Rik, could you clarify how you came to the conclusion that you had done this ? I can’t find any evidence here that the two people you named were in “hiding”. What do you mean exactly ?
    Seems to me that anyone who is in ‘hiding’ on here is Grald-Hunter and geraldgerald – who has been very quiet, if not mute, since his initial comment.
    I wonder if some people’s comments are being specifically ‘moderated’ (ignored) ?
    Surely not, as that would be like The Advertiser or Maltby News printing selected reader’s letters for political reasons and not allowing readers the right to reply when their name has been slandered and their character defamed ! Pot, kettle etc ?

    Re :
    “Grald-Hunter says:
    September 29, 2011 at 2:38 pm
    Post-meeting feedback from 27 September meeting.”

    Could anyone, on behalf of the “independents” in Rotherham, give us a run down on what they independently (or as a group ) intend to do. Just going on about how rotten Labour is without saying what is the “independent” plan is a bit wearing and achieves nothing purposeful. (See for example, Michael Conlon (Ind) in The Advertiser. )

    I have been asking this question since 2007, and not had an answer yet …


    • Pot, kettle etc. Not at all, it sometimes is the job of our editorial team to prevent commenter’s from making further fools of themselves! That is part of the function of moderation, unfortunately. Between yourself, Stewart Platt and community champion, you made fools of us all, when allowed free range to comment! Breaking with our established etiquette and doing all kinds of damage, mostly to your own reputations.

      Secondly, you make a fundamental mistake about the Rotherham Independents, I should point out that your cited Independent, Michael Conlon, is not a member nor even a friend of Rotherham Independents. Rotherham Independents website is where you will be able to hold them to account. I understand that it is going through a complete rewrite, from the bottom up, when complete, you will be able to push them for the answers to your questions.

      Whilst I consider myself to be a proud member of the Rotherham Independents, this blog is a totally separate enterprise. I and those who advise me come from all political persuasions and none. I found that it took many years, perhaps a decade, before all of Labour’s brainwashing was put to one side after leaving the Labour Party and achieving genuine independence of thought.
      Intellectual freedom was hard won in my case and I will not give it up again, to any political party driven by dogma or even a group of independents for that matter.

      Labour has been totally dominant on RMBC so it is inevitable that they will be scrutinised with a great deal more frequency than the tired local Tories. A friend of mine is currently preparing an assessment of the Tories in Rotherham, any insights would be gratefully appreciated.



  14. “Intellectual freedom was hard won in my case and I will not give it up again, to any political party driven by dogma or even a group of independents for that matter.” Rik

    Like you, I will not add my name to any group or political party (driven by dogma or otherwise)

    Unlike you I have never given up my ‘intellectual freedom’ nor been ‘brainwashed’ as you unfortunately say you have been. So I will continue to question the motives and actions of anyone who purports to be ‘independent’ – whether the word ‘Rotherham’ is in front or not.

    “… doing all kinds of damage, mostly to your own reputations.”
    I do wish you would enlarge upon the ‘damage’ that you speak about.
    As for my reputation, I can assure you that it remains intact to the people who know the difference between truth and falsehoods and to those who really matter to me.


  15. This is the second time I find myself commenting on politics in Rotherham without any knowledge of the situation!! (Maybe, I shall have to research that when I next get some free time!)

    Well, I can’t see anything wrong with the Independents having a meeting and supporting any candidates who choose to stand as independents… supposedly the reason being to challenge what is seen as challenging the incumbents/establishment.
    Although it has been difficult to follow the stream of comments and understand fully what is being discussed I feel maltbyblogger may be being ‘victimised’ – in that they have continued to comment whilst the others; namely the main perpertrators have fallen silent. In the end I think maltbyblogger made a valid point, asking what the intentions of the independents were apart from ‘anti-labour’ which is the only thing which comes across.
    Ultimately, I hope you all sort out your differences – politics shouldn’t become personal in my opinion; as soon as it becomes a fight between people you lose the point; it is a contest of ideas, beliefs, principles and policy and without that you will be a poor politician.
    There is a shockingly callous attitude displayed towards the concept of democracy and basic ideas of tolerance seem to be lacking from certain commenters but they know who they are and I hope they don’t really harbour that attitude in reality, especially if they are a politically active labour member as that would reflect poorly on them and their party were they to be seen to be so dismissive of the rights of individuals to stand for election in a democracy.
    I think I’ve said my piece. Its a sorry state when politics digresses to this level but then wesee it in Westminster all the time so maybe I shouldn’t be surprised…. best wishes, esainsbury


    • “a shockingly callous attitude displayed towards the concept of democracy,” a significant facet of Labour here in Rotherham I’m afraid.

      You correctly identify the political allegiances of those determined to make fools of themselves and this blog.

      They only appear to want to mock and threaten those of us who are wanting improved governance in our Borough and are no longer entertained by Rotherham Politics and if you give them space on your blog, likely you will come to regret it.


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