6 thoughts on “Hellaby 2014 Omar’s latest leaflet

    • Excellant leaflet. Wish you all the best Omar you deserve your seat.
      Good to see some one from asain community who has ambition, open and honest.
      Dont change what ever you do please dont follow in the footsteps of the so called asain councillors in the labour party.


  1. Excellent leaflet. A damn sight more professional than the ‘3 for the price of 1’ uninformative, twisted truths garbage distributed by our local Labour party telling me how great and wonderful they are.


    • SKT, Having read that article I’m glad you shared that with us. It’s our (Rotherham Conservatives) job now to ensure this NEVER happens again, you can’t defend the indefensible.
      In addition, we’re committed to selecting candidates who are prepared to graft and put in the hours, not people who just ‘want summat to do’.
      As far as the glass houses analogy is concerned, I’m not and never have been a spendthrift, which will be clear for all to see if I win in May, but I can understand why people may be hesitant to accept that.

      Thank you for the other comments too.


  2. SKT does make a good point. In fact didn’t we recently read that the paid Leader of the Conservatives Councillor Gilding didn’t even attend the Council seminar on the budget.
    I do hope if he wins, Omar has a better attendance record than his predecessor Linda who I understand was hardly ever seen at meetings.


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