Democracy Works!

Full Ward by Ward results, .pdf download

Yesterdays local council elections have proved one thing, democracy works even in Rotherham!

The first point I would like to make is that last nights count was illuminating in that labour still think they own the town and that they are entitled to their lucrative council seats for life! How wrong they were to believe that, ten unhappy faces was the result!

The scalp of the night was, of course was that of Jahangir Akhtar.

Much more later on the implications of the changes and full ward by ward analysis of the results.

Until then, I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the most exciting and fascinating local elections, perhaps in the history of RMBC. Especially I would also like to share my appreciation to all the candidates, all of whom were necessary to give democracy a run out this year.

There is another group of people that Rothpol would like to thank, the contributors, commenters and our readers that together, have made this the best election coverage yet!

Roger Stone in denial:

62 thoughts on “Democracy Works!

  1. I for one would like reiterate the above. This was the best local elections by for. Labour Rotherham have alot of restructuring to do and now for the first time will have to power share local decisions and everything won’t be so Ushh Ushh.
    What (lies) now ahead for Akhtar.


  2. I agree democracy has started to work in Rotherham and congrulate all those taking labour seats especially rotherham west . This at least got rid of some of the labour rubbish and dictators. The community has NOT bowed down and especially thanks to thRespect Party candidates who made this possible and made this dictator pay back for the tricks in the by- election. Print more fake and get Cllr Ahmed to report them to police?


  3. As well as losing seats Labour were extremely lucky to hold on to others – in only one ward where they held, was their majority much over 200. Gerald Smith scraped in by 3 votes and that must be a big wake up call to him (we hope so). Jo Burton won by barely 30 in Anston, the Brinsworth candidate by 40 and two others by about 60. An utter disaster and a warning. People are now going to see Labour are beatable – suddenly the mystique of impregnable Labour Rotherham dissolves and those vulnerable seats could fall like nine-pins. Repeat this performance over the next two years and it really could be the end of Labour in Rotherham. Labour locals might scrutinise Miliband all they want but surely Miliband should be scrutinising Labour in Rotherham and asking some hard questions. Time to listen, act and get new blood, Labour, or you really might be finished.


    • Rev,
      Do you think that the average age of councillors has gone up or down? I’m thinking it has probably gone up.
      Definitely time for new blood.


      • Rev,
        How to do recounts properly:
        “Kingston counters take a break
        We hear that the declaration for the Norbiton ward in Kingston-upon-Thames has been postponed until Sunday because the counters are too tired to concentrate after so many recounts. The counters who stayed on through the night are now considering making an official complaint after doing several recounts. They will now come back to the Guildhall in Kingston on Sunday. The Norbiton ward is said to be very close between the Lib Dems and the Conservatives. ”
        (From the BBC site.)
        (Kingston is my old home town – Lib Dems were, as ever, returned in my old ward – good responsive councillors ) .


      • Thanks regular reader. I am sure there is an odd error, but it is 99% accurate. Somebody kindly pointed out that I had put a Conservative in Maltby, when it was an Independent, which I rectified. I think either their first or surname began as Con, which my mind saw. Look North said UKIP got 44%, which agrees with me. Cheers Tim


    • UKIP only took Rotherham West by 39 votes. If the BNP had not agreed not to contest this ward there was a good chance that some of the UKIP vote would have gone to them, thus allowing the despicable Akhtar back in!


  4. For democracy to work the people need independent information in addition to the usual deluge of party political propaganda.

    This website has provided this so I would like to extend my congratulations to those at Rotherham Politics who put in the hard work scrutinising those who stand for public office.


  5. Agree Daniel also Rotherham Politics put up with abuse and foul language and threats from uncivilised and ill minded people who thought they can do anything as they wished. Keep up the good work to clean our town of these


  6. I happen to know Alan Buckley, the Labour Brinsworth candidate, and he is one of the rare politicians who looks out for his constituents which is probably why he (narrowly) won the ward.

    Generally though extremely pleased that Labour got a bloody nose and I hope it is the start of a major trend away from these parasites.

    As a person of colour I am concerned about how the UKIP councillors will deal with minority concerns, and I hope that they act in the interests of all their constituents.

    Overall a massive move forward for Rotherham.


  7. What a good day it as been,people of Rotherham are finally waking up and seeing LIEBOUR in Rotherham for what they really are, no more secret meetings now ! If only more people had voted it could have been a whitewash. I even saw john healey knocking on doors at 8pm last night


  8. I actually left Rotherham and moved accross the border to Sheffield because I was so apalled at the blatant corruption and ineptitude of RMBC, especially Mr Akhtar. Not saying I will be back in a hurry, but the people of Rotherham have a chance now. Let’s hope they take it.


  9. I would love to know what Finney was drinking in the village club at Dinnington, because I really didn’t expect his victory. Bernard Froggatt may not have won in Anston, but I think Rotherham Labour threw the kitchen sink at Anston, which resulted in them taking their eye off the rest of the Borough.


    • Tim
      the more candidates standing, the less predictable the results.
      … look at the results for Holderness Ward,
      Some you win, some you don’t win; get over it.


      • The problem was 500 Tories voting for a candidate who came from Rotherham. People of Anston should be ashamed for allowing Jo Burton back in, the vice chair of Rotherham children services when the scandal was going off.


    • John Wilkinson lost by three say! What relevance has that got to UKIP taking Rotherham West by 39 votes – one of which was mine. Losing by one still makes him a loser and he hadn’t even got the political nous to ask for recount!. If you are saying that the BNP would not have got 39 votes, then you may know Anston – north and south, but you obviously do not know Rotherham West


  10. Now that UKIP is the opposition party it needs to act as an opposition and contribute to the debate, put forward proposals and ideas and not just moan about Labour.
    The voters in the 10 wards that returned UKIP councillors have bestowed on those councillors a great privilege. It is the responsibility of those new councillors to step up and deliver on their promises (whatever they were – I’m still not sure).


  11. “It is the responsibility of those new councillors to step up and deliver on their promises” Is it not the responsibility of ALL councillors to step up ?


  12. UKIP have crossed the Rubicon as far as the electorate are concerned, they need to stop being the very odd party and become a force for change, and change for the better.

    Will they actually make a difference, time will tell.

    UKIP you are on notice, improve Rotherham or you will suffer the same electoral defeat as Labour.

    Good to see Sue Ellis retaining her seat, well done to her and the team supporting her!

    Let’s see if Stone has seen the writing on the wall and makes Sue the new Deputy.

    Did anyone else notice in the various interviews the glee in the voice of the Leader as he tried to spin the loss of the Deputy?

    As for the scab blog, well done to all concerned for the loss of all those Labour seats, you must be so proud of yourselves.

    Bella Ciao Comrades!


  13. Asbo without his power base is a sitting duck. What are the odds that a tidal wave of corruption will start to be exposed? Sarah Champion must be regretting all those photographs now on google of her and the latest taxi driver on the ship hill rank….taxi for Akhtar!


    • Just seen Akhtar and Shabana going into Ibis in Bramley.
      O bless his lost touch with world no twitter or facebook updates.
      O come on lickle baby youv thrown your dummy out.👶


      • Look Asbo what goes around comed around a little unknown candidate born and bred in Masborough who fought like a lioness and knocked you of your block.
        Respect to Kiran the lioness of Masborough.


  14. @Robin Symonds.
    “Astonishing that UKIP didn’t ask for a recount!”
    I was at the count as Bernard’s Counting Agent and when we were given the provisional results I did say to him he could ask for a recount. Bernard eventually decided he would not ask for one given it was about 1:10am and all of us-including the tellers-were tired. It was his decision and I have to respect that.
    (Even more galling was the Labour ‘victory’ in the Holderness ward where Labour won by just 3 votes!)
    I take your point about the new councillors need to raise their game but more importantly IMV they can raise the standards of openess, honesty and transparency that has been missing at RMBC for many years. As the official opposition UKIP now has the chance to hold the Labour group to account even though Labour still has a majority.
    Overall the Labour party cannot and should not be proud of last nights results.


    • His got all the time in this world and his not updated his website RPT2, twitter and facebook.


    • Very disappointing that he didn’t ask for a recount. I am sure it could have been left on hold until the next day. Did we the people of Anston do enough to remove Jo Burton, collectively we should be ashamed, she is still one of our representatives.


  15. Addendum:
    From Champion’s Silly Tweets;
    ““@doctorcdf: Farage & UKIP are targeting Rotherham, apparently. No chance: @SarahChampionMP will trounce them. #Vote2014”
    Cough,cough. Would you care to revisit this bizarre statement Ms.Champion?
    21 seats vacant on RMBC. UKIP won 10 of them.
    If this is ‘no chance’ I’d love to see your idea of failure.


  16. Sarah Champion quoted on Guido Fawkes blog having a go at Ed Millliband! Has she caught Asbo’s god complex and thinks she can run the party better?


  17. great news to hear asbo has lost his seat , just what good has this man done for rotherham ?? , also good news that some of the “old” wood has gone too . cllr ali was a very lucky man to get back in , maybe this was because lots of people in rotherham east failed to vote . lets hope the ukip councillors can now get on the backs of the council big guns and get something done to sort the mess out as some of the current one’s have no back bone what so ever . cllr ali , you lucky man !


  18. I hope our new councillors make sure that Smith is removed from the Cabinet along with the lucrative wedge he receives. If they do, you can bet he won’t put himself up for re-election next time, £12.5k isn’t enough for him!
    What a great day for Rotherham! No Akhtar and hopefully his sons will be removed from their “money for nothing” jobs at the Unity Centre to allow someone who knows what they are doing, to run it properly and honestly. This could be the best clear-out ever.


  19. Ho Ho Ho Champion having a go at Ed. It makes your sides ache! She wouldn’t have got the seat if she hadn’t been parachuted in by the Labour hierarchy, does she really believe Ed Milliband didn’t sanction her candidacy ? With no political experience before her election she now appears to be a political expert – must have taken lessons from Sir Nutkin!!


    • Barrun and Chump know that they and local politics in Rovrum are as much to blame as the national party.

      pity barron was silent over the loss of services to people and over flippin homes.
      den get caught and so far he has escaped with a knighthood thrown in from tories!

      Cover ups….secrecy
      failing to listen to activists and public
      carrying out tory policies and shutting centres for kids and elderly etc
      Doncastergate hospital


  20. Well done bearnard hard luck time to hop back to woodsetts, prehaps ur UKIP freinds from anston parish council can go with you! Mr twan looked very shocked at the results last night at magna. Now we should be able to luck foward to our top class councilor jo burton gettin on we busy so please accept defeat and call of the hecklers at anston its time to watch corri instead! nan night dont let the bed bugs bite were now going into the bar for a private discussion


    • UKIP won’t go away in Anston. Rotherham Labour were most frightened of losing this seat and used all their man power to keep. Next year you will find most of these 500 Tories switching across, because they will prefer UKIP to Labour. Labour won by 30 votes and Bernard should have asked for a re count. The door is closing on a Federal Europe.


      • Jangir not having a good week just seen him on old B&Q roundabout in town his silver BMW has been in accidant all passenger side dented.
        Must have been drink driving or if theres a blame theres a claim.
        Shame he was ready to be driven around in Audi limousine as leader of council.
        Or is he trying to prove that his above the law driving around in unroadworthy vehicle.


    • “Now we should be able to luck foward to our top class councilor jo burton gettin on we busy so please accept defeat …………..”
      “now going into the bar for a private discussion”

      Says it all really………………………….


  21. Congratulations to UKIP. Let’s hope you now hold the controlling Labour group to account. Remember something that they forgot – you work for us, not yourselves and your cronies. If you can do that, you’re already better.

    What concerns me most is the collapse of the left. The two TUSC candidates standing were exceptional. Fair enough, I do know both of them, but both would have made excellent councillors. Sarah Kiran for Respect impressed me from her first appearance and I expected a better showing.

    So why did the votes shift over to UKIP? At least now the ‘if you vote UKIP, you must be racist’ nonsense can be put to bed once and for all. 44% of the voting public in Rotherham chose UKIP (according to other posters on here) so goodbye generalised racism claims. Nor do I wholly agree with the ‘protest’ vote hypothesis; it’s too easy and leads to complacency.

    Let’s face it, UKIP can claim that they focussed on local issues, but we all know it was immigration that clinched it for them. Talking to my neighbours on my council estate, the few who did vote, chose UKIP. Why? Immigration. And we DON’T have any new immigrant arrivals here! When pressed, they were essentially Socialist through and through but they’d rather vote for Thatcherites who talked the talk on immigration.

    For anyone on the left of the political spectrum, Thursday/Friday was a tough night. If I had to choose a label, it would be centre left but Labour in Rotherham (and nationally) are a joke so I can’t vote for them. Something has to change so we have someone to represent us. In a time when ‘austerity’ (or genocide against the poor as I prefer to call it) is running rampant, and national and international policy is set by multinationals and banks, when most bureaucracy is ‘managed’ by Common Purpose, it makes me sad to see a good socialist candidate beaten by a Lib Dem.

    This next year is crucial for the left. Whatever the reasons may be, the public are not listening to the message, even when that message would benefit far more Rotherhamites than UKIP could ever dream of. So to TUSC and Respect I say this; don’t be disheartened. This is an opportunity. This is a chance to really look at the electorate and engage with their hopes and fears. The last thing any of us need (including the not-quite-so-leftie like me) is a choice between a corrupt Labour party and several different varieties of Thatcher spawn, so you are crucial to have any semblance of real choice. And think on this – most people eligible didn’t vote. That’s your electorate right there… go get ‘em! Don’t let people believe that UKIP are their only option. If there was any justice in politics, then the three candidates mentioned above should now be in office. I hope next year they will be.


    • Sajid Bostan ten bellies said we have fixed the rotherham council, police and radio sheffield.
      U lump of lard couldnt fix the voters wheres your FATHER jahngir akhtar.


    • Good considered piece Warren, maybe Rothpol can give it its own topic, away from the trolling that surrounds it.


  22. Rothpol,
    thanks for that PDF, only took me a minute to turn it back into a spreadsheet that I could play with.


  23. A vote for UKIP at the General Election will reinstate The Tories who will finish off the NHS
    surely that is not something to rejoice!


  24. Euro results for Rotherham:
    Ukip topped the poll in Rotherham – where the party had success in Thursday’s local elections – with 27,949 votes. Labour were second with 23,299. The Tories were on 7,472 and Lib Dems were on 1,343, behind the BNP and Greens. – according to the Press Association.


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