Sharp analysis upon which Labour will rebuild?

UKIP South Yorkshire Council Seats

Barnsley 0
Doncaster 1
Sheffield 3
Rotherham 10

UKIP proportion of national vote. 17%
UKIP proportion Excluding London: 23% approx

UKIP proportion of Rotherham vote. 40%

Roger Stone ” UKIP’s victory was part of a national trend rather than something particular about Rotherham”

There is something almost delusional going on.


See also: Ex-Councillor Ex-Leader Designate – Mr Jahangir Akhtar

64 thoughts on “Sharp analysis upon which Labour will rebuild?

  1. Hi Wil,
    I said something similar here:
    “1. Rotherham got 10 UKIP councillors, Sheffield got 3, Doncaster 1 and Barnsley none.
    Why was the result in Rotherham so different to that in the rest of S. Yorks?
    (Rotherham has a lower percent of immigrants than Sheffield, or of UK overall for that matter).
    2. UKIP are reported as targeting the following areas for the next general election:
    Rotherham, Great Grimsby, Great Yarmouth, Portsmouth South, Eastleigh, Broxtowe, North Thanet and South Thanet , and Essex.
    There are three things to notice in that list:
    a) Only Rotherham and Great Grimsby have Labour MPs – apart from two LibDem the rest are all Tory
    b) Only Rotherham and Broxtowe are non-coastal constituencies.
    c) Only Rotherham is a Northern constituency.”
    Yes, it’s totally delusional to say that what happened in the Rotherham council election is part of a national trend; even though it’s something that both UKIP and Roger Stone would agree on.


    • Only Rotherham is a Northern constituency! I think you will find that Grimbsy is almost on the same latitude as Rotherham. Austin Mitchell is retiring at the next election, so it could be being targeted as the Labour candidate is possibly some one without experience, but then again Sarah Champion had very little political experience and she got in!


      • Hi Mal
        Yes only Rotherham is considered a Northern constituency. Great Grimsby isn’t.
        There are many ways of classifying regions of UK – from Vice Counties onward, but “similar latitude” isn’t one of them, otherwise you could be comparing Rotherham with Anglesey.
        But look, if it makes you feel happier – think of it as “Rotherham was one of the two the most northerly …” it makes no difference to my overall observation.
        Rotherham’s result still remains a significant outlier, rather than an example of any national trend.
        PS is that really your pic in the other Rotherham blog ?


      • RR: Your constant reference to, and use of obscure and arcane statistical terms does not prove anything and leaves most people cold. As we all know there are lies, dammed lies and statistics, As for my picture, there are many Rotherham blogs which one are you referring to? Is it the one with the picture of the good looking .gorilla?


  2. Ask Roger Stone to rearrange the following into a well known phrase or saying: ‘Head, Sand, Bury’
    I bet he gets it wrong.


  3. It pains me to admit it but I’m afraid Rotherham people have a propensity towards racism. And before everyone screams, “UKIP aren’t racist”, I don’t even want to have that debate…I believe they are but it doesn’t matter really. In 2008 the people of Brinsworth/Catcliffe and Maltby elected BNP councillors and nobody (not even Nick Griffin) will deny they are an overtly racist party.

    Everyone I know who voted UKIP hold deeply racist views and I suspect that is the case for most of their voters. UKIP’s electoral success will give such people the confidence to articulate those views.


    • Robin,
      In the 12 years I’ve lived here, I’ve never come across any obvious overt racism, … and I’ve met a lot in many other places.
      These election results are hard to come to terms with – and even harder to interpret, but they must not be brushed under a carpet of “racism” or “national trend”.


      • And that is why Rotherham Labour Party and the left are in such a mess…anyone who doesn’t agree with their thinking is either uneducated, misguided or must be racist! Get real! You have lost the trust of the electorate through nepotism, cronyism and by reducing being an elected representative into nothing more than a business opportunity or a career. It is nothing about altruism or serving your community. If this was a Tory town, most of these people would be Tories. They aren’t interested in social justice and bettering the lives of our towns people but they are interested in bettering their own lives on the backs of the hard working people. To simply cast aspersions on the people of Maltby, Brinsworth and Catcliffe by denouncing them as racist is a disgrace. Have you ever thought that they may have been so desperate to rid themselves of the Labour councillors they would even consider voting for an extreme right wing party? These people do not feel represented by Labour locally. Now Labour have a real opposition and the voters have a real choice in every ward. Unfortunately, due to the aforementioned traits and decades of complacency the local Labour Party is on its knees. They have reduced themselves to a few chosen yes people whilst driving others away. Their numbers are devastatingly low and they are virtually out of willing helpers who have been so badly treated they are just simply refusing to help deliver leaflets or campaign. You reap what you sow! Robin, take off your rose tinted specs and wake up to smell the coffee! Labour need rank and file change in Rotherham or they are finished!


    • Hey up Robin,

      I’m glad you’re back, you’re one of the posters I genuinely look forward to reading.
      And please any potential UKIP voters, don’t get upset by it and go rushing further towards the right, he knows you’re not really a racist, he’s just doing his Saul Alinksy thing, and don’t blame him for it, that’s his job and he does it well.

      According to Alinsky, the main job of the organizer is to bait an opponent into reacting. “The enemy properly goaded and guided in his reaction will be your major strength.”
      So let’s stick with debating UKIP policies, that might actually halt the rise of UKIP.


      • Sorry I missed my own final sentence off.

        And maybe even force the local Labour party to look at itself and get back to what it should be doing – representing the people of Rotherham and their needs.


      • Warren,
        you say “let’s stick with debating UKIP policies” , I thought they had “reset” all their old national election policies (health, climate change etc.), leaving only immigration and leaving the EU. Am I wrong?
        Surprised to see Alinsky make an appearance on RothPol. Did you know that Common Purpose training is based on his teachings?


      • Reg,

        I believe it was also used by Bill Ayers in the 80’s to brainwash the young Obama… or was it NLP? Joking aside, you raise an excellent point about UKIP policy and much more useful than all the racism stuff. Maybe if people could stop having to defend themselves against these claims, they might realise that UKIP is essentially an empty shell.

        (PS: Tim does no favours on here re CP. My problem is that the courses are used to identify a certain ‘mindset’ and those small number are advanced beyond their capabilities into important positions where they help the system crash with their ineptitude – our own Joyce Thwacker being a great example. Expanding the ‘theory’ to all attendees is no more useful than saying every Freemason is a 33rd degree fully paid up member of the ‘Illuminati’… or are they? Lol.)


      • Hi Warren, you’ll have to ask Tim about NLP, it’s his field.
        (it has about as much useful content as homoeopathy IMHO).

        Re: Common Purpose, I never came across it in my working days – but I didn’t work much in UK. In fact I first came across it on this blog.
        I asked about it to people I trust working on a national stage in government and the voluntary sector and was told it was benign; so my gut feeling is that just like the freemasons, or religious/ethnic/nationality affiliations – it can increase the Peter Principle effect in some organisations, but not much more than that.
        I certainly can’t imagine that it impacts how Sarah Champion got selected or sees her role and responsibilities.


    • This usual crap about racism is wearing a little thin. Anyone with any sense realises that this country is stretched to the limit. I am not a political person but extremely concerned about my grandchildren,s future. UKIP say what a lot of people think.


      • I voted UKIp for the first time, with the express purpose of getting rid of a person who whilst not being the same race, skin colour, or religion, all of which are irrelevant, is a proven bullying , unscrupulous, self-serving thug who should never have been on the council! At long last we have got him off. Maureen Vines political inexperience is obvious, but when she said to the reporters she would do her best I believe her, and am prepared to give her the benefit of the doubt for at least one term on the council!


    • Robin do any of your Unison members live in the area’s you mention? because if they do they will be pretty upset at being called racists I know I would. To call the people of Rotherham racist because they have had as much as they can take from the labour run council. that has cut job’s children centres help for the old and a lot more Rotherham. The one thing I can tell you is that the people I know who live in Rotherham are not racist and if the people you keep company with are its time you got yourself some new friends. And no I did not nor would I ever vote for UKIP


      • If the cap fits! If you live in Maltby or Brinsworth (or anywhere else for that matter) and you voted for the BNP then you cannot seriously take offence at being called racist. And it doesn’t help to seek to explain it away by citing central government – driven cuts to local services as I was referring to the 2008 elections, which pre-date any of the cuts to which you refer.

        If anyone who voted UKIP last week did so because of the cuts you mention then they will no doubt be shocked to learn that UKIP think the tories haven’t cut deeply enough and they want to privatise the NHS and cut pensions.


  4. If I was the Leader of Rotherham and had just lost 9 of my Cllrs (not forgetting Cavan`s seat as well) I would be screaming from the top of my voice “what the effing hell happened there”. Instead Labour seem to be just hoping we wont notice, and it will go away. It looks like they will do exactly the same as the LibDems, ignore what`s going on and implode Cannot wait for the in- fighting to start over the new Deputy Leaders position. Knives at the ready, buckets in position, and mops to wipe up the blood.


  5. stone knew about the problems in rotherham years ago … eastwood residents where screaming at this man , whats happened not a lot , roger did not want to know. head in large bucket .


  6. This morning a comment from a long serving and totally fed up Labour Cllr regarding the state of the Labour Group, SNAFU!

    Telephones are hot as various tribes within the group are firstly trying to work out how to save their own bloated allowances come the next round of local elections and secondly how they can deliver a knockout blow to Stone who is now seen as part of the problem and not the solution.

    Attempts to say the result was down to the racists voters of UKIP is being met with derision by the newer elected members who now have the strength to set out a few home truths on how the town has been run.

    The current Cabinet is also seen as part of the problem, the ones really savoring the moment are a select number of senior officers who are enjoying every uncomfortable minute of the debacle.

    UKIP intend to have their 2014 conference in Doncaster, bringing with it more media coverage for the floating voters of Rotherham and South Yorkshire.

    If Labour completely misjudge the public mood on this one they can wave goodbye to their snouts in the trough lifestyles.

    Anyone like to guess the sum raised for the Deputies leaving present?


  7. This post only went on line around a couple of hours ago and look how many comments have been posted on the subject. If Roger does not realise that he has a problem then he’s dafter than I thought he was. If Labour Group grasped the nettle now and elected a leader who cares more about the people than they do about themselves (And they all know who that is) they may be able to start regaining the trust of the people, if not they are doomed.


    • Thanks for that!
      When is it ? It can hardly be before the Newark bi-election on June 5.
      Will Paul Eastwood be providing the jokes at this next one?


  8. The only real racism I have ever come across in Rotherham is that of ex-deputy leader Akhtar who abused his ethnicity to force his way to the top of the tree by accusing anyone who stood in his way of racism. The man is complete scum of the lowest order.
    Also, now is the time for RMBC to elect a new leader, get rid of the old school scum labour, particularly our Grald, it’s leading member and founder, who only managed to hold on to his seat by 3, yes 3 votes which shows exactly what the people of Holderness think of him. He must be the first to be removed from the cabinet!!


    • Perhaps if UKIP had fielded a more attractive candidate at the Holderness election Gerald Smith would have been gone by now.
      It’s not just Rotherham Labour that needed to do some stable cleaning – UKIP does as well. Putting a UKIP dinosaur up against a Labour dinosaur (…and ex-Labour one as well) was not the best idea.
      The average age of councillors after this election will be higher than it was before this election. That is not what Rotherham needs.


  9. Be Careful what you wish for and who you vote foras the difference between most of the subscribers to this site is that you are hooked on politics and also you show that you care about your town and also you have some kind of moral compass. But the majority who voted for UKIP have been badly let down with the current self seeking of power and status and do not represent the actual es and beliefs of Labour Party. The various contributions even the ones that are angry and annoyed at the type of councillor leadership and councillors that Rotherham has inherited seem far removed from what -the principles of what the Old Labour Party -was set up under-and not lets forget these were called Socialist-which anyone really wanting to understand British Socialism -could well try and read the books by Tony Benn and even reading a critique of Socialsits lack of success over the Capitalist System in’ Socialism in a Crippled World’, by David Hammond. He eloquently expalins why the Left (Socialism has still not won the heart and minds of the british mindset or the world over and the historic attempts where a massive shift in what its guru philospher Karl Marx advised).

    However the majority of people who voted UKIP -and Roger Stone is partially right but also very much wrong that it was just a national context that allowed UKIP’s rise in Rotherham. He is is partially right in that UKIP is a national phenomenon but his head in the bucket mentality that the various serious incidents such as CSE and the real lack of urgency and need for the biggest challenges to it were and still are abysmal. Both the police and so called independent investigations -after the horse has bolted-was and is a very dark stain on Rotherham. Also the career politicians label fits very well to many of the current holders of office. Also the type of structure that put Stone as strong leader-and selected cabinet is an absolute disgrace and is anti democratic but suits a manipulative leader who is more about power and status even though he may have had some strands of believing in Labour challenges to Conservatism. I believe someone did say that if this was a Tory seat they would still bring their power seeking and manipulative style of politics that they display which allows many to see the Labour Party council as not representing the people at all. The feeble attempts at particiaptory democracy by allowing open chambers and the public to attend have proven to be totally a sham -especially with the ejection by police of Peter Thirwell-Shame on all those that were a part of this kangeroo court mentality. If you cannot take criticism as long as its done in acivil way -then what are you doing in the ring of the politics in the first place. The Labour Council as Warren stated need to get back to who and what they should be represnting. Also if this was a Tory Council I believe that Homelessness -drop outs and the many who have been attacked under the attack on our class by those taht look down us in a condescending way and have done historically. But do not forget that it was the Labour Party taht brought in the Welfare state taht allowed you to not have to apy for your birth -the house you were brought up in-the acces to education and a safety net that we all may need if we fall on bad times caused by too much power to the bosses and landlords. The destruction of everything our parents fought for through trade unions is being demolished under our noses.
    However it would be wrong to slam all the councillors (though many fit the bill and what a costly Bill it is) that represent Labour. I have encountered a few who really do care about the working class and wanted to ensure that they are protected against the cruel policies of Conservatism which use to be called the Nasty Party and the Conservative that coined that phrase Therisa May has turned out under the Toff Conservatives as not just nasty but down right vicious the way she is exploiting and trying to undermind the police -is that because they Police Federtion where going to pass a rule taht would allow them to strike. But also if you think the Conservatives are anti working class wait till you really read UKIPs anti working class policy-about abolishing pregnanacy payments -introducing a 31p flat rate income tax-and UKIP were marching in London a week after the 2011 over a million march with polacards and tenoy shouting for more cuts to benefits. They want to charge £10.00 for visits to doctor though there were Tories and even Labour sugesting something similar. The mainthing to remeber is that UKIP is a Business Partyt not a working class party.

    Finally we on the Left have to be very careful just to label people racists -even though there are -many soft and hard racists even in Rotherham. But we should not be calling them or labelling them as that gets us nowhere. We do need to explain much more why in 1950s many ex colonial peoples were encouraged to come over to britain which was an expanding economy and needed staffing of NHS -railways etc. By the way the guy taht encouraged them was ENocjh Powel who was Minister of Health in 1957. But its the media and its role in spreading fear and labelling not only of fear of the forigner, but also those on benefits. The sad factor is that so many believe the scare mongering when its the rich employers who are behind the encourgaement of both more immigration and also who are anti money being spent on those not in work. We must all wake up to the dark forces that are behind wanting UKIP success as a ploy to ensure that this Tory gang remain in power post 2015 coalition with UKIP as the continuous battle that is the underbelly and full body politics of the british class warfare . And when are we going to start talking real cinviction politics and class politics like Dave Platts and Peter Thurwell and others define in the Advertiserbut we needd to be very aware of the scare mongering and fear politics taht demonises certain goups as we must not forget taht the Politics of devisiveness and hate as preached and promoted by far right EDL and BNP and even preached by UKIP which is the traditional way the right get working class support. That support can be won back but not by calling them racsit but addressing their concerns that others seem to be getting something that stops them obtaining what they were brought up to believe was theirs. Its easy to sow confusion but its also necessary to get the self promoting individuals taht poltics has allowed to represent themself rather than US!, and seek to get good conviction politicians who are seeking Politics of hope not hate.


    • “By the way the guy taht encouraged them was ENocjh Powel who was Minister of Health in 1957.”
      Try harder next time.


  10. How awkward for the rampant Rotherham racists, my Rotherham GP is from Bangladesh, my Consultant Surgeon is from New-Delhi and his Consultant Anesthetist is Polish.

    What will happen to the NHS if UKIP hold the balance of power with the Conservatives?


  11. The fault of the UKIP rise is directly attributable to the so called working class parties, they have failed in their task to motivate us. What would make us vote Labour when they have abandoned all working class policies. Because of this failure it easy for the extreme right to appeal to the working classes instinct to want to work, so they use the myth that immigrants are taking our jobs. Rotherham is a prime example of the way in which the Labour party has abandoned the very people who built the party and consistently voted for it. They have sacked over a thousand workers and cut services, instead of defending the working class they have stabbed them in the back. So where are the working class to turn, not to the trade unions because they have been implicit in allowing the council to do their dirty deeds. So when their working class organisations have failed them they feel they no alternative but to turn to the extreme parties. This is not a failing of the working class but a failure of their so called representatives. It is now incumbent on all of us who purport to represent our class to get out there and win back their confidence. UKIP have stolen our ground by saying they are the peoples army it is now time for us to show who the peoples army really is.
    Dave Smith


  12. A party can be fascist without all its members being such. Not all fascists in the 1930’s Germany wore black or brown shirts and marched in perfect precision; very few started out wanting concentration camps and a world war

    This may seem contradictory, but another example could be myself. I am a socialist who votes Labour, yet being frank I have seen very little socialism within the Party since Blair became leader. The party I joined in the 70’s has moved dramatically to the right and sometimes I despair that there is nowhere to go.

    Nor is fascism necessarily a right wing phenomena. Again looking to Germany in the 1930’s we have to remember the full title of the Nazis was the National Socialist Party. My favourite analogy is that if the right keep travelling north and the left keep travelling south, they eventually bump into each other somewhere in Australia; with the same policies.

    I have argued earlier that the real issue is not about where UKIP are now, and what Nigel is saying now – after all he has no power.

    The big question is what would happen if UKIP ever got into power.

    Their policies cannot possibly satisfy their racists (if not all, then there are many), as closing the immigration door today would clearly be after the horse has bolted. No. The Ukip policies will not change Eastwood or Page Hall in Sheffield.

    For that they will need to bring in to play the ugly R word, that is “repatriation.” Now Ukip contributors to Rothpol will of course deny this, but hey have to explain why Ukip has exterminated the BNP (a pro repatriation party) and got the support of so many ultra nationalist groups.

    While not a fascist party now, Ukip are well on the way.

    By the way, none of this is intended to argue the case for voting for the Labour Council in Rotherham. That is an issue of cronyism, nepotism, inbreeding and corruption of the many by the few.


    • You say you feel as if there is nowhere else to go! In the run up to the 2001 general election arrogant Spin Doctor Derek Draper said that if Labour’s core vote did not back New Labour they had nowhere else to go! Whilst New Labour was returned the turnout at that election was the lowest for 80 years. If the voters feel they have no one to represent them they will simply stay at home on election day! But a frustrated people who cannot get some one to represent their views become a dangerous threat and the people who have had their views on immigration constantly ignored feel in UKIP they at last have found a party that empathises with their worries and concerns!


  13. I wish Dave Smith would define what he terms as “Working Class”. I consider I have been working class all my life but I would no more vote Labour than fly in the air. All Labour have ever done for this Country is bring it to it’s knees.


  14. One has to laugh, because Ed Milliband has just signalled another massive shift of Labour voters to UKIP. There is no way he will give us the vote on the EU and I don’t trust the Conservatives to do it. The country is fully populated at about 60 million, remember we have to have land to grow food on and for recreation. France is 2.7 times the size of the UK, with the same population. Rather than import people we should become more productive and pass profits onto those at the lower end of the wage scale and get them off welfare. We need to be assertive as a country and say enough is enough, before those on the coal face say enough is enough. Before Dave Smith starts Coal face is a figure of speech. And for Dave Smiths knowledge, I am both working and middle class, so neither Tories or Labour speak up for me. Both the left and right are extremes and I prefer the moderate ground.


  15. Paul Lakin to be announced deputy on Friday! Same old, same old. The Children’s Centre hatchet man. according to andykirshaw bbc radio sheffield.


  16. Once again we are treated to a nonsense diatribe from the illustrious Tim, I don’t need you to tell me that coal face is a figure of speech and it is one I hate used by people who have never seen one in their lives. He talks of importing people in the same way that slave traders did. If you want me to define working class it is anyone who works for a wage the terms middle class was used to divide the working class. There is no such thing as right and left or middle ground again these are terms used to divide and confuse. The only thing that counts is whether or not you are prepared to fight to defend the working class against the ravages of capitalism. Just remember Tim people who sit on fences get splinters in their sphincters. Just for clarification Tim what are you today independent, Tory or UKIP you move form one to the other so fast it is hard to keep up with you.
    Dave Smith


    • Dave I don’t like either the capitalist system or the socialist system. They are both the same and result in the same George Orwell pigs getting to the top, with a different mask on. Labour brought in mass immigration to shore up their vote, the Tories and big business just love mass immigration because it drives down Labour costs and they profit more. Mass immigration is modern day slavery, £6-50 a hour is an insult to anybody 21 and above who should be either renting or owning their own property. Many of the immigrants work for gangs and get paid much less than the £6-50 a hour. I believe in raising the bar for everybody and not subsidising people’s living through state subsidy.


  17. Thanks for your definition of “Working Class” Dave. You have just described about 99% of the population of this country, over 60% of whom don’t vote Labour and never would. Keep ranting.


    • According yo you rentiers Akhtar, Nazir Ahmed and Cllr Ali with their rental incomes are not working class then, perhaps their biradary system, though it did not deliver this time for Akhtar, will suffice.


  18. Sorry Rothpol Editor have to mention (though you don’t like it) most people who I know that voted UKIP are openly racist and sadly proud. You can sort of tell by the terms they sue when describing people of other backgrounds. In addition a poll today states one of third of uk residents describe themselves as racist – now you may want to ignore that but I won’t. I’ve said it before and I will say it again. Rotherham always has been and is a racists town. .


    • Sally ,
      It simply isn’t true that “… a poll today states one [of] third of uk residents describe themselves as racist “.

      This is the survey that you are referring to:
      What it basically says is that in 2013:
      3% of people who were questions considered themselves very prejudiced against people of other races.
      27% considered themselves a little prejudiced
      68% considered themselves not prejudiced at all.

      I read that as saying that some 3% could best be considered actual racists.
      The Guardian has done a really good detailed analysis of the data here:
      Yorkshire and Humberside comes out worst in their ‘Racial prejudice by region’ infographic.



    • SKT, please define your interpretation of the word “Racist”. I am sure it will not fit the definition and interpretation by the majority of this Country. In my view, racism is a) when someone from a minority group shouts “Racist” every time he/she cannot get their own way, don’t get the job/promotion etc they demand, you know, just like Akhtar.
      b) When someone from an ethnic minority group comes and settles in this country because they don’t like what is happening in their own country, then demand that laws be changed for their benefit and culture and demand that the majority population be forced to accept their medieval culture. THAT IS RACISM!!


      • @Anonymous, your definition of racism is known only to you. @A Regular Reader, you’re dealing in semantics. The Guardian poll found that 3% considered themselves very prejudiced against people of other races.(to put it another way -racist) and 27% considered themselves a little prejudiced (racist). So, 3% are very racist and 27% a little bit racist!


      • Robin,

        you think that’s bad. Pity my pal Percy Panda. He’s black, he’s white, AND he’s asian… so everybody hates him! They’ve forced him into a reeducation camp. They call it a zoo, but I know the truth! 100% racist this country!!!!


      • Robin,
        1. It was not a Guardian poll – it was an update on continuing work by the National Centre for Social Research.
        2. We can agree that 3% are racist (even very very racist) , but when the other 97% or so are “a little bit or not at all racist”, what you are seeing is a long continuous curve in attitudes not two blocks, and I prefer to give all of them the benefit of the doubt. ( I spent a lot of my working life interpreting data – but just not this type of data,)
        3. In all honesty my attitude to some cultural groups, particularly the Israeli settler community today, and in the past to the Africaans community in RSA verges on racist – in my condemnation of their racism. By which I mean that I have never been able to see them as individuals.
        So I would have ticked the “not very ” box.
        As for Anonymous’s definition of racism, When he writes ” When someone from an ethnic minority group comes and settles in this country because they don’t like what is happening in their own country, … ” Couldn’t he unwittingly be describing the ways we colonised Australia, or the Africaans moved into RSA, or the French into Algeria, or … I could go on.


      • Robin,

        you think that’s bad. Pity my pal percy panda. Hes black and white and asian… so everybody hates him! They’ve repatriated him into a reeducation camp in scotland. why? just coz he’s a chinese immigrant! they call it a zoo, but I know the truth! not 3% not 30% 100% racist this country!!!! Your the only truth talker in all these denialerists.



  19. Interesting piece from MP Sarah Champion Today on how,To tackle UKIP we must take voters seriously. Maybe ED should take a few pointers from this an yes listen to what the voter wants.
    Labour Rotherham also need to take a good luck and a few words of advice from Sarah on their campaigning efforts and also getting things done for Rotherham and Rotherham People instead of putting themselves first.
    If Labour get it wrong again then Rotherham will have a UKIP Run Council in 2015 not that I would be complaining It would be a big change for Rotherham and the country as a whole.


    • I lost interest as soon as I saw it was a Progress article. Progress is IMO a despicable Blairite New Labour legacy.


  20. Anonymous that is the whole point people who earn a wage want to call it a salary they want to be white collar instead of blue collar but no matter how you want to spin it they are wage slaves. Tim of course uses the usual misguided logic about socialism it can never work because Orwell wrote animal farm and of course he must be right because his theory fits Tim’s paradigm. Next we will be pointing to Stalanist Russia to prove communism doesn’t work. Thanks for the advice I will keep on ranting.
    Dave Smith


    • Thanks for that Dave. So, in 1964, I suddenly became non-working class, because my employer decided to pay me monthly instead of weekly. What a sad, blinkered and narrow-minded individual you are. I’ve been working class all my life right up to my retirement. I still consider I am working class.


  21. Dear Anon,

    My definition of the word racist is a very simple one. Someone that hates, encourages hate, discriminates, intimidates or bullies someone simply because of the fact they were born in another country or have a different ethnic background or are a different colour. I will also add anyone who is so insecure in their own self they have to use the N or P word or terms like (insert race) scum. This doesn’t mean people can’t have a view on immigration – but it does mean all the afore mentioned traits in my opinion are racists.

    My definition of a contributor who is proud of their views, not ashamed – . someone who is brave enough to put their name to their opinions.

    SKT xxxxx

    PS: to anyone that cares to – please feel free to abuse my families mixed heritage of many lands – (And SKT’s such an English adaptation of my mixed Jewish / catholic /’ protestant / non conformist URC heritage too) but I’m here – I’m staying – and if like many did at the EDL racist demo you want me to go home I will when I’ve finished my shopping. The bus fares £1.20 Though it would cost me £3.80 to get where I was born. Up the Owls..


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