32 thoughts on “Mahroof’s Gaza Debate

  1. This is a very complex debate. However, I wonder if Deborah as a jew mentioned the fact that Israel or any other state cannot deal with those who refuse to recognised them as a state eventhough they demand statehood themselves. I am sure it was how terrible it is, which it is, but what about the Israelis who have been killed?


    • It has nothing to with the Muslims. I am a Muslim and I did get an invitations so please leave this out. Invitees may have by carefully selected by their loyalty, most just happen to be Muslims. Any one who is prepared to say ‘yes’ to them will be welcome regardless their ethnic or religious background


      • A genuine question Abdul. Is this an attempt to form a broad pro Palestinian lobby in Rotherham, something I would gladly join and support.Please supply details if there is such.
        Or was it a meeting with her Muslim constituents, who at this time happen to be most most concerned about Palestine?
        It doesn’t matter to me which, other than one I would join and the other I can’t.


  2. Ah, now I understand why some commentors think Ms Champion is Jewish – it’s ‘cos one of her forenames is Deborah – a bee.
    I thought she was named after Debby Reynolds the Hollywood movie star.

    @Anonymouse: It’s so easy to play the “… but what about…” game, but what’s the point?


  3. If people think it is a coincidence that we now have another Jew who had no political experience dropped in Rotherham you must be crazy. Talking about the conflict is one thing but how she votes will be my point


    • Suggest you read Regular Readers comment on this.

      There is nothing to indicate Sarah Champion is a Zionist like her predecessor, Denis MacShane! That’s something of an improvement.


      • As yet there may not be indication but with half of Labour Party being Zionists supported by the other half and labour leadership being one the chances are there


  4. Here we have a brutal Zionist Israel who is supplied by hi-tec weapons by the USA & Britain plus billions in aid to built settlements on Palistinians land by force. There is clearly apartheid in Israel and British gov, approves it. They tend to blame Hamas for the conflict. If I go and bulldoze someone property and built my own house on their land then are they going to send me flowers. Is this the Israelis and British gov. Expected from Hamas. The facts are that the Israelis are Zionists and cruel and supported by the USA & British gov. As the ZIONIST of both country have strong lobby and support these two governments. There is not such thing as justice it is all about money and gains.


  5. The subject under discussion is very laudable but………………………… Just what did Champion and Hussain hope to achieve by holding a small meeting in a small town in England? They do not have any power and influence over Britain’s foreign policies nor do they have any influence on Philip Hammond.
    Whatever the rights and wrongs of the conflict between Israel and Hamas a lot of people-including Blair-are being paid a lot of money to try and help resolve the current unrest.


    • The conflict isn’t between Israel and Hamas; Israel is murdering innocent children, they’re bombing hospitals for goodness sake!


    • Colin,
      The conflict is between the rights of the peoples of the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPTs) and the Occupier – the Israeli government.
      What is happening in Gaza today is one deeply tragic consequence of this.
      Hamas just happens to be the democratically elected government of the OPTs (elected in 2006).


  6. I should be very careful what you say Robin as it is beginning to look as though yesterdays shelling of the UN School was down to Hamas. Also, if we spoke about the Islamic people as whole as Razaq speaks about the Jews we would undoubtedly be called racist. As I’ve always said, the Islamic population of this country are totally racist and intolerant to all other cultures.
    PS. I wonder who provided the refreshments for this meeting, probably us, the council tax payers of Rotherham


    • Anonymouse says: “As I’ve always said, the Islamic population of this country are totally racist and intolerant to all other cultures.”
      … that too would be laughable if the subject were not so serious.


    • Is this the same Mahroof who walked out on Sarah Champion selection in 2012 and now his sucking upto her arm pits.
      Even now his always making inappropriate remarks behind Sarah behind.
      His very keen to bring his nephew Mobeen Hussain to every meeting to promote the family empire.
      These people were handpicked to promote Mahroof.
      Goes to show he does not have any backing from the muslim community.
      Its a shame Sarah cant see through him?
      Where were our so called councillors and MPs on the palisinte peacful protest last saturday.


      • I am sure apart from Sarah and Mahroof everyone else were fasting.
        It wouldnt suprise me if Mahroof is Zionist and probably claimed for his expenses.


      • I agree with The Truth.
        Mahroof would run around like a wild hog to promote himself.
        He has not done nothing to promote about the barbaric attack on Palistine just look on his facebook and TWATTER account.
        He is Tony Blairs baby after all.


  7. @ Robin Symonds and rr.
    I did write “……a lot of people-including Blair-are being paid a lot of money to try and help resolve the current unrest.”
    Whether it is Hamas/OPT/Palestinians-v-Israe and/or Zionists is not central to the OP. I also asked ‘Just what did Champion and Hussain hope to achieve by holding a small meeting in a small town in England?’ so far the responses are ‘Israel is killing children. The Palestinian people represented by Hamas are innocent’. The other responses claim Hussain is an hypocrite.
    The question I asked remains unanswered however I suspect it will be Zero.Zilch.Nothing.Nil.
    I also think the whole thing was a PR stunt to bolster the image and standing of a Labour councillor who fears for his political future.


  8. Interesting the total silence from one member of the Hussain extended family on the slaughter of the Yazidi by IS.

    As an aspiring criminal Barrister seeking pupilage at a leading Chambers I would have expected that Vakas Hussain would have been one of the first to speak out against the slaughter of Yazidi women and children.

    How wrong can you be!

    Rest assured when and if Vakas ever manages to get an interview the web based search of all his postings and rants will surface.

    A question to the extended Hussain family.

    What is your view on the IS slaughter of Yazidi children?

    Don’t hold your breath folks, and shock horror, nothing from Ms Champion on the Yazidi slaughter, probably because RMBC would not allow the Town Hall to be used FOC for such a protest.


  9. Pingback: Silence speaks volumes? | Rotherham Politics

  10. Pingback: Sarah Champion – Gaza in the Star | Rotherham Politics

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