Kazuko Case: Ellen MacAllister – Guilty!

Justice at last!

Ellen MacAllister – Guilty perverting the course of justice!

Sentence 2 years suspended jail.

That leaves Ellen’s dad Ian, who I understand will be sentenced at Rotherham Magistrates next Thursday, in respect of a racially aggravated criminal damage case, for which he has already accepted his guilt.

and Amy Hopkins who has admitted her part in this perversion of justice case who should be sentenced this afternoon.

When the history of recent events is written, this will be pointed to, as the beginning of the ending of ‘impunity’, and the holding to account of those responsible!

No one from the ‘agencies of state’ comes out of this with any credit and should shoulder responsibility for their own part in this case.

Councillors, the then PCC Shaun Wright, Council Officers and the South Yorkshire Police all failed the victims involved in this sorry tale of harassment and bigotry.

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