Blair a megalomaniac?

Is this the proof ‘megalomaniac’ Blair DOES want to rule the world? Ex-PM accused of bidding for global domination after vow to set up ‘leaders club’

  • Vowed to set up exclusive club of ex-statesman in Newsweek interview
  • Described his ideas of leadership as ‘close to a benevolent dictatorship’
  • Hopes to stay active in both politics and business well into his 90s
  • Tory MP Andrew Bridgen claimed Mr Blair came across a ‘megalomaniac’

Spotted for us by Samson

Spotted by an anonymous reader also from the Mail:


4 thoughts on “Blair a megalomaniac?

  1. bliar and cameroon support the elite leaders’ club – known as Common Purpose, and, as for politics:
    Government is Antoinesque.
    Politics is broken.
    Democracy is dead.
    Parliament is not fit for purpose.
    Government has become the enemy of the People.
    This government is corrupt.
    The corruption is absolute, lead from the top down, and out of control.
    Being rotten to the core and from the core, everything it touches it taints.
    Having neither the will nor ability to change, outside intervention is indicated.
    Any persons who fail to act appropriately when faced with corruption,
    or condone in any way the actions of those determined as corrupt,
    become, by definition, corrupt themselves.
    There comes a time when, for the sake of humanity, society and civilisation,
    it is not only the choice of a person to throw out corrupt governance,
    but a duty.
    The banksters are but one part of ‘the establishment ‘ that depends upon corruption to exist.
    The inextricable entanglement is both endemic and systemic.
    It is those in power who are the terrorists, having destroyed our society from within.


    • “blair destroyed the labour party when he passed clause 4……”
      He did not pass it, he binned it.
      ” lost many members and support through this”.
      He won three elections as ‘New Labour’.
      Some destruction!


  2. Blair didn’t destroy the labour party, he destroyed this Country. He and Brown brought Britain to it’s knees through incompetence and corruption. He entered politics as a supposedly poor labour supporter and left a multi-multi millionaire. What does this say for labour? Corrupt and rotten all the way through!


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