Child abuse failings by Rotherham council ‘led to rise in Islamophobia’

Child abuse failings by Rotherham council ‘led to rise in Islamophobia’

Government inspector behind damning report into abuse says council’s inaction has fuelled far-right sentiment in the town

Government inspector behind damning report into abuse says council’s inaction has fuelled far-right sentiment in the town

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Rotherham abuse scandal cover-up ‘a gift to the far-right’

Attempts to cover-up the involvement of Pakistani men in child sexual exploitation crimes in Rotherham because of political correctness has been a ‘gift to the far-right’, a Government inspector who helped exposed the scandal has said.

Louise Casey, whose damning report last February resulted in Government-appointed commissioners being brought in to run Rotherham Council, said misguided political correctness had unintentionally led to an increase in Islamophobia.

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5 thoughts on “Child abuse failings by Rotherham council ‘led to rise in Islamophobia’

  1. Child abuse perpetrated by Muslim men on over 1,400 vulnerable white female children for nearly twenty years and ignored by the local Labour party, social services and police led to decent people protesting against racist child sexual exploitation, corrupt and politically motivated council services and a police force not fit for purpose. You can’t comment on The Guardian page. Funny that.


  2. Of course they created Islamophobia by the cover up but they are too dumb the connect the dots….. Incidently , never mind a gift to the far right, they have made ordinary Mum, Dad and the kids wary of ordinary law abiding Pakistani Mum, Dad and the kids as well…. They can’t connect those dots either…..


  3. The question that this sorry mess has always thrown up for me is. What was the national executive of the Labour Party doing, and what is it doing now? They are allowing a majority of the tainted Councillors to stand for election. When the Jay report had been announced the council was holding a meeting to discuss it, tv cameras were there and the reporters asked Councillors going in for their opinion. Watson said on camera that he did not believe the report, he is now deputy leader, there will be very little improvement until the deniars are replaced.
    Dave smith


    • Fully agree Dave. Of the three Labour Councillors representing my ward, two of them were on the cabinet branded “not fit for purpose” by Louise Casey, the third was at the now famous 2005 seminar, but said nowt to her Dad, the MP (allegedly). All three of them are standing again this year.

      But apparently they’ve changed and we can trust them now, so everything is lovely and rosy once again. Oh, and pigs might fly 🙂


  4. I fail to see how it is irrational to have a fear of Islam in a small town where Muslim men colluded to gang rape non-Muslim children. Maybe the guardian should check a dictionary.


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