National Crime Agency Rotherham child sex abuse investigation finds 91 crimes

National Crime Agency Rotherham child sex abuse investigation finds 91 crimes

A National Crime Agency investigation into child sexual exploitation in Rotherham has recorded 91 crimes.

It has so far identified 29 suspects after interviews with victims and survivors, according to figures in an Operation Stovewood briefing.

More than 10,000 lines of inquiry have also been identified in the first 12 months of the investigation.

In 2014 the Jay Report found at least 1,400 girls were abused between 1997-2013 in the town.

The agency’s investigation into non-familial abuse in Rotherham started in December 2014.

Operation Stovewood, led by senior investigating officer Paul Williamson, is now the largest law-enforcement investigation into non-familial child sexual exploitation and abuse in the UK.

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