Over 10,000 lines of enquiry as Rotherham abuse probe expands

Over 10,000 lines of enquiry as Rotherham abuse probe expands

Dozens of new officers are to join a massive investigation into historic child sexual exploitation in Rotherham as the probe into hundreds of suspects expands.

The National Crime Agency has announced South Yorkshire Police has agreed to fund the expansion of the current 69-strong Operation Stovewood team to 117 officers as it investigates more than 10,000 lines of enquiry.

The NCA has yet to make any arrests as part of the operation, but has now identified 29 key suspects – up from the 23 people the NCA announced in March it had prioritised – and has hundreds more ‘potential suspects’ under investigation.

Read on… http://www.thestar.co.uk/news/over-10-000-lines-of-enquiry-as-rotherham-abuse-probe-expands-1-7949403

‘Hundreds of suspects’ now implicated in Rotherham child sex probe

THE investigation into large-scale child sexual exploitation in Rotherham now involves 29 “designated suspects” and hundreds more “potential suspects”, according to the National Crime Agency.

The NCA said its investigators have made contact with 82 victims and survivors from the South Yorkshire town, since it was brought in following the 2014 Jay Report.

Professor Alexis Jay’s report shocked the nation when it detailed how 1,400 children had been raped, trafficked and attacked in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013 by gangs of largely Asian men.

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Read on… http://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news/crime/hundreds-of-suspects-now-implicated-in-rotherham-child-sex-probe-1-7949386

75 CSE cases reported to South Yorkshire Police per month

ALMOST 900 cases of child sexual exploitation (CSE) have been reported to South Yorkshire Police in the last year.

A new report by South Yorkshire Police Chief Constable Dave Jones to the county’s police and crime commissioner Dr Alan Billings revealed there are currently around 200 active investigations.

It said there were an average of 75 cases per month across South Yorkshire between April 2015 and March 2016.

Read on… http://www.rotherhamadvertiser.co.uk/news/103326/75-cse-cases-reported-to-south-yorkshire-police-per-month.aspx

Hundreds of suspects identified in child sex abuse investigation

TWENTY-nine “designated suspects and hundreds more potential suspects” have been identified by police investigating historic sexual abuse in Rotherham.

Eighty-two child sexual exploitation survivors have helped police from the National Crime Agency (NCA) uncover 91 “serious sexual offences”.

The information has been released by the NCA as part of its 12-month Operation Stovewood update which is an independent investigation into non-familial child sexual exploitation and abuse in Rotherham between 1997-2013.

Operation Stovewoood covers the geography and time period of the Jay Report.

Read on… http://www.rotherhamadvertiser.co.uk/news/103328/hundreds-of-suspects-identified-in-child-sex-abuse-investigation.aspx

4 thoughts on “Over 10,000 lines of enquiry as Rotherham abuse probe expands

  1. As anyone contacted, that fountain of community knowledge and leader for cohension , Muhbeen Hussian, and asked how many of his community he and his fellow leaders, have grassed up, since they are appalled by these monsters and there not Muslims. Surely since they cliamed to know everything, they must know at least a few thousand of these scumbags. It’s frightening , from 82 witnesses, some 10000 lines of enquiry?


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