Momentum losing it..

Rotherham’s very own Darby and Joan are back in the Politics game. Shabana Ahmed and Clough Road lothario, Jahangir Akhtar, have re-emerged from their political exile at Hellaby’s infamous Gulag, Legover Lodge (£20 per night, cheap day rates available).

Shabana is so excited by her selection as Labour candidate for the Brinsworth and Catcliffe by-election that she is said to have ordered several dozen personalised, embossed Council expense claims forms.

In her acceptance speech she emphasised help given her by Akhtar and Rotherham’s Momentum Group. Momentum in a statement of fraternity, deciding to forgo their alleged political principles and ignore her lack of socialist ideals, indeed any ideals whatsoever.

Shabana, nicknamed Princess Soya, had a glittering political career in what was considered Rotherham’s golden age of politics when she rubbed shoulders with the likes of Roger Stone, Shaun Wright and Mahroof Hussain. She was kicked out by the electorate despite her excellent reputation for making platitudinous and vacuous statements about women’s rights, while completely ignoring the rampant misogyny among her political colleagues, friends and family.

Jahangir Akhtar, after negotiating MOMENTUM’s support for Shabana, re-establishes his reputation as Rotherham’s Mr Fixit. Out manoeuvring opponent Lord Dazza Hughes with the cunning ploy of suggesting she had more political values than the illegitimate heir to the Fitzwilliam family overdraft.

After Akhtar’s period in the wilderness, one minute disgraced Labour and the next a UKIP reject, to pull off the coup of becoming a Momentum member (£1 per month, special rate for cheapskates) shows his talents have not been forgotten. Lev Bronstein, regional organiser, said his arrival was a great boost for Momentum: “so fantastic, we couldn’t make it up, beyond our wildest dreams.”

Rotherham Momentum, the group formed from amongst Corbynista and bitter personal enemies, has been forced to go underground since Momentum HQ lost their Facebook address. Ever aware of the threat they pose to global capitalism, it adopts freemason type membership secrecy.

For a group supposedly committed to “A New Form of Politics,” here in Rotherham, tactics, secrecy and some of the key characters seem remarkably like the old ones.  The DD Platts twins , Phil Turner (yes, he of the SWP) and Ged Dempsey are reported to be supporters. Then again it seems Taiba Yasseen supports them too, so it must truly be a revolutionary, internationalist movement for taxi drivers.

Will Ewart.

20 thoughts on “Momentum losing it..

  1. So this is the we have changed Labour in Rotherham how will Leader Reed explain this one
    By offering his 100% support like he does to the unfit for purpos councillors and the keep quiet after the seminar group he promoted nothing as changed this just confirms the same old same old rotten to core group are still pulling the strings in Labour Rotherham


  2. Living proof that Momentum have lost the plot (if they ever had a plot) by backing the “Shagbanga “female for office. I am led to believe that ASBO is still expecting to have his collar felt by the Old Bill in the not too distant future.


  3. If she has been kicked out once before, why would you re-select someone who the public obviously had no confidence in. The only reasons I can think of are:-
    (1) They have not got anybody else.
    (2) she is the “best” of a bad bunch.
    (3) The leader has learned nowt.


  4. Pingback: The Week That Was – Last Weeks Top Ten 14th January 2017 | Rotherham Politics

  5. Momentum is a network of Labour Party Members and supporters which campaigns for the Labour party to adopt a socialist programme and to campaign for socialist poicies in society generally. It also campaigns for the election of those who support socialist policies to officers’ positions within the Labour party and for the election of those who support socilalist policies as Labour party candidates in public elections.
    Now i have recently rejoined the Labour party because i believe Jeremy Corbyn has put socialist policies back on the agenda.. I am also a member of Momentum because of what they stand for. I do not know anything of Shabana Ahmed or her past. I attended the last Momentum meeting at The Bridge Inn on Tuesday 10th January. and the members were asked if they could help in any way at Brinsworth and Dinnington. As a Rother Valley member i will make every effort to help in Dinnington. I presume a democratic process went ahead to select these candidates.
    What i do know is this.Momentum is organised on the basis of accontability,transparency and democratic membership control. Heres a plea to all members and supporters of the Labour party. Come to the next meeting at The Bridge Inn on Weds 8th Feb @ 7pm. Instead of slamming us come and debate with us. Socialism is beginning to come to life and Momentum is the place to discuss your beliefs,
    There is no free mason type membership secrecy just left minded people who want the Labour party to support socialist policies.


  6. I along with many others despise what you would call the right wing of the party.

    But that doesn’t mean we are so desperate as to support Momentum, a group that includes a range of knackered and failed old trots, self acclaimed working class heroes, who for many years have loathed each other and who schism every other month…Google recent divisions between Momentum factions, and think..they’ve only been going a year.

    Then there is the failure of some Momentum members in Rotherham to tell you the history of Shabana…which is pretty well explained in my article.

    So here is the bit you will take comfort from, as it will fit into a simplistic thinking mould that will allow you to call me racist.

    Sorry about this but…..not all people of brown skin and Muslim beliefs are Socialists.

    I know that despite several millennia of history showing the statement to be accurate some in Momentum would require me to undergo cultural re-education.

    Now please try to understand….Shabana Ahmed is not a Socialist, she is not a feminist and she most definitely is not of a new political mould. She was there when the Council was in denial about CSE, and did nothing…I repeat NOTHING to acknowledge and tackle misogyny among her friends, family and the the Council at that time.

    Post the Jay and Casey report & after she lost her seat, that is once she saw which way the wind was blowing, she is trying to rewrite her personal history. Some us cannot forget.

    Momentum members must try to understand how we, a small group of members who suffered opprobrium and threats when trying to get the Labour Group to acknowledge CSE, feel when we see them support someone who we believe let the young women & men (of all ethnicities) of Rotherham down.

    All dialectical materialists should agree, you can’t have a great vision for the future based upon lies about the past. Some in Momentum should have told you, now ask why they didn’t.


    • Will, given the comic flourishes in your article (Lev Bronstein etc) I thought I should check. Did Shabana really thank Akhtar in her acceptance speech? It seems astonishing notwithstanding their known relationship but I will believe you if you say so.


  7. Will.
    “All dialectical materialists should agree, you can’t have a great vision for the future based upon lies about the past.”

    No one can/should have a vision for the future based upon lies about the past.

    ,,, and Will, I really value your contributions to this website, … and your insight; I learn from you.


  8. If Shabana has done anything wrong, she shouldn’t have been eligible for the candidacy. Are there any allegations against her? If so, they are difficult to find, except for the clearly spurious allegations on this website. Really, have any attacks about anybody on this website ever been backed up by any actual, verifiable facts? Not even a link to a news website that has run a story about allegations. It’s so easy to start rumours, and accuse people by their associations. Please give some credible source of information about these allegations about Shabana – we need to know if there is any truth behind them.


    • Not been around long, nor asked the right questions before reaching a conclusion if I am not mistaken?
      Read more of this blog before concluding information, often eye witness evidence, is “clearly spurious allegations!”
      That not one correction has been asked for speaks volumes, don’t you think?


      • Links to such allegations would be useful – or is a thorough trawl of this and other websites necessary? A lack of requests for corrections does not imply proof of fact. There are so many websites with so many falsifications and distortions that it is simply impossible for anybody who is the victim of such lies to ensure they are all corrected – in fact to even start to try would be a futile and time-wasting endeavour. These are the tactics of trolls, and also the mainstream media – throw enough dirt and some will stick. Anybody trying to come to any meaningful conclusions about the most likely truth can only do so by assessing the credibility of the source. A few rants from usually anonymous people does not constitute a credible source.


        • Those who were duped into supporting shabaner should just admit they failed to check out the views of those they listened to and their agenda.

          She certainly is no socialist or on left.

          She is just another chancer, chameleon and an opportunist.

          The only woman she looks after is herself.


  9. Pingback: The Week That Was – Last Weeks Top Ten 21st January 2017 | Rotherham Politics

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