Rotherham MP Sarah Champion mistaken

Rotherham MP Sarah Champion can’t spell Catcliffe and posts a photo on Twitter of a road in Brinsworth calling it Catcliffe.


14 thoughts on “Rotherham MP Sarah Champion mistaken

  1. Gresham AVE in brinsworth not seen or had any correspondence from labour in catcliffe have from all the other party’s catcliffe the forgotten village once again


    • UKIPs second councillor hopeful Steve Webster would like to help Catclffe, Brinsworth and Waverley he has been leafleting the area in the cold this morning
      He is an experienced and genuine councillor who also looks after his disabled wife so he knows a thing or two about the problems that life can bring.

      I have helped the residents of Catcliffe by Actions not Words or photo opportunities.
      I also have a surgery in Catcliffe itself every Wednesday and attend the Parish council public meetings.


      • How can he be a Cllr hopeful AND be a genuine and experienced Cllr?

        Who is ‘I’ as it reads like Nigel is I – Steve Webster – if indeed he is then why not say so? Why hide? Why big himself up?

        Who attends these meetings? Nigel or Steve?

        Why does having a disabled wife give Steve/Nigel/Whoever any advantage? We all know the issues that life can throw at us, some more then most, although I am not sure a partner in life/love would be seen as a ‘problem’…not in Paddys house at any standard.


        • My reply was not meant for you
          I thought Steve was a councillor previously because he has worked hard for the people of Rotherham.
          Everything else is correct unless you have learning difficulties…


      • “Everything else is correct unless you have learning difficulties…”
        Seems a bit harsh coming from a bloke who has an error on the first line of his post.
        And while we are picking on spelling and grammar, If you check your UKIP leaflets you have been distributing you will find that you have got the name of you boss Paul Nuttall wrong.
        At least you didnt call him Farage. 🙂


  2. ‘ Sheffield Labour Party members to come out canvassing’
    Part of the ward is in the Rother Valley and at the next General Election all of the Brinsworth and Catcliffe ward will move into the Rotherham parliamentary constituency.
    Local Labour councillors and activists believe they needn’t canvas in this ward, just weigh the votes after polling closes.


    • Brinsworth and Catcliffe ward is under the Rotherham Constituency at the moment, though parts were previously under Rother Valley.

      The ward moves to Sheffield (I think South) under the new boundary changes if they come in as they were.

      On the council issue Steve Webster would make an excellent councillor.

      He’s strong willed, committed and determined to do the best for the ordinary people. I’ve seen him work tirelessly many times for now personal gain and have no doubt he’s the best candidate in the ward.


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