Could David Crompton High Court ruling stop crime tsars from firing Chief Constables in future?

The decision by a High Court that South Yorkshire Chief Constable David Crompton was “unlawfully” removed from his job could hinder the ability of crime commissioners to hold senior officers to account, it is feared.

The chairwoman of the body representing police and crime commissioners says there is “considerable concern” about whether the overturning of the decision by Dr Alan Billings is consistent with the legislation drawn up when the elected role was created in 2011.

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5 thoughts on “Could David Crompton High Court ruling stop crime tsars from firing Chief Constables in future?

  1. There appear to be some interesting conundrums: If the effective sacking of the “ex” chief constable was unlawful, does this mean that in law he is still the chief constable? Does this mean that the “current” chief constable does not hold a legitimate position? Will the “ex” chief constable now be receiving all his back pay from when being forced out? Given that the decision to sack the “ex” ( but apparently no longer the “ex” ) was made by the Commissioner, will he personally accept responsibility and pay all legal costs and back-pay – or will he claim it was decision endorsed by the Police and Crime Panel so each member should cough up the costs? However this is played out, we the taxpayers should not have to financially suffer for the unlawful actions of those we are supposed to trust. The PCC and every member of the Police and Crime Panel, if they had a shred of decency, would have already resigned.


  2. Ginger Nut
    I have not been a member of the opposition on RMBC
    For over 13 months and in that time
    I have never spoken for the Opposition
    In that time
    When I post on Rothpole it is done as an
    Individual with my own opinion


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