Council bosses predict £7 million overspend

FINANCE bosses managed to balance the council’s books for 2016/17 – but are already forecasting a near £7 million overspend this year.

Adult social care – currently consulting on closing four centres – is expected to be £5.3 million in the red while children’s services is about £1.6 million over budget.

Last year’s final position was £765,000 below budget, thanks in part to shifting revenue pressures of nearly £2 million to the capital budget, which is under less pressure.

Read on…,council-bosses-predict-7-million-overspend_23189.htm

4 thoughts on “Council bosses predict £7 million overspend

  1. RMBC have been crap at budgeting for years. The childrens services have been in the red for years. Its quite simple really, “last year over spent”, “this years we either make savings to bring the budget into line or we transfer monies from some other budget items to balance the books.” But no, overspend every year. But the big question is, why is the Finance Officer still in post if he/she has failed to come up with a balanced budget. Why are the RMBC Councillor`s, who are in charge for the overspend in the various departments, still in post.
    In this weeks Advertiser, it says they are predicting a £7 million over spend, then there is the doubling of the debt for the Tram scheme, and on top of that our Boy wonder openly admits that the housing project he is running and is in charge of, is £2.6 million over budget. But he will not get the sack because he is a cabinet member of a failed cabinet.
    I bet if you start trawling through the accounts, then the debt figures will be massive. A challenge for UKIP I think.


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