Forced out – are Labour still in denial over CSE? – the paper stories

Sarah Champion forced out of Jeremy Corbyn’s shadow cabinet after warning Pakistani men are raping white girls

Jeremy Corbyn has forced one of his senior ministers to resign after she claimed that some Pakistani men groom and rape young white girls, it has emerged.

Sarah Champion, the Labour MP for Rotherham and former shadow secretary of state for women and equalities, was asked to resign after writing an article in The Sun newspaper warning that more must be done to stop gangs of Pakistani men targeting young girls for sex.

Issuing a desperate plea she called on the Government to investigate why so many men who share the same cultural background are behind bars for abusing young girls.

But following the Labour leader’s demand Ms Champion stepped down from Mr Corbyn’s top team.

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Labour MP Sarah Champion resigns as Jeremy Corbyn’s equalities spokesperson over ‘Pakistani rapists’ article

The Labour MP faced criticism for a newspaper column which warned of the “problem” of Pakistani men raping white girls

A Labour MP has resigned as Jeremy Corbyn’s equality spokesperson after trying to disown a newspaper article in her name about the “problem” of Pakistani men raping white girls, despite telling editors she was “thrilled” with it.

Sarah Champion claimed the article, published in the Sun had been altered and “stripped of nuance”.

Her staff did say she was “mortified” about one aspect of the article, however – that they had used an old picture of Champion.

But leaked emails show the Rotherham MP’s team had seen a finished version of the article and fully approved it, saying she was “absolutely thrilled with it.”

Yesterday, she added her name to a letter to the Sun, complaining about a Trevor Kavanagh column on the same subject, which ended with the phrase: “What will we do about The Muslim Problem?”.

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Sarah Champion resigns as Labour equalities spokesperson after writing Sun article on British Pakistani men

Ms Champion came under fire after writing an article in The Sun newspaper, under the provocative headline: ‘British Pakistani men ARE raping and exploiting white girls – and it’s time we faced up to it’

Labour’s Shadow equalities minister Sarah Champion has resigned from her frontbench position following a row over an article she wrote in the Sun newspaper, claiming British Pakistani men are “raping and exploiting white girls”.

In a statement the Rotherham MP said she apologised for any offence cause by “the extremely poor choice of words” which appeared in the tabloid newspaper five days’ ago.

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Labour frontbencher Sarah Champion quits over article warning of ‘problem’ with ‘British Pakistani men raping and exploiting white girls’

  • Sarah Champion has apologised and resigned as shadow equalities minister
  • Apologised for ‘choice of words’ in article on targeting of white girls for abuse
  • Had faced a backlash from activists on Twitter who demanded Corbyn sack her 

A Labour frontbencher has quit after writing an article warning about a ‘problem with British Pakistani men raping and exploiting white girls’.

Sarah Champion apologised for her ‘extremely poor choice of words’ as she announced her departure.

The resignation comes after a backlash from activists on Twitter who had urged Jeremy Corbyn to sack her.

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9 thoughts on “Forced out – are Labour still in denial over CSE? – the paper stories

  1. What is this country coming to, an mp who has the back bone to say it as it is and has to resign over it, this countries leaders should hang there head in shame. Instead of cow tailing to immigrants or PC its about time they listen to people like Sarah champion maybe then this country might have a chance of servival for the next generation, shame on the labour party


  2. Sarah has crossed the line by upsetting
    Pakistani community by telling the truth
    That’s why Barron. And Healey refused
    To call for a enquiry into CSE
    In 2012 and 2013 as they did not want to lose the Rotherham Pakistani vote
    Which keeps them in a job
    Sarah learning the hard way telling the truth in labour does not pay


    • Not very accurate Vines. The number of Pakistani voters in Rother Valley and Wentworth constituency is below 1%. As I recall this fact was brought to your attention in the general election in 2015 when UKIP were hell bent on tackling Rotherham constiuency with Jane Collins.


  3. Perhaps she should resign force a by election and stand as an independent, NEVER !!! As soon as her back was against the wall she fell in line . No way would she resign that means losing a safe seat a good wage and all the media attention she craves. Admit it Sarah you cocked up thinking the Labour party would support you on this one when it comes to one dispensable MP and hundreds of thousand Pakistani labour votes you ere never gonna win.
    Do as you have probably been advised by Corbyn weather the storm bide your time and in a few months be welcomed back in to the fold with open arms WATCH THIS SPACE !!!!


  4. Corbyn et al dare not risk the Biraderi vote – if they stood up and accepted Ms Champion’s comments as the truth (which they undoubtedly ARE ) they would end up having less MPs than the LibDems ! That is, unless the majority of old school Labour respected them for accepting the “bleeding obvious” and returned to the fold ! When I say “old school” I do not include the muppets who re elected the “not fit for purpose” brigade back into Town Hall Towers !


  5. Xinsider – if you are right Labour are totally short-sighted regarding this voting group. They could safely “ignore/upset” them in Rotherham and lose, what? three seats on the council? They would still have a massive majority. They would also attract BACK the disaffected white working class voters who have gone to either UKIP or even the Tories or else stay at home on election days. When I say “ignore/upset” I don’t mean disregard or offend (hence inverted commas) – I actually mean something much more positive, to stand for truth and right and justice and decency, to stand for the vulnerable victims. This is something I believe the muslim/Pakisatani community would actually welcome because it would be helping them in the long run as well.


  6. Pingback: The Week That Was – Last Weeks Top Ten 19th August 2017 | Rotherham Politics

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