SOS: Save our Sarah

One day soon you’ll wake to find Sarah Champion is no longer to be MP for Rotherham.

Not due to a Parliamentary election or a willing choice to retire. No, she is to be deselected by meetings you don’t know exist. With votes cast by some who barely realise they are Party members.

She will be sunk by the plotting of others, and you will be expected to vote for whoever Labour chooses to replace her.

This hidden decision making is already happening in the Mosque Council and the secretive, unpublicised meetings of Rotherham Momentum. This is NOT rumour.

Some Labour Councillors are turning a blind eye, in revenge for what most of us call Sarah’s “honesty” about Child Sexual Exploitation and Councillor failings in Rotherham.

Justifications for dismissal will be her criticism of some Muslim men in the Sun newspaper and dismissal from Corbyn’s Shadow Cabinet. These are fig leaves; plotting has been going on for some time, and this is about power, greed and money. Not principles.

Disgraced former councillor Jahangir Akhtar is one plotter, reported to be using his power over the Council of Mosques to pull political strings.  Akhtar built his power by delivering a lot of favours for taxi drivers and landlords.  As a result, Muslim leaders such as Cllr Saghir Alam fear his influence among their community and seek his patronage.

The hypocrisy of Momentum in professing a kinder type of politics is also exposed by their willingness to deal with Jahangir “Asbo” Akhtar.

In September 2018 Labour Conference will fire the starting pistol for Sarah’s removal, making it easier for local party branches (CLP) to deselect their sitting MP.

There will be several hats thrown into the Rotherham Labour selection ring, known ones include:

Cllr Saghir Alam, Chair of the Council of Mosques (CoM) and Akhtar’s preferred choice.

Cllr Taiba Yasseen, Akhtar and the CoM second choice if Labour declare it an all women shortlist.

Cllr Wendy Cooksey, nearest thing to a Rotherham Momentum supporter with half a brain.

Soon a short pleasant period in Rotherham political life will be over, one where we had an honest MP who spoke loud and fiercely to protect the vulnerable.

The only hope for Sarah is for this plot to be exposed, and for YOU to stand up and demand open clean politics.

Wil Ewart

Ps  Cllr Emma Hoddinott may think she has a chance, but she hasn’t.

58 thoughts on “SOS: Save our Sarah

  1. This needs to be put to Andrew Norfolk ad/or a decent TV Investigative journo quickly so the entire fraudulent Biraderi rigging voting system can be exposed to all the UK in all it’s evil, antidemocratic glory !

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I demanded open and clean justice. I got none. I demanded it from Kevin Barron who is my own MP, he ignored me. I demanded it from Sarah Champion who is the MP of the corrupt fraudulent lying scum whose actions I demanded justice from. She glibly told me that I was not her constituent and she could therefore do nothing. And between those two, they took over £100,000 from a woman who said they knew about something that it WAS their job to know about, that they should have been penalised for not knowing about, while I was robbed of a similar amount of money because of their inaction to curb a massive fraud under their own noses, being operated in both their constituencies. First they came for the whistleblowers, but Sarah was not one of them, so she did not speak out…


  3. Rotherham Labour have long made it known that the HATE St Sarah and have plenty who will help topple her. They need to remember that it can so easily happen to Labour councillors in the same way.


  4. If electors vote for a person who proclaims he/she is the Labour candidate they’ll get what they deserve.
    Joe and Josephine Public don’t give a rat’s a$$ about public political meetings or the CLP, they’re more interested in watching TV programmes designed to turn their brains to mush or watching football and hard left activists like Momentum thrive on voter ignorance.

    Reap what ye sow….etc.etc.


    • Hmm…as a thinking person, I have never voted for anyone just because they belonged to a particular party in my entire life! I think my current vote, if it were possible would go to someone like Mhairi Black, but the so-called “Big Three” have done nothing to attract my attention in donkey’s years, and UKIP are a long running joke!


  5. Well said Colin put a red rose on a dog turd in Rotherham and they ill vote for it
    After voting to keep Labour councillor’s in Rotherham who knew of CSE and kept quiet about it
    Allowing it to continue nothing surprises me any more
    Saint Sarah has never publicly condemned any Labour Councillor for their actions
    And is quite happy to run with them when it suites her cause


    • Fortunately for 3 senior Councillors CSE is old news now and because they have survived the ballot box condemnation, they feel they have got away with it – Ellis, Wyatt and Atkin were all at the 2005 seminar and are all still senior figures with seats on lucrative committees.


  6. Pingback: The Week That Was – Last Weeks Top Ten Ten 3rd February 2018 | Rotherham Politics

  7. Your bitterness stops you admitting what many UKIP people openly aknowledged.
    Somehow, from the manure that is Rotherham Labour Party, we ended up with a half way deent MP.


  8. Taiba Yasseen. According to the latest Private Eye she ignored reminders and was summoned to court for none payment of her council tax (along with three other Labour councillors). She eventually paid up before her court appearance. Councillor Richard Price also paid up before his court appearance. Councillor Leon Allcock did not pay up, went to court and was barred from voting on council’s budget proposals and Councillor Andrew Roddison resigned.


    • Councillor Yasseen also publically (on Facebook – screen shot available on request) advised Councillor Evans of Wath (hope their 3rd Councillor is better) to try and wangle his way out of a parking fine by convincing “Colin” whoever he is , that he was in an important meeting and couldn’t leave. She said “I’ve been got the tshirt”. Does that mean “Colin” got hers waived? Not just Irish politicians who think they’re above the law when it comes to parking.
      Oh how power corrupts


        • I sent you both items last July Rik. I do hope your affiliation to Labour and the likes of the 3 senior Councillors still making a living off the backs of the voters, isn’t clouding your judgement. Your old pal in Swinton, now petrified that the nomadic ex Rawmarsh, now Wath councillor (funny how his Facebook page – Nomis Snave is now empty. Maybe it has it’s advantages, having a secret FB page) is going to oust him and add Swinton to his ever increasing Ward collection. Then again Fireman Sam, in Wath, might find a conscience and go before he’s pushed………….


  9. I fully agree that of all the choices listed on this page, and of a whole bunch more that aren’t, Sarah Champion is the best of them. But she has inherited that cesspit, and therefore she is the one who needs to clean it up. That means all of it, not just the bits that were directly connected to the CSE scandal. It means that she must acknowledge and deal with ANY filth, corruption, abuse, criminality, deprivation…etc, etc, however it came about, whoever the perpetrators are, and whatever their job titles. Where I live, we rely on her constituency to provide our local governance. We deserve much better than we are getting!!!


  10. Oh Dear Will Ewart. What a load of tosh you write.
    I have been to the last sixteen Momentum meetings.They meet on the second Wednesday of every month at 7pm at The Bridge Inn, Rotherham. The first hour is open to anybody. The second hour is for Labour party members and supporters. Now in the sixteen months I have been going there has been no sighting of Akhtar and no mention of him. So no dodgy secret meetings and no cosying up to the odious Akhtar.
    I find it offensive that you choose to attack a good friend of mine, namely Wendy Cooksey. If theres ever been a better councillor in Rotherham and I am in my 64th year please tell me who it is. This is a very intelligent woman who has fantastic political knowledge, works hard for her constituents and is also the secretary of Rotherham CLP. Not bad for somebody who only has half a brain.
    She also cares for her husband who is in remission from cancer. I am proud and honoured to say i am a friend of this great woman.
    So you know who i am. my m name is Ian Roddison (no relation to the dodgy Andrew) secretary of SItwell Ward Labour party and member of Momentum. Heres my offer to you Will. Come along to the first hour of the Momentum meetings and get into proper debate not one where you hide your identity. I will look forward to seeing you and debating with you.

    Some edits to bring this into line with comment policy, Rik.


    • Welcome to Rothpol. You made me realise that newcomers will not be aware of our comments policy.

      No swearing, and try and address the subject at hand. We consider speculation on the identities of fellow contributors, to be bad manners, in the extreme.
      That is pretty much it, apart from being truthful and try not to libel anyone, Rik.


  11. WiL
    If Saint Sarah was half decent as you claim she would condem her Labour Councillor colleges for keeping quiet on the abuse of these children and try and do something about bringing them to buck not just cherry pick what will get her in the Advertiser and that goes for whistle blower Cllr Senior MBE who now sits in the Council chamber as a Labour Councillor among the ones she knows knew because she told them in 2005 according to her Book and Prof Jay and she never opens her mouth or condemns them or try’s to brings them to book now why is that
    So WiL are these the type of people you refer to as half decent
    And yes I am very bitter that these people are getting away with it and the people that should be and could be doing something about it are actually doing nothing not even trying to publicaly do something about it
    I was a UKIP member in Rotherham for 10 years and I know of no one who are UKIP members who claims Saint Sarah is half decent


  12. It appears that the vast majority of people who have posted replies have totally missed the thrust of the article which triggered them ! The point is the person behind the plot to oust Champion is none other than the disgraced EX DEPUTY LEADER of RMBC and his pals in the local mosques who are desperate to get one of their own shoehorned into office using the corrupt and fraudulent Biraderi bloc vote which totally undermines Democracy !


    • Well spotted, and add to that “with Momentum’s colusion.” I’m writing an article soon showing that nationally Momentum are prepared to get into partnerships with some nasty, misogynyst antisemites.

      Unfortunately discussions here can end up going off subject because of blustering by one or two people fighting old battles. My concern is that real battles lie ahead, and we need new people to fight them….Racists Should Not Apply!

      This is about crooks, not ethnicity, and in Rotherham they come in all shades.


  13. No problem with my comments then. I have actually commented before. Its no speculation on identity either. As for being truthful i stand by everything i have said. Lets see if Will Ewart will come to a momentum meeting and test out his statements.


  14. Whilst i am on a bit of a roll and i do not intend to contribute much more. I will leave you with this.
    It appears Caven Vines has a free role on CSE and is a bit of an expert ( no edits from Rik) on the Rothpol site Well i will quote a real life judge on Cavens comments.
    Speaking to Sky News, Vines claimed that MP’s for Wentworth+ Dearne,Rotherham and Rother Valley ‘Knew what was going on’
    A high court judge ruling deemed Vines comments to have been defamatory.
    The judge Mr Justice Warby said the ruling ‘strikes an appropriate balance between the need to vindicate the claimants reputation and compensate them fairly for the harm done, and the need to avoid overchilling freedom of speech in the political arena.
    Do we believe the judge of a high court or believe in Caven to have got it right. My moneys on the judge.


    • My money wouldn’t be on any judge, having witnessed first hand how they operate, and having witnessed first hand Kevin Barron being told of corruption in his own constituency, being shown indisputable evidence, (by me), and him having (for the last five or more years) refused to acknowledge it, or do anything about it. (I have his emails). Sarah Champion was also approached with this information, and she hid behind the fact that I was not her constituent. Does this mean that if corruption, etc. in a particular constituency is known about by someone from another constituency, that it has to be reported to Parliament via your own MP, and if that MP refuses to acknowledge it, that there is no other way to expose that corruption? If so, then there is no wonder that there is no clarity about who knows what, and when. But I stand by my own values…whether they knew it or not, those MPs SHOULD have known it, it was THEIR job to know it! That is why I find it massively sickening that someone who believed they knew it should be treated so appallingly. I have no affiliation with UKIP, nor do I want to have, but the entire libel affair stinks!!! They were not libelled, they were challenged to do the jobs for which they are so richly compensated already!!!


  15. Slightly off topic.

    A question for Momentum, where do they stand on Cllr Atkins and his support for removing fire cover in Rotherham?

    Does Momentum have the ability to remove Cllr Atkins?


    • I really don’t want to come on your site and comment on a regular basis and i am certainly not a spokesperson for Momentum or Labour. The only reason i commented was because one of my friends came under attack and comments on momentum in Rotherham was incorrect.
      As an individual i share Ged Dempseys (as aired in the ‘Tiser’) views. I find it regrettable that we have the ukip opposition leading the charge politically when it should be the Labour party showing conviction,being socially progressive and leading the fight on this,not following. As for Cllr Atkins you cannot defend the indefensible.
      Finally, you ask does momentum have the ability to remove Cllr Atkins. The short answer is no. Every councillor has to go through a selection process and relies on being nominated by its members.


      • We av no confidence in him.
        May be out of character. But atkins cud do the honourable thing and resign now.
        Or healy and his chums could urge him to quit. Then enjoy a party.


    • Any problems that members have with a particular Cllr have to taken up throigh thr proper democratic Labour Party processes within the CLP. But to answer you question, Rotherham Momentum does not have the power to remove anybody..


      • Impossible momentum are banned in swinton labour party with allegations of violence and threats from members Atkins is well protected by his henchmen.


  16. Regardles of momentum
    It seems that his labour group and MPs are in paralysis over getting rid of his incompretunce or not got anyone better. The public are bemused.


  17. Hopefully, the Labour Party membership will get to select who is chosen to run as their Parliamentary candidate, but the harsh reality is that at the moment it’s up to Yorkshire and Humber Regional Office who is long/shortlisted, and if the make-up of the staff at those headquarters doesn’t reflect the membership (which it doesn’t), I doubt we’ll see Momentum-backed candidates make the lists in constituencies like my own (Don Valley). Extending Democracy throughout the party machinery is the aim – from the PLP and councils, to the NEC, to CLPs and branches – and imo it’s an admirable one. ‘New Labour’ (Thatcher’s ‘greatest creation’) is dead. The Conservatives could learn a few lessons from us; it might get their membership up from 50k. 🙂


    • Oh boy are you wrong…there are proposals for the September conference that will make it easier to force a reselection process for Labour Party Candidates, backed by Corbyn. Corbyn/Momentum who now have control of Labours NEC, Momentum Members have been promised that the executive Party managers national and regional will not be alllowed to influence local selection.

      Just do some googling & tweeting around, then it beomes clear that if they have their way Momentum will deliver a cull of what they call Blairite MPs and those who have displeased them.

      In this context note that Sarah Champion was kicked off Corbyn’s shadow cabinet.


      • Is that because people who support a Socialist programme now outnumber those that don’t 5:1 ? The Neo-Liberals had their way with the Labour Party for thirty-plus years whilst many on the Left (like myself) stuck around and waited for the wheel to turn full circle (which it has). Sarah Champion was (imo rightly) kicked off the Shadow Cabinet for writing an article in The Sun, which I wouldn’t even stoop to use as lavatory paper.


  18. One of the councillors listed is already running for a seat in May. The other two will not be looked at as there are others who would be better candidates. As for momentum in ROTHERHAM it does. Not have the voting power that is does nationally however newer members will be more inclined to vote a candidate aligned with Jeremy. As for the mosque meetings we need to remember that the Asian vote in not as big as many may think!


    • Given that the majority of voters in Rotherham don’t tend to exercise their franchise as much as they should, because of apathy, or because of the mind-set inherited from their parents that “It doesn’t matter who I vote for, Labour will win in Rotherham” then the Pakistani (NOT” Asian”) bloc vote becomes a major force to be reckoned within our local democracy !


  19. My comments are about the Labour Councillor’s who knew from 2005 and did nothing I wonder what a judge would say about that but of course we may never find out as Labour seems to protect them that says it all for me them who protect and defend them are no different to them that knew


  20. Rotherham Momentum are NOT plotting anything. This article is a complete lie. The fact that we are accused of colluding with Akhtar is a vile thought. Sarah is supported by Rotherham Momentum and we will stand by her.


    • Momentum formally supported Shabana Ahmed for Brinsworth and Catcliffe. Are you aware of Akhtars relationship with Shabana, if not you should be aware that a few of your comrades did. AKHTAR later bragged about How he pulled the strings.

      I suspect you may simply not know how mirpuri/kashmiri politics works. Akhtar isn’t going to turn up at the Bridge Inn and discuss dialectical materialism.

      Since his public disgrace he works through proxies.


    • I sincerely hope that you (and Momentum) do support Sarah Champion, Grantyhamsterr, and ,should your hopes be dashed by any shenanigans from Momentum coming to light in the selection process, you will feel empowered to share them on this platform.


  21. But what about Lilly pad hopping Healey One day a blairite next a corbyn hater resigned from his shadow cabinet then a corbyn lover back in his shadow cabinet he has more faces than the town hall clock
    Was his wife not a very close associate of the blairs but for some reaso doesn’t like being known as Mrs Healealways goes by the name of Jacky Bates for some reason
    Is he welcomed by Rotherham Momentum


  22. Megajules
    You a correct I can tell you that in my court case of the 20th April 2015 both Healey and Barron was not in Court and I did not have the opertunity to question them Why I wonder
    They only attended court in the action for damages because I requested they attend through a application in an hearing with a Master
    I gave evidence to the judge of one of them lying but the Judge would not hear it saying this is a hearing of damages not to determine the truth that is for another place
    But when you have been made bankrupt lost all you have worked for all your life how do you take that to another place. They knew this they had A legal team costing over £160,000
    But I beleive the truth will eventually come one day and all these who know the truth and are keeping quiet will get sucked in.


    • Caven, you have turned into the Ancient Mariner, roaming around moaning about past wrongs. Sorry but defeat has turned you into a ghost of yourself and you have nothiing to offer the young, the poor or the elderly.

      They need some hope and You only offer despair.

      Your family must tell you, it is time to leave politics, or this bitterness will kill you.


      • I intended to reply to Caven Vines, but please assume that this reply is to both of you Firstly, the English courts are not the place to fight political battles, and anyone who thinks they are should not be in politics, Wil. Secondly, I have just written to my MEP regarding the corruption in the courts, which Kevin Barron DID KNOW ABOUT because I told him! I have the documents to prove this, but when I produced them, I too was made bankrupt. When I reported this corruption to SYP, they assaulted me and brought false malicious charges against me. Kevin Barron KNOWS ABOUT THAT TOO, because I told him. He also knows about my medical record being falsified, to give me a mental illness that I not only never had, but in order to do so, it had to be written that my brother had died a full year before he did because the real reason for me attending my doctor’s surgery on that day was to get a letter cinfirming my brother’s very recent death as requested by my University. That single visit was written as up several entries over a period during which I had never attended, claiming me to be under psychiatric disorder monitoring. I reported the matter to the GMC, who declined to act, saying it wasn’t serious enough. (Guess who was the current big noise at GMC…Kevin Barron) There is currently a police investigation supposedly being carried out into these matters which has been running for over a year now. I have demanded that these people are brought to book for fraud and perverting the course of justice amongst other things. So, Wil, your comment to Caven Vines is not only inappropriate, as well as downright cruel, but it also mimics the exact dismissive behaviour of the likes of Kevin Barron, et al, which has no other purpose than to.hide the corruption behind the gravy train. As a politician, which I believe you claim to be, you should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself. It is exactly this hiding of the truth that caused the CSE scandal in the first place. As for these being “old grievances”, that again is simply not true. These matters are current while ever there is a question over the truth, and whereever there is evidence of corruption. So, do not attempt to silence those who have suffered, it is not going to happen in your lifetime. I have indisputable evidence of having been libelled to a much greater extent than Kevin Barron ever was, yet unlike him, I have no affordable access to libel law. That in itself is unlawful. Caven Vines, I do not support your politics, but I do support your position over your bankruptcy. I do not support any person, politician or otherwise, who believes that you should “suck it up”. That’s potentially a very dangerous stance to take!


      • I intended to reply to Caven Vines, but please assume that this reply is
        to both of you Firstly, the English courts are not the place to fight
        political battles, and anyone who thinks they are should not be in politics, Wil. Secondly, I have just written to my MEP regarding the corruption in the courts, which Kevin Barron DID KNOW ABOUT because I told him! I have the documents to prove this, but when I produced them, I too was made bankrupt. When I reported this corruption to SYP, they assaulted me and brought false malicious charges against me. Kevin Barron KNOWS ABOUT THAT TOO, because I told him. He also knows about my medical record being falsified, to give me a mental illness that I not only never had, but in order to do so, it had to be written that my brother had died a full year before he did because the real reason for me attending my doctor’s surgery on that day was to get a letter cinfirming my brother’s very recent death as requested by my University.
        That single visit was written as up several entries over a period during which I had never attended, claiming me to be under psychiatric disorder monitoring. I reported the matter to the GMC, who declined to act, saying it wasn’t serious enough. (Guess who was the current big noise at GMC…Kevin Barron) There is currently a police investigation supposedly being carried out into these matters which has been running for over a year now. I have demanded that these people are brought to book for fraud and perverting the course of justice amongst other things. So, Wil, your comment to Caven Vines is not only inappropriate, as well as downright cruel, but it also mimics the exact dismissive behaviour of the likes of Kevin Barron, et al, which has no other purpose than to.hide the corruption behind the gravy train. As a politician, which I believe you claim to be, you should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself. It is exactly this hiding of the truth that caused the CSE scandal in the first place. As for these being “old grievances”, that again is simply not true. These matters are current while ever there is a question over the truth, and whereever there is evidence of corruption. So, do not attempt to silence those who have suffered, it is not going to happen in your lifetime. I have indisputable evidence of having been libelled to a much greater extent than Kevin Barron ever was, yet unlike him, I have no affordable access to libel law. That in itself is unlawful. Caven Vines, I do not support your politics, but I do support your position over your bankruptcy. I do not support any person, politician or otherwise, who believes that you should “suck it up”. That’s potentially a very dangerous stance to take!


  23. Oh, for the love of Jesus – this is for the 3rd time – this article is about the illegal biraderi bloc vote which has propped up the , so called “Labour” Cllrs at RMBC for well over a decade !! How the hell do you think anti white bigots like “Ja’bbott the Hut” keep getting re elected ?? I have worked in the RMBC area for over 2 decades as a Returning Officer during Local & General Elections and I can assure people in this “Fair Borough” that your voting practice is nor being held on a fair and flat playing surface !! Please stop using Rothpol to express your real , or perceived,, grievances or political sleights – open your eyes to what is happing to your cherished Democracy in Towns & Cities throughout the UK !!


  24. sometime ago there was one very well known ex Pakistani Councillor who paid for new members subscriptions in one of the Rotherham wards . Pakistani politics . Bent .


  25. Interesting that were 7 comments from Momentum sympathisers or members before the 8th got around to denying the plot against Sarah..


  26. Champion was right to state that men of Pakistani heritage were responsible for the abuse, rape and trafficking of children in Rotherham, using the Scum was the error.

    Off topic, however,

    Anyone noticed the lack of leaked RMBC articles in the Advertiser?

    I wonder who was behind the leaks and who was being used as a proxy to spread the leaked info?


  27. Pingback: Momentum Vs Sarah Champion: Clash of the Tight’uns. | Rotherham Politics

  28. Pingback: The Week That Was – Last Weeks Top Ten 10th February 2018 | Rotherham Politics

  29. How does thar even happen??? Sarah Champion was selected by the people of Rotherham to serve as their MP. Surely, only the people of Rotherham should be able to remove her, otherwise the whole voting system is a scam!! Furthermore what do people on various mosque commitees have to do witb anything?? This country does not have any connection between its religion and its politics. People on mosque committees should go and do mosque committee stuff and leave the politics to those who are able to serve the WHOLE community, whatever their religion!


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