The Yorkshire Post says: The MP now in fear of her life. Death threats undermine politics

EVEN though there have always been occasions when politicians, and other public figures, have had to take additional security and safety steps, the current abuse being meted out to MPs, as well as their families and staff, marks a depressing new low.

The latest target is Rotherham MP Sarah Champion who is now receiving additional police protection following death threats. The reason? Some brave and hard-hitting words on her part about the prevalence of “British Pakistani men raping and exploiting white girls”.

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Why won’t the left speak up for Sarah Champion?

Where’s the concern for Labour MP Sarah Champion? Where are the leftists demanding that this female MP stop being harassed merely for expressing her views? Where are the tweets drawing attention to Ms Champion’s plight — the fact that she now needs an actual security team because people who hate her political views want to physically harm her? In this post-Jo Cox era, I thought we were all meant to have the backs of elected politicians who are under threat from extremists. And yet when it comes to Champion — just such an elected politician — people seem to be looking the other way.

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See also:

Taiba: Am I being unreasonable to ask for answers?


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A report by a group called Just Yorkshire has seriously criticised Sarah Champion MP, essentially calling her a callous racist. To many it appears to be highly political, not least because it asks that the Labour Party take actions to … Continue reading

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