Arthur Newey still fighting 10 years on!

OAP’s court ban over abusive signs

Arthur NeweyArthur Newey
Published on Thursday 22 September 2011 08:35

A PENSIONER has pledged to ‘keep on fighting’ a 10-year battle with Rotherham Council, despite being handed a restraining order in court.

Arthur Newey, aged 75, has been summoned to court six times during a protracted and angry row with council bosses. Read on…..

17 thoughts on “Arthur Newey still fighting 10 years on!

  1. Arthur Newey deserves a medal, for persistence if nothing else! Can’t disagree with his sentiments either.
    That’s the problem here, the truth hurts but they have all the cards and the money!
    Gerald Smith acts like a ‘playground bully’ at the best of times.
    Free speech under attack? I should say so!


  2. There is one great thing that I am supremely proud of in my life and that is my significant contribution to Arthur winning his fight against the compulsory purchase order, that Scum Labour at Rotherham Council served on Arthur.

    The Inspector ruled in favour of Arthur keeping his home, for the simple reason that Rotherham Scum Labour had hounded him for many years because they wanted to knock his house down – not because they needed it for something, but because they just didn’t want it there.

    That Arthur is bitter about his treatment by Rotherham Scum Labour is hardly surprising and Scum Labour have therefore sought every opportunity to get their own back on this old guy, who only ever wanted to live his life peacefully.

    Rotherham Scum Labour are of course exponents of the misuse of power and will readily indulge in institutional vindictiveness, whenever the opportunity presents itself. And Arthur is just one of the many who have suffered at the hands of Rotherham Scum Labour over recent decades.


      • Wow, Patrick, and if you had the money please tell us what particular aspect or breach of civil, canon or criminal law would be covered in your hypothetical injunction?

        Let me save you paying a brief, and advise you for free, that you’ve no more chance of successfully getting an injunction against Mr Foulds than the Labour Group has of gaining significent respect from Rotherham citizens.


  3. The situation with Mr Newey is one that’s terribly sad and quite distressing as all this could have been avoided.

    Were mistakes made? I would say so – probably on both sides. Could communication have been better? Yes. I honestly think the Council should and could have done more to try and explain things to Mr Newey or have him dealing with one point of contact in the council and nobody else. On his part, I think Mr Newey should have been more flexible and willing to compromise.

    I can’t see RMBC purposefully going out to vindictively harass this gentleman over the position of his house as it was the SYPTE that wanted to build the bus lane. Trambuster (as usual) speaks absolute nonsense when he states that RMBC “just didn’t want it there”.

    More support should have been offered to Mr Newey, especially after the death of his wife, and steps taken to ensure that a consistent approach was taken to enforcement across the Borough.


  4. Hey Patrick,

    Here’s an idea for you.

    Instead of listening, reading and disagreeing with my views about Rotherham MBC and the Corn Fed Hogs, Muppets and Cabinet Clown, while you are out and about in my town in your voluntary capacity checking on potholes, duff street lamps, litter etc, you could always drop by Mr Newey’s place and tap on the door and introduce yourself as a dedicated Labour man from Donny who does voluntary work for RMBC, and you’d be very interested to hear his views as an OAP, Rotherham citizen, resident and voter, as to whether RMBC is a decent council or not.

    Now that would be a really really instructional conversation for you to have …


  5. And here’s Rik’s update –
    Update: I thought this information piece might at the very least excite some comment – little did I expect to shake the two Labour members out of hiding that it has.

    Firstly Community Champion, a Labour member who hails from Conisborough and a callow youth and secondly Stewart Platt, a Labour member From Maltby who is also a Maltby Town Councillor and who is definitely old enough to know better, have been misbehaving while the shop was left unattended! I hope these two miserable Labour specimens, might reflect on their evident foolishness, childishness or even worse and apologise, on behalf of their party for bringing Labour and Maltby Town Council in to disrepute and subject to ridicule!

    The attitudes displayed are an affront to democracy especially when coming from members of ‘a mainstream left-wing democratic political party’, they display all the arrogance of power, Labour dictatorships in both their home boroughs, a basic disdain of anyone who challenges them at the polls, or their opinions or indeed even asks questions!

    Yeah, those two Labour members mentioned in despatches may wish the world would assume the deep red rosy hue of one of them’s high prescripton complex lens tinted spectacles, but those of us who vote Labour, but don’t support them with our money through party membership, find the current antics of the Corn Fed Hogs and Muppets and the Cabinet Clown to be deeply repugnant in the extreme.

    And no amount of tantrums or loud shouting on their two parts, or any of their kling-on muckers, will dissuade us from our civic duty to scrutinise, challenge and hold to account those who we freely elect and pay handsomely (more than Sheffield City Council 😦 ) to govern our wonderful Rotherham Borough on our behalf with our consent.


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