The Rotherham Politics Transparency Challenge.

Campaign funding became a major issue in the South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner election, due to take place on November 15th.

In response to this, we issued the Rotherham Politics Transparency Challenge. We asked candidates to reveal the sources of their campaign funding, the amounts and give us a rough idea of how it is being spent. Additionally we asked if there was anything in the candidates past that might prove embarrassing once known.

So far Nigel Bonson, David Allen and Jonathan Arnott have risen to our simple challenge about transparency.

Sadly we can report to readers, Shaun Wright for Labour and Robert Teal for the LibDems, have failed so far to rise to this simple request.

5 thoughts on “The Rotherham Politics Transparency Challenge.

  1. As a Labour Party member I find it quite insulting that all the other PCC candidates have been frank and open about how they have funded their campaigns, yet the man who is most likely to win Shaun Wright has not. Come on Shaun pull your finger out and do the honourable thing. I don’t buy this nonsense that you are too busy; after all you have the easiest campaign with SY being a Labour heartland. What have you possibly got to hide that you can’t reveal before the election?


    • Vakas I agree totally. As another Labour Party member I am at a total loss as to Shaun Wright’s behaviour. Unfortunately, I think Rotherham Labour (I include all CLPs in the area) are about to findout that the days of taking the local voting populis for mugs is about to come to an abrupt end!! The PCC candidate is unworthy of his present position never mind the post of PCC. If they make the same mistake with the parliamentary candidate I can see a major defeat.


      • I totally agree Rother Vally Voter. Hopefully the selection for the by election will be more open with the hustings so we can challenge and hear for ourselves what the potential candidate have to offer. The party cannot become complacent even though its a safe seat, as otherwise we could quite well end up with another Bradford West scenario.


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