Champion makes ‘Tiser front page

Today’s Rotherham Advertiser has Sarah Champion on the front page and on page four, here it is:



25 thoughts on “Champion makes ‘Tiser front page

  1. Like a few more
    Its a Bit rich of Chump. she needed a rocket up her bum to put aside tribal loyalties and insist on independent enquiry.

    How to rewrite history.


  2. Strange is’nt it how she waited until the inquiry was announced before speaking publicly about her comrades on RMBC. This has been brewing for months and yet Champion remained silent preferring to take her seat in the HoC and pretend she was doing something for her constituents.
    Our other ‘Champion of the People’ Kevin Barron has his column in the ‘Advertiser’ but not once has he spoken out against the muppets who control Rotherham, he much prefers to waffle on about the nasty Tories and how wonderful everything could be in Labour La La land.
    Both these MP’s are a reminder that under Labour, the Ministry of Truth is alive and well.


  3. In fairness it’s taken most a few years to realise how rotten the Council leadership has become and at first viewing the Sheep, Limpalong Lakin, Asbo and the Dodger can appear credible.

    At least she’s started to comment on Council press releases rather than just replicating them. Soon she may even have a full grown opinion of her own.

    But the other two wimps we call MP. Where are they?



  4. @Colin
    But at least she is not silent now. Her responses are seriously pro-active.
    Oh, and check the date on this: .

    Largely through the courageous reporting of Andrew Norfolk the cat is out of the bag and not going to be allowed to be put back in again. The national Labour party executive realises it has to respond and be seen to respond. What better spokesperson for this than newly elected Sarah Champion particularly given her voluntary sector background and track-record of youring with kids.
    Don’t forget that the criticisms of her when she was selected were that she had only been a member of the party for a couple of months, and was only voted for by 12 or so local party members; and yet less than a year later you are claiming that she is a typical labour apparatchik. Will you next you be castigating her for not having an Oxford PPE?
    My own fear is that after the fiasco of Falkirk, Labour will back off from taking on a local party organisation, but it needs to.
    For the record: Kevin Barron is my MP, and if he stands for election again I’ll do everything I can to ensure he is not elected.


    • @ rr.

      “less than a year later you are claiming that she is a typical labour apparatchik. Will you next you be castigating her for not having an Oxford PPE?”

      I wrote: ‘ Strange is’nt it how she waited until the inquiry was announced before speaking publicly about her comrades on RMBC.’
      The first line of your post says-“But at least she is not silent now.”
      Now being the operative word. As for her Press Release dated 23rd August; mere piffle and whitewash, she did what she was expected to do IMV.
      Champion’s effectiveness as an MP is poor.
      Has spoken in 24 debates since joining Parliament — below average amongst MPs.
      Has received answers to 10 written questions since joining Parliament — below average amongst MPs.
      Has voted in 71.65% of votes in this Parliament with this affiliation — below average amongst MPs. (From Public Whip)

      This is why I wrote what I did and I stand by it.


  5. The “finally” in line 3, “amid mounting public pressure” in para 2 and the “12 months” in column 2 on the inside are the telling phrases. Also SC commends the Advertiser and people of Rotherham – how sad that it has taken the people of Rotherham to get this enquiry moving. She cannot and dare not commend RMBC, SYP or her own party and no wonder! Yet heartening that ordinary people can independently drive issues – now lets translate that at the ballot box! But SC is mistaken if she thinks the simple fact of having an enquiry will bring closure to victims of CSE – it’s what happens as a result of the enquiry that is important: robust action on prevention and prosecution, moral will in the face of political correctness and some humble stepping aside of those who have been ineffective hitherto…


  6. This lady is trying to show some decency and just a little leadership. Not perfect but compare her to the other non entities, Barron and Healey and she shines.


  7. Welcoming an inquiry is yet another ploy to deceive us into believing she might do, or actually think doing something against these acts of racial and religious hatred against children is her desire.

    Welcoming an inquiry is the equivalent of the vacuous blandishments of a Miss World contestant wanting world peace and no more hungry children.

    They are statements that are hard to disagree with, yet have no qualification.


  8. Her parliamentary record shows she is a ‘below average’ MP.
    I don’t accept Wil’s point she is “trying to show some decency and just a little leadership.”
    What she is doing is trying to show she is ‘concerned’, if she genuinely cares about the abused young people in Rotherham and the corrupt practises of her fellow party members then I’m sure she’ll be happy to publish any and all e-mails and correspondence between heself and RMBC since Akhtar resigned. If such correspondence exists the independent enquiry will be happy to accept it as part of their evidence bundle.
    As for Barron and Healey; one is filling out time to boost his MP’s pension and the other one is’nt sure which planet he’s on.


    • Colin.
      You say “Her parliamentary record shows she is a ‘below average’ MP”
      Are you refering to these lines from the “they work for you” website?
      “Has spoken in 24 debates since joining Parliament — below average amongst MPs.
      Has received answers to 10 written questions since joining Parliament — below average amongst MPs.
      Has voted in 71.65% of votes in this Parliament with this affiliation — below average amongst MPs. (From Public Whip)”
      These are not official websites, they are run by some nice guys, who believe in transparency, on a shoestring/not-for-profit basis.

      Maybe, just maybe, they are not taking into account that she only became an MP late last year, a long way into the life of this parliament – might be worth you checking.
      They are good guys, but like everyone else they can make mistakes.

      But in any case, I wouldn’t expect any fledgling MP to be up and running from day 1.
      You protest to much, far to much.


      • One of the priviledges of free speech is that I can protest against elected representatives.

        Quote; “Sarah Champion (Rotherham) (Lab): I begin by supporting the comments of my hon. Friend the Member for Stockport (Ann Coffey). In Rotherham, a prosecution for child sexual exploitation collapsed because the young person found that the horror and trauma of going to court outweighed their desire for justice to be served. I am deeply sympathetic to that young person’s choice, but I urge the Minister to use the Bill to make reforms that prevent other children from having to go through similar horrors.”

        That is it, her only comment in the HoC about CSE.
        Methinks I don’t protest enough against this lacklustre wannabe.


  9. Why is it that virtually every time we get child abuse there are Common Purpose people. If not involved with the crimes, then responsible for turning a blind eye to the crimes, taking part in the inquiry, claiming lessons learned, then the process repeats itself.


  10. This is my HO and I know the printed and typed page doesn’t do justice but, to me, her Press release reads like something that has run past all the communication and PR drones at Labour HQ – ie as heartfelt as a corporate-speak communique


    • Rev, having to put your public statements thu’ the eagle-eyes of the “communications and PR drones” – as you call them, is standard practice in many (probably all) large organisations, since those statements reflect on the overall organisation.
      If you are being interviewed by the press, a good press officer sitting next to you really helps; whilst the ability to “write good copy” is a rare skill. I’ve been amazed at how a good copy-writer improve my own mutterings. I once even worked in a place where any document to be passed from within your department to another department in the same building had to go via similar controls – that was really weird – and stupid – and totally ineffective.
      If you check the “properties” of the pdf that was released by Ms Champion MP your will see that it was created at 15:40 on 04/09/2013 by “thorpje” , who I would think is the Joni Thorpe who appears regularly and most probably has a role within Ms Champion’s constituency office. I guess Ms Champion told her what she wanted to say, and the lady then took responsibility for it from there.


      • Thanks for that RR – but I wonder if it had to be cleared by a higher upper in the Labour party? All I am saying is that it seemed to me that it lacked passion and personal engagement – which is what we need to rid Rotherham of this scourge of CSE. SC as our MP represents the ordinary people of Rotherham not some large organisation and we want to hear what SHE thinks…


      • Rev:
        You say “but I wonder if it had to be cleared by a higher upper in the Labour party?”,
        Probably not, most likely only by a press officer – but they have a lot of influence on news management in general.
        You’ll probably remember the “a good day to bury bad news” cynical Labour press officer comment on 9/11 – that still makes me bloody angry.

        “passion and personal engagement” first demands empathy and I think and cwrtainly hope that the lady has that.


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