Respect Press Release – Postal Voting

“People are nice enough to take our postal votes when it is clearly an electoral offence for a member of a party or anyone else to hand deliver your postal vote or even to fill in your postal vote on your behalf.

Unfortunately we have some uneducated and illiterate people who are used and abused.

Their opinion is not taken into account and other people feel it is their birth right to fill in their postal votes and to hand deliver them as part of a charitable deed that can unfortunately cause them to have a criminal record.

We are living in a democracy and we deserve to elect a public body without any form of illegality.

Sarah Kiran
Rotherham Respect Candidate
Rotherham West Ward

6 thoughts on “Respect Press Release – Postal Voting

    This tactic is used in the Asian community to intimidate voters.
    YOU CAN VOTE FOR WHO EVER YOU WISH TO VOTE FOR and no one will ever know.
    If you vote by post, no one will ever find out who you voted for.
    If you vote at the voting station, no one will ever find out who you voted for.
    So please vote wisely and do not be intimidated by Labour party thugs.
    Many Labour safe seats will be lost in this election. So the Labour Party are desperate they will try anything to get the votes.


    • Well said.
      Your right, lets hope the postal vote issue can be resolved soon and sarah is well liked by the community in Rotherham as she speaks her mind and her eductaion background shows she is a remarkable person not only just politically also her community skills and she is from a very articulate background as working class background who doing well for Rotherham West, everyone wishes her good luck and my vote and many people vote will go to this young girl who is a clever and educated who is doing well for the constituents and her wording means alot to the people in the constituents.
      Keep it up sarah, your a great ambassador for our community lets just hope you keep up the good work and your education background is superb and everyone is happy for you.


    • This year we are waiting for them.
      All attempts to manipulate or steal votes will be detected and reported!
      Does an election court appear likely? With the evidence, certainly!


  2. Heads up Respect, if you have rooms booked for a meeting and the owner receives a call suggesting that it may not be in their best interests to allow Respect to use the venue, make sure you report the matter to the appropriate body and let the community know who is behind the call.

    It was used in the by-election; do not let them get away with it this time.


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