Dodson resigns Labour Membership!

In a surprise move today Roger Stone, the Leader of Rotherham MBC, announced in an email, that Rotherham East Councillor, Barry Dodson, had now resigned from the Labour Party with immediate effect!

Speculation is rife amongst labour insiders as to the reasons behind this spectacular fall from grace, but little in the way of hard facts have yet emerged, but they will.

33 thoughts on “Dodson resigns Labour Membership!

  1. To step down is one thing to leave the party altogether is another. A little bird tells me he was asked to step down as a councillor but refused. In stead he left the party and is now independent otherwise known “in his case” I do not give a f*** I will not give up my allowances. I guess he did not like the idea of bin raiding however the same bird thought he would head for the kippers 😈


  2. The arrogance of this man. He thinks he can ‘survive’ in the trough as an independent and so pick up his pension. Well, I have got news for him just as many hardworking and decent citizens of Rotherham have too. It is only a matter of time….. you are already history.


  3. this so called councillor is an absolute and utter disgrace to the good hard working folk of rotherham, he is the cream of the crop as far as sewer rats go, he has done nothing but lie and cheat his way to where he is now, he should be painted black and paraded in the streets of rotherham with old shoes hanging round his neck…….then councillor “ill lick barrys backside” ali should get the same treatment. They have both spent many an hour in the brittania pub and the old comedian pub getting stories straight before hoodwinking the electorate good style…..they should be left out for the wolves!!!


  4. Just to put any rummers to rest Dodson or any ex or serving Rotherham Labour Councillor will not I repeat will not be a UKIP member while I am the chairman of The UKIP Branch or Leader of the UKIP councillor group
    Unlike the Labour Party we do have some moral standards and do try and vet our candidates as best we can if we find they have lied on there cv they would be out of the party
    I hope this sets the record straight


    • I am not a fan of UKIP but having read your comments Caven I must admit you have principles which its a shame Labour party dont.
      You have certanily won me over in the local election in Rotherham.
      Point of note Few years ago The local thug Asbo Janghir Akhtar used his taxi drivers to defeat you by 40 votes and this year your good lady beat him by the same votes.
      Same Jahngir Akhtar created the website RPT2 and look where it took him to the gutter.
      He has been the one behind Barrys down fall and Labour Party.
      His already making plans to succeed Barry in the East ward.
      Its time for a change.
      Caven keep up the excellant work you are doing.
      It must be in the history of Rotherham that a lion like yourself as come forward and give a statement on the ever popular Rothpol.
      Credit goes to you and Rothpol.


      • I would say that Dodson is definitely behind his own downfall. Don’t we accept responsibility for our own actions?
        Please don’t indulge him that easily by allowing him to pass the buck elsewhere for his unsavoury actions!


  5. Another own goal.
    It seems to me that whatever he has done, it is serious enough for the Labour Party to distance themselves from him.
    A “loyal” and long serving Member of the Labour Party does not just give up his Membership, therefore in effect, he has been “asked” to go. Deducing from the fact he wants to remain a Cllr, I would suggest he was not happy with their decision.
    If he was not happy, and he thinks he has been “shoved” unfairly, then he may just well start to spill the beans. If he has done something wrong, and they try to put him under the Standards Committee, he might just sing like a canary.
    Hence “own goal”.


    • Why dont the labour party terminate the membership of Jahngir Akhtar, Mahroof Hussain, showkat Ali with immediate effect.
      Are there any honest and law abiding Asain candidates who would replace them?
      Do anyone know of them?


  6. Don’t tar all the Labour councillors in Rotherham with the same brush. There are some very earnest, hard working and sincere people working on your behalf to expose the corruption that is rife in Rotherham.


    • First of all if I’ve got an issue with the council I can speak to them direct why do I need people like sharman to ring up. Some of them have no community work so ever. Tell me one thing when it is surgeries is it recorded how many people attend


  7. Perhaps it is now time to do away with the misleading “Rotherham Politics” website title and go for something more UKIP affiliated…something with a nice fascist ring to it perhaps….or just full of bias spittle.


    • Dear Sarah
      There are good and bad in every society and Labour is no different.
      The people i have mentioned are the ones in the Asian community who are one of the most corrupt and known as the local gangsters, money laundering drug dealers commiting adultery (Shaban Ahmed) etc.
      We the asian community need a change and bloggs like Rothpol gives us a chance where we be open and honest and make people aware of these crooks.
      Abdul Razak would be a start.


  8. @Sarah Bodell
    “There are some very earnest, hard working and sincere people working on your behalf to expose the corruption that is rife in Rotherham”. Where ?, please name them. I have been watching the antics of RMBC for over ten years and I have not seen a shred of evidence that any Labour Member will stand up and be counted.
    Where are the so called Members who “shouted” about CSE, they all and I mean ALL, sat and said nothing, and they still say nothing.
    Where are all the so called Members who Spoke up about the so called “antics” of Ahatkr ?
    Where are all the Members, who know what`s going on with the Mayor. I don`t hear any one coming forward to offer an explanation.
    I have watched these Members in Council Meetings, they are so afraid to speak up that they look like frightened rabbits in headlights. They are so “sincere” that they sit there and do as they are told, and allow the Leader and Deputy Leader, to speak for them. They dare not stand up in the Town Hall Chamber and ask an “awkward” question, otherwise they will lose their place at the Trough.
    To be a Labour Party Member at RMBC the first and only thing that is required of you is to sit at Council Meetings, say nothing, do as your told, and stick your hand up to vote when told to do so.
    There is no one at present at RMBC who will stand up against the Party and the leader, that’s why they had a such a poor Election result.
    I ask again, Name those “Earnest, Hard working and sincere” Members.


    • Not quite true Stewart. There WAS one Labour councillor who asked questions and tried to expose the corruption of RMBC Labour Group. Look what’s happened to him now. He is even banned from entering the Town Hall by that over-paid lackey, Kimber.
      This lot requires an in-depth investigation by the police from another area, completely independent from South Yorkshire which is the only way this criminal corruption can be exposed. I say this because of the political involvement of the PCC, not because I don’t trust the local police because I do.


  9. Fiddle while Rome comes to mind.
    The antics of the Labour Group would be funny if the result of their behavior did not have such serious consequences for the town.
    A Council no longer able to make a decision, a Council that considers trade union officials mere puppets to have their strings pulled as and when required, a cover up in the making over Dodson and don`t get me onto the way Beck is conducting himself, a real smiling assassin (metaphorically speaking).
    They are unable to get a grip of the enormity of the potential losses coming their way next year and they have absolutely no idea what to do about it.

    Congratulations to Beck for keeping the fires of discontent burning bright!


  10. at the eastwood residents meeting this week this man failed to turn up along with cllr ali what a joke ….these people are voted in to help us . ali is just creaming the rewards in from his empire in eastwood


  11. Talking of boy wonder Beck, I have it on very good authority something might just be “poping up” later this year or early next year, just before his Re Election. He has a whole 9 months or so to sweat, my advice would be to jump now.


      • Don’t be silly! Unity Centre always has two Management committee members/ Directors who are RMBC councillors, it was just Becks buggins turn when he had that role.
        Company House Records say Beck is no longer a Director:
        Councillor Dominic Beck
        Born 22 years ago: Mar 1992
        Director, Councillor
        23 May 2012 — 13 Nov 2013 (1 year, 5 months, 21 days)
        … and his declaration of interests on the RMBC site confirms this.


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